Chapter 12

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Three weeks have passed since the meeting with the council. I was starting to fall back into routine that had been changed a year ago. Everyone was getting used to the steady flow of people who were out on the field. Recent news was, most people didn't know about my attack.

"What are you doing back here so soon, Benet?" One of my old trainers asked me once. Gareson pulled me aside one day, saving me from answering one of the students and told me that is was probably best to keep my attack a secret. He was afraid that if people knew I was attacked, they would panic. I had asked why we didn't keep the Russian attack a secret; it was too big to cover up. The press was all over the case before we had a chance to hide it unfortunately.

"Same reason as you," I shrug. It was becoming too easy to lie again.

"Well, good seeing you around kid." First time since I had been here that someone was actually happy to see me.

"You too," I nod before walking into the gym. Shawn and I were starting to learn how to get along but it was very slow progress. Class was already starting to warm up when I entered.

"Coffee, are you serious? And you didn't bring me any?" Maddison walks up to me.

"Um, I'm not training, you are. I am your instructor therefore I get to do whatever I want," I smirk but my small victory was crushed by the hands of Shawn.

"No, I'm the instructor and you are my helper. Therefore the coffee is mine," he grabs the coffee out of my hands and takes a big gulp from the small cup.

"I drank out of that, you know?" I plant my hands firmly on my hips.

"Yes I do know," he was the one to be smirking now.

"So close Collins, you were almost on my good side but this," I point to the coffee cup, "just ruined it."

"Well at least you're now on my good side for bringing me the coffee. I can forgive you for taking a few sips out of it."

I snort. He was so going to pay for taking my coffee. I was running on fumes again and he just took my gasoline to fuel me up and drank it.

"I'll be back," I turn around and start walking towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shawn asks, "Class is just about to start."

"To go get another coffee. If you hadn't stolen mine we wouldn't be in this situation," I open my arms facing him.

"You shouldn't rely on caffeine as much as you do," Shawn argues with me.

"Somethings got to keep me awake during the day."

"Try going to sleep at night. It normally helps," his voice hinted sarcasm as if he was mocking me for being stupid.

"Ha. Ha. Ha I-,"

"Would you two stop arguing like a married couple? For Jesus Christ! You're worse than my grandparents." We look to find Brittany standing in the door way.

"You never knew your grandparents," I say at the same time Shawn says, "What are you doing here?"

We both look at each other again, feeling another argument coming up about how I wasn't supposed to talk when he does. I would answer with 'how was I supposed to know you were talking?' We were going to good for about a couple of weeks, but all that getting along shit was blown clear out of the water.

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