Chapter 11

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The council was waiting for us. Today was the day of the scheduled meeting about what was happening and what we were going to do. Of course Shawn had to come, much to my embarrassment. We hadn't seen each other since the infirmary. I was anonymously requested to take a break for the past couple of days. Bet I know who made that request.

People made a path for us walking down the hallway. Most likely they didn't want to be in Gareson's way, smart people. On my right side was Parker and my left was on the outside of our small yet powerful group. I felt out of place among so many strong people. Maybe it was because I was the only girl of the pack or maybe it was because I never led an army or been the right hand men of the Commander.

I wondered what the council would ask about my case. This past week has almost made me forget about the attack. Almost. So many people had tried to kill me before, why was this any different? For me, it wasn't. But to others, like Shawn, they had lost so many people. That is the type of case they should be worried about.

"Are you nervous?" Parker whispers in my ear.

"Why would you think that?" I answer with another question.

"Your shoulders are slumped yet your eyes dart around like you are looking for something."

I knit my eyebrows together. He was making no sense because he was so off course.

"Yeah, no. You're not even close," I scoff.

"Then where is your mind wondering off to now."

"Not telling."

Shawn looks back at us. Our eyes lock for only a few moments before I look away. I still didn't trust him, there was no way he could not be "working" for Veronica. That girl could get her grimy clutches on anyone. Before my mind could continue on with the grotesque thoughts we reach the conference rooms.

"Please don't do anything to piss of the councils, Elizabeth," Gareson gives me the look before opening the doors.

"Would you really give me that much credit?" I smirk.

We enter the same room I was in a week ago. I hear the security locks clicking as they shut the rest of the world out. The five of us stand before the screens. Slowly, the council appears on each one, making them seem so real.

"Council," Gareson welcomes without a smile.

"With you, I presume, are witnesses?" one of the males speak up.

"Yes," Gareson answers calmly. If I were speaking my sarcasm would definitely get the best of me.

"Explain what part they had."

Are you kidding me? We were in here last week. How could they not remember us? I could see maybe why they didn't recognize Shawn, but me! Seriously I was the reason we had to have this meeting, because I was too lazy to answer random, stupid questions. We were wasting some pretty precious time here! But Gareson goes on smoothly.

"Shawn Collins, he was in the Russian attack. Parker Jackson and Abby Smith were with me on the attack in Colorado. Elizabeth Benet was the target of that."

"So we meet again," The councilwoman speaks to me. Ah, so you do remember me.

"So we do," I smile. No the sweet or professional kind like I probably should be showing, but the evil one. The rest move on without acknowledging us.

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