Chapter 7

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I walk into the door with Brittany in tow right as Maddie is running towards it. She had tears racing down her cheeks.

What did that son of a bitch do?

Everybody watch Maddison running with sympathy. I open my arms to hug her.

"I'm so sorry," she sobs in my arms.

"What did he do?" I whisper.

"I didn't want to tell them."

"Tell them what," my voice was turning to steel.

"Your past."

Oh yeah, I was so going to kill him. No one had the right to ask about my past, let alone even know it.

"Brit, can you take her please, and get her cleaned up. Have Parker take her when you're done," I say to Brittany before saying to Maddie, "go with her please. I'll see you soon okay. It's going to be alright." But even I couldn't convince myself that it was.

"Don't make it worse please, I don't want to be anymore embarrassed."

"Don't worry," I give her a smile.

I wait till they leave the room.

"Alright, two things. First of all, what did he make her do?" I yell, my voice echoing through the room capturing everyone's attention. Thank God Shawn was not in the room.

"He made her tell him about you. He only told her what he would do if she didn't," a small voice spoke up.

"Okay, thank you. Second, you all may leave right now. I can take care of those mats." I smile.

My next mission was to find Shawn. I looked in the mat room first finding it completely dark. The next choice was the infirmary.

Mission accomplished.

He was leaning forward with his arms braced on the table.

"You had no right to do that to her," my voice was quiet but stern.

"I was teaching a class. You weren't."

"You asked her about my past, Collins. If you had asked her about her own past, I would still be pissed but forcing my best friend to talk about me. You made her break a promise that she intended on keeping till she was buried six feet under."

"You put her up to it. You looked at her when you were talking about people using the people you care about against her. You thought I wouldn't notice?"

"You son of a bitch. I was warning her. I know that she would do anything to keep me safe. I was trying to tell her that the info she may withhold is more important than me and that I can take care of myself." I was yelling now.

He turns to face me.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to know your past. I wanted to know how you can fight so well. I saw the way you panicked when I wanted you to teach." He kept his voice softer. I didn't truly believe that he regretted what he did.

"You know what was in those files so why ask her?"

"You know what those files contain?"

"You should have come to me not use my best friend against me." I ignore his question.

"I know why you didn't want anyone to know." He casted his eyes downward.

"What did she tell you?" I lowered the volume on my voice. I was scared of what he was going to say.

"You weren't gone for five months. You were gone for over a year and in June you came back for a week to get something before leaving again. She started crying when I pestered her into telling me why you were gone for so long."

"And did you get what you wanted?"

"Yes," he says the one word I was dreading the most.

"Did anyone hear?"

"No I took her in here. I'm not one to spill people's secrets in from of everyone."

"Really, because you seem like one of those people who try to make others miserable."

"You don't know what I'm like Benet. I know what is in those files so be careful what you say."

"Dammit," I mumble under my breath. He was silent.

"Why are you so interested in me? Do you some secret crush on me," I was so damn curious.

"No, but I am surprised you haven't confessed your undying love for me," he raises his eyebrows. Where the hell did he get this idea? Must have pulled somewhere out of his ass.

"You want me to confess? When I saw you time slowed to a stop. You were so perfect and I knew my life would never be the same because I had finally found you," I pause. He looked at me with wide eyes.

Oh, if only he truly knew what I was going to say.

"The one. The first boy I would ever kill," If only this was a laughing matter I would be laughing my curvy butt all the way home. His face tells me he was expecting me to confess my love for him. Ha! Not even close. I hated him.

"I'll see you tomorrow Collins."

Why was I always the one walking out on the boys? I felt like they were just staring at my swinging hips.

And why are you worried?

Oh right. I was still on my high horse. I think this was the first time I had ever left him speechless.

"Benet?" Well, that didn't last long. He always got the last word.

I was so close to the door. Half of me wanted to make a run for it, but the other half wanted to know what he was going to say. So I chose to turn and face him.

"I feel the same damn way," he smirks, that stupid sexy smirk.

"Oh thank god. I was hoping I wasn't alone with my feelings." I smile my evil smile.

"Yeah right. You better watch you back, Benet."

We both turn on each other at the same time. So much for watching my back. 

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