Chapter Four

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Day one of hell.

Started off with Maddison not shutting up about this whole arranged training thing. I love her to death but she was seriously starting to get on my nerves. Parker wasn't much help either, not that I saw much of him since yesterday. It was wise of him to stay clear of me because when I did see him I tried to chop off his balls.

"Parker wanted me to film this entire thing you know?" Maddison said next to me. This comment actually made me laugh but not in the sweet, girly girl way. Yep I was going to murder him.

"Let me guess, he gave you his special camera to use."

"Why are you so mad at him?" she asks.

"I just wish he would have told me," I growled.

"At least he warned you."

"No, he warned then entire cafeteria that World War Three was going to start. That doesn't qualify as a warning in my book."

"That's not all you're mad about is it?" Maddie knew me too well.

"No, but it's not something I can talk about either.

She doesn't say anything after that, which I consider a miracle. We made a quick stop in the kitchen to grab a granola bar and an orange. With each step we made, getting closer to the training gym, I felt the chains inside my stomach tightening. Never in a million years would I show that I was afraid or even nervous, but this time it was hard to keep up the façade.

We got there seconds before the students started filing in. I search for Shawn, realizing that he wasn't even here yet.

"Hm. I can already tell he's a good trainer,"

"What do you mean?" Maddison asks.

"He's not here. He's late"

"Yea that's normal."

I just sigh. I can't believe he would be late. I'm pretty sure the entire facility wanted to see this show, obviously not him.

"Well, at least you not late." I hear Shawn's booming voice behind me.

"Like you?" I retort. I hear Maddison walk away from me.

"As long as you are here before me, you're not late. I'm always here at 8:00, but I wouldn't expect you to know the routine."

"Maddison told me the routine, just not the part when you show up." I raise my eyebrows, daring him to continue.

"Alright," he smirks, "let's see how well you follow it."

"Fine." We both turn simultaneously, facing the class, side by side.

"Warm-up," I say the same time he says, "Spar."

The class stands there frozen, not sure who to listen too. He turns back towards me arms crossed. I stay facing the class.

"Excuse me," he scoffs. Now was the time to face him, because I didn't want holes burns into my skull.

"Who gave you the authority to give commands?"

"Well, you need help teaching," I put emphasis on help. I wanted to make sure he got the memo.

"I thought you were ran through the routine."

"I was, but I decide to change it up."

"Did I say you could change it?" His centimeters away from mine.

"Pretty sure I didn't ask you." I knew my smart-mouth was going to get me into trouble one day and I think this was the day I was going to get pummeled.

Once again he just laughs. It was a super sexy laugh that would have every other girl on their knees. Not me, nope, it just made me fume.

"Exactly," he says, "but whatever you are trying to get from me isn't going to happen."

"What makes you think that you have anything I want?" I cross my arms.

"You asked if I was one of the guys in Russia. I will not give you the information you want. It's against the orders I was given."

"Who's orders?"

"Commander Gareson's."

Of course it was Gareson. Everything revolved around him and his orders. This entire assembly revolved around him.

I stand there glaring at him as he turns to the class.

"Ms. Benet," he gestures to me, "will be the dummy today."

Oh hell to the no. No, no, no. Shit.

"Let me assume that you are the demonstrator," I stated. I didn't need to ask the obvious. He was going to show who was alpha here.

He smirks.

I blow air through my cheeks and walk over to the mats. Shawn continues telling the class what we were demonstrating, what not, what not.

"You ready?" he smirks. There was no hint of concern or apologetic tone in his voice.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

We both step back into the fighting stances. He starts off with a punch. Typical, men always start with a punch. Expecting it, I block it went him for a kick. He uses my own momentum to through me off balance and he takes the advantage to throw some more techniques at me. We went on a few more minutes until I was done getting the shit beat out of me.

I glance in his eyes. He was not going to play nice.

"Alright, Collins," I spew out his name, "no more mister nice guy."

I hear Maddie gasp in the class that was watching. She already knew what was going to happen. I start going eighty percent full board on him. Ninety percent would be torture and one hundred percent would be dead.

I could hear Shawn breathing hard. He was struggling against me. I guess it was time for the student to become the teacher. A few more minutes went by. I glance up to see his eyebrows knit together in concentration. I go a little harder on him. He tries to throw another punch but it was so sloppy it wouldn't even kill a fly. I grab his wrist and force him to the ground where he was under my control.

"The lesson taught today is: don't waste your energy," I look into everyone's eyes, "you will get tired and you will lose." I let Shawn up from my grip. I look up at the clock, we fought for six minutes. A fight should never last that long.

"We are not done with this," he whispers in my ear.


I wait for Maddie to finish putting the mats away, before walking her out of the class. As a coward would do, I tried to sneak out of the room without Shawn knowing, hoping to get out the reprimand I was expecting.

"That was completely awesome," Maddie says as she comes up beside me, "they will be talking about it for weeks."

"That is the last thing I need." I say.

"Come on, you'll be famous," Maddie exclaims.

"No, I'm tired of people talking about me. They talked about me before I left and why I left, they've been talking about me and why I was back so soon, and now they can talk about how I beat up the trainer."

"You're like a prodigy." Maddie wouldn't let the subject go, but I was going to wait till we were out of the room before I had her change the subject.

"Miss Benet," Shawn calls.

"Fuck," I murmur under my breath.

"Oh you are so totally screwed," Maddie whispers while laughing. Best friend she was.

I beg with my eyes at Maddie, hoping she wouldn't leave, but she just walks out the door like I wasn't just about to get my ass handed to me.

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