Hopeless Lovebirds & Peter acting Weird

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Jolie: "No Problem"
Nat: "I'm not even sure If I like him!"
Jolie: "Well, what do you think of him?"
Nat: "I don't know.."
Jolie: "Ughhhh"
Nat: "..."
Jolie: "Okay do you think he is attractive?"
Nat: "Kinda..."
Jolie: "Do you want to spend time with him?"
Nat: "I guess so.."
Jolie: "are you sad when he is Sad?"
Nat: "Yes"
Jolie: "Do you want to be more than Friends or Besties (short for Best Friends) with him?!"
Jolie: "See you have a crush on him!"
Nat: "Okaay, maybe I do... But don't tell him!"
Jolie: "fine"

It hurt Jolie that she can't tell Nat that Bucky has a crush on her too cause that would be mean. Also Bucky needs to tell that her on his own.
Nat and Jolie took the Food Bucky brought. Burgers and French Fries. Bucky, how nice he is, bought enough for Nat and Jolie.

-Meanwhile in the Avengers Tower Living room-
Steve: "Natashas 4 hours are over in half an hour. We should decide who will make the Next Hours."
Tony: "I can do it."
Steve: "Tony you should better not. The next 4 hours are in the night. It's 10 pm.  You won't be able to do that."
Tony: "What?! I only need a coffee and I'd be fine!"
Vision: "Mr. Stark you have been working all day, You should rest."

Peter: "I can do it!"
Tony: "What? No!"
Peter: "But why!? I have enough energy for the next 5 hours!"
Tony: "Okay, who gave him too much Hot chocolate?!"
Peter: "Mr. Stark I'm serious! I can do that!"
Tony: "Alright Everyone who thinks Peter should guard the Prison raises his or her Hand
*everyone raises their Hand*
Tony: "I-"
Tony: "Vision put youre Hand down!"
Peter: "Come on Mr. Stark I can do it!"

Tony: "Peter listen, You would be bored in a matter of second!"
Wanda: "Come on Tony! Can't you see he really wants to do it?!"
Tony: "Now that you say it, you really want to guard the prison"
Peter: "N-No it's not w-what I meant it's not like-"
Tony: "Peter.. could it be that you-"
Peter: "Okay Goodnight!"

Peter ran as quick as possible to his room and locked the door. Tony felt a little bad for making Peter run away.

Tony: "I think I should go to bed too.."

He stands up and leaves the room, minutes later Peter came back.

Steve: "Oh man, the hole discussion just made Tony sad and we still don't know who should watch Jolie!"
Bruce: "I don't see the Problem with her being on her own"
Clint: "it does seem the Prison is Safe enough"

Steve was a little pissed of, it's almost midnight, they're arguing, they need to take Care of a Teenage Villain after a long battle. He was so done with everyone. All he wanted was something to calm down. Then he got an Idea.

Steve: "Clint! You'll watch after her!"
Clint: "Sorry, choosing randomly works only with Stark"
Steve: "Oh come on!"
Sam 💭: "Where's Bucky? That's weird, he usually comes when Steve needs to say something... and I can't find Nat either... could it be... oh my god"

Sam had a smirk in his Face, Wanda noticed and immediately read his mind

Wanda💭: "Oh my- Sam!? What the Actual hell..."
Sam💭: "Wait no.. this makes no sense, Nat would never leave the Prison room while her 'work-shift'.. Must be something else.. I better ask that girl, Joey? No not Joey.. Jolie!"
Steve: "Guys! We need to decide now!"
Peter: "I will do it!"
Sam💭: "What!? I wanted to do it!
Sam💭: "Ughh, son of a Mother.."
Steve: "Ohh Thank you! At least Someone! *cold look to clint*"
Sam: "Ya whatever.."

A Usual (Marvel) Love Story (Peter Parker & Own Character)Where stories live. Discover now