Jolies Background-Story & Buckys Romances

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Jolie: "Well I am, I mean was, A Multiverse Traveller, but I was in some Timelines too, so I accidently Caused some Nexuses, Nexuseses? Nexuss?"
Jolie (looking at Loki): "Whats the Plural Form of Nexus?"
Loki: "I-"
Jolie: "Ohh right, That Was another Loki.."
Loki: "Whaaaaaaaaat?"
Strange: "Jolie! Please don't talk with Them about Variants, Nexus' and stuff youre breaking their Reality!"

Jolie: "Okay fine, I'll keep it down. So when I was causing Nex- *thinks* When i was causing things that Weren't supposed to Happen. The TV- *thinks again* the Time-police arrested Me, but I was able to escape. I Took one of Their Teleportation Pad-thingies And Teleported to Kamar-Taj, There They teached me and made a Portal to the Dragon Dimension. Dragons said that I had a big Mission, Stopping the Dragon of Darkness before he destroys earth. The Dragons Teached me for 20 years the Power of the Element's. But on Earth it was like 2 weeks or so that passed while that."
Strange: "Whaaaat? You were in Kamar-Taj too?!"
Jolie: "Yeah!"

Strange (I know his names Stephen I just prefer calling him strange :) ) And Jolie did a High Five. Tony gave Strange a Stop-making-friends-with-a-Villain Look that made Strange feel like his blood froze, like feeling Cold but only from The Inside of his body and there's nothing you could do about it. Strange felt so cold by his Look He even shiverd a bit. Jolie Was looking around the Prison room.

Its a very Huge Room, in the middle of It was a Normal sized Room, the actual Prison. Its Walls were made out of Glass, but you could Clearly see how thic they were, Impossible to Break. The  Room had something like A window you couldn't close. It Was Very, very Small, probably to bring in food for the Prisoner.
Inside the Prison itself there were a Table, a Chair and a Actually a bit comfortable looking Bed, you could see that there was another room In the Room, probably a Bathroom.
But what Jolie Couldn't see was a Door.

Jolie 💭: "How the Hell am I supposed to get in there?!"
Wanda: "That's actually a good Question.."
Tony: "What do you mean?"
Wanda: "huh what?"
Nat: "What do you think is a good Question?"
Wanda: "How is Jolie supposed to get in there?"
Bruce: "That's where I come in!"

Bruce led Jolie and the Others to a Platform with a button on the ground.
Pietro almost Go on the Platform, If Bruce didn't stopped him.

Bruce: " Don't step on that!"
Pietro: "now I want to press it even more"
Nat: "Banner, would you show how Ton- I mean you're construction works?"

Bucky had a smile on his Face when Nat talked. What he didn't knew was that Yelena looked at him.

Bruce: "Well, Jolie would you please Step on the Platform?"
Jolie: "Me!? NUH-UH! He can!" *pointing on Pietro*
Loki: "Ugh, fine I'll take Care of it"

Loki throws a Cookie on the Platform
Jolie looks at it

Jolie: "seriously?"
Tony: "Yeah Loki what the Hell?"

The Cookie gets teleported inside of the Prison

Jolie: "wow.."

Loki: "Y'know what F*ck it!"

Loki pushes Jolie on the Platform.
Jolie gets teleported inside

Steve: "Language!"
Jolie: "Hey! Get me outta Her!"
Peter 💭: "She Looks so cute when she's angry..."
Wanda 💭: "Wow, Pete you gotta chill, you guys just met.."

Tony:" So now that's settled, we need to choose who guards her, at what time, and how long."
Clint: "We should change it every 4 hours."
Tony: "Good plan, who wanna go First?"
Peter: "I will!"
Tony: "uh, no"
Peter: "What why?!"
Tony: "why are you so concerned about it anyways?"
Peter: "Its uh cause I uh I- uhm".
Tony: "End of discussion!"
T'Challa: "Then who shall go First?"
Tony: "Hmm, Bucky! You'll start!"
Bucky: "Me? Why so?
Tony:" Cause I said so!"

Thor: "You heard Tony, there's nothing to change.."
Bucky: "Ugghhh, fine"
Tony: "Okay guys let's get outta here."
-The Avengers left the Prison room-
-awkward silence-
Jolie: "So, uh Bucky.."
Bucky*annoyed*: "James"
Jolie: "What?"
Bucky*still annoyed*: "only my friends can call me bucky"
Jolie: "alright, sorry."

Even tough the Ex-Assain had a emotionless serious Expression, Well not emotionless more annoyed, he felt bad. Bad for being so rude to her. So he asked with a small smile:

Bucky: "What did you wanted to ask?"
Jolie: "What is youre Superpower?"
Bucky: "Well, it's not a real superpower but I'm good with weapons and I can fight."
Jolie: "So like Natasha right?"

Jolie didn't knew how awkward it was for Bucky that she mentioned Nat. He blushed lightly when she said her name. He awkwardly tried to hide it by looking in an other direction.
But he wasn't fast enough, Jolie did saw him Blushing.

Jolie: "Whaaaaaat!? NO WAY!"
Bucky: "please Don't shout."
Bucky: "ˢᵗᵒᵖ ˢʰᵒᵘᵗⁱⁿᵍ"
Bucky: "JOLIE!"
Jolie: "Uh, yeah?"
Bucky: "I don't want the Others to know.."
Jolie:" What? Why?"
Bucky: "she doesn't even likes me at all."
Jolie: "Dont worry about it! You're awesome the way you are! I'm sure if you tell her she will Fall for you immediately!"
Bucky: "Thanks Jolie."
Jolie: "No Problem!"

Bucky: "Soo what about you? Do you have a 'crush' on someone?"

Bucky felt weird when he said Crush  tough he was unfrozen for more than years by now, he still need to learn how Teens talk.

Jolie: "No not yet..."
Bucky: "What about Peter?"
Jolie: "Peter? That Teenage Avenger? What should be with him?"
Bucky: "Do you like him?"
Jolie: "Uhh, I'm afraid the 4 hours are over now"
Bucky *chuckles*: "Haha, bye Jolie!"
Jolie: "Bye James!"
Bucky: "Please, call me bucky!"

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