Nick Fury not Nice Fury

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Its the End of Endgame. But everyone's Alive. They Handled The Snap like They Did in Guardians Of the Galaxy Vol.1, they Held each others hands. They travelled back to the moment where Thanos was arriving on Wakanda, and gave Shuri more time to remove the stone from Visions head. The Avengers gathered New recruits such as Bucky, Loki, Shang-chi, Yelena, etc..

Tony: "Finally that stupid Purple, whatever-The-Hell He is, is dead!"
T'Challa: "Yes, now The World will finally be in Peace!"
Nat: "is it just me, or does Avengers Tower Look diffrent.."
*Nick Fury comes out of The Kitchen*
Tony: "AHH! *sigh* Oh its just you Nick"
Nick: "Ugh, Well Welcome back Avengers, As you can see I rebuilt The Tower! Each of you has now their own Bedroom, And I already brought in all youre Stuff"
Sam: "Was that you who built it, or where you only the one who told youre workers to Do so?"
Nick: "I uh well..,"
Nat: " why are you so nice to us anyway?"
Nick: "Well I need you guys to go on another Mission for-"
Tony: "No!"
Steve: "We need a Break!"
Nick: "Oh come on, One last Mission and you guys can even go on Vacation!"
Tony: "I don't need the Permission of someone like you to go on Vacation!"
Nick: "Oh guys, You don't even need to leave the Tower, or to Fight!"
Thor: "I don't understand"
Quill: " Yeah what sort of Mission is that?"
Nick: "Well I need you guys to take Care of-"
Bruce: "I am sorry, but we are the Avengers, Not a Daycare"

Nick: "I wasn't done. Well what I wanted to say, Before I got Interrupted, Was that I want y'all to take Care Of a Villain."
*Loud Voices from The Kitchen*
Tony: " I... How many People are in the Kitchen?"
Nick: "13, Why?"
Tony: "... You know what nevermind"
Nick: "Bring her in!"
*A Young Teenage girl with Dark brown Hair wearing a Red Suit with a Yellow and Orange Flames Design walks in, she wears light blue Boots, and Has Blue Eyes. Hold by 11 shield Agents who are Struggling of Holding her Tight, walks in.*
Scott: " 1,2 3...7...12! Wait I tought 13?
Nick: "Uh Wheres Joe?!
S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: "On the Toilet!"
Peter P. 💭(💭means that theyre Thinking): She Looks Cute...
Wanda (who read his mind): *chuckles*
Steve: "Whats so funny?"
Wanda: "Ohh nothing..."

Nick: "Well May I introduce, Dragon-Girl!"
???: *Clears throat* "Its Lady-Dragon"
Nat : "I like her already"
Bruce: "Natasha, Please.. She is a Villain"
Clint: "Didn't she scream《I am not a Villain》?"
Nick: "Enough talking Bring her to the
Tony: "Wait what-"
Nick: "Oh didn't I mentioned that in the room next to youre New Lab is A High-tech Cell?"
Tony: "Well NO"
Nick: "Its like the one on the Helli-cartier even Stronger, even tough we don't know much about Lady-Dragon she has no Way of Escaping!"
Clint: "And what makes you sure She is the Villain?"
Maria: "she destroyed a Part of Los Angeles"
Lady-Dragon (shouting): " I protected it!

Nick: "Of course you did, Well luckily we could stop her early enough, only few were Hurt all survived."

-They Brought her To the Prison room-
Tony: "I have a Bad feeling about this.."
Lady-Dragon: "Oh don't worry I can be very Nice.."
Vision: "Is she able to hear us?"
Nick: "If she is in the actual Prison, yeah why?"
Thor: "Even I know that this is a Bad idea"
Loki: "Hm, feels weird standing here."
Nat: "Chill Loki, its not about you, this time"
Quill: "Yeah I'm outta here, If ya need me dont call me"
Nick: "Okay now that she is in Prison We'll go back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquater"

-After Nick and the agents left-
Vision: "I recommend To try to get as much as Possible useful Information about Lady-Dragon"
Nat: "He's right, So uh Lady-Dragon?"
Lady-Dragon: "Yeah?"
Nat: "So uh, do you Have a Nickname or should we call you Lady-Dragon?"
Lady-Dragon: "Jolie is fine"
Tony: "*saracsticly*Why thank you for this very useful information, Well uh Jolie what are youre Powers?"
Jolie: "Its uhh .. Elements"
Tony: " Excuse me? Elements?"
Jolie: "Yeah y'know like Water, Fire, Air, Earth and Ice"
Steve: "And May we know how you got These?"
Jolie: "Uhh,, You wouldn't get it y'know.."
Carol: "Oh we can, trust me ."
Jolie: "Okay Fine.. Dragons teached me.."

Tony: "Dragons? Seriously?!"
Jolie: "For Real? You believe in Magic, timertravel, Gods, Aliens, witches, over 100 years old guys, even speaking Racoons, but not in Dragons!"
Thor (leaning over to Sam): "whats a Racoon?"
Sam: "Are you serious? Uh Rocket is one"
Wanda: "20 years? Wait how old are you?"
Jolie: "16"
Peter: "Yes!"
-all staring at peter-

Peter(leaning towards yelena, whispering):"did I say that out loud?"
Yelena: "Yes"
Thor: "Man of Spiders seems Like He is in L-"
Peter: "Shh!"
Loki: "Chill its not about you thor"
Nat: "That Was my Line!"
Loki: "Well not anymore!"
Yelena: "Dont shout at my Sister!"
Thor:" Dont scream at my brother!"
Bucky: "Dont shout at Natasha!"
Nat: "what?"
Nat (whispering): "Why does He care about that?"
Yelena: "I dont know eith-"
Yelena *Realizes*
Yelena: "Oooh, Ship!"

Nat (too confused to understand) : "Ship? Why ship? Thats not a Harbour or even enough Water for a Ship!"
Bucky (Very emberassed): "Topic Swich please"
Strange: "So Jolie, why did you spend time in the Dragon Dimension?"
Jolie: "Well actually its not a Dimension its more a Multiverse, But I am kinda suprised you didn't know that.. arent you the Multiverse Expert in here?"
Strange: "I- how did you know that?"
Tony: *Fake clears his throat*
Strange: "Right, why did you spend time there?"

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