Frovers (Friend-Lovers)

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Steve: "So Jolie, tell me did you had any problems with your New Room?"
Jolie: "uhhhh.. no. No I didn't"
Clint: "That's good to hear!"
Jolie:" Yeahh... anyways! The food is really good, Vision"
Vision: "Thank you, but I made it with Wanda!"
Vision smiled and looked at Wanda. She took his hand and smiled back.

Wanda:"Thanks Vis!"
Pietro: *intense death stare at vision*
Bucky (russian): "He's probably feeling uncomfortable "
Nat (Russian): "Obviously "
Sam (to Steve): "What do you think their  talking about?"
Steve (to sam):" probably about us"
Bruce: *just casually eating while listening to Tony*
Tony: "So I said no to him, scared of him getting rejected or worse.."
Thor (trying not to cry): "ⁱ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᵒᵏᵃʸ!?"

After Lunch

Pietro: "Hey Jolie! Wanna watch a movie with us?"
Jolie: "uhm, sure! But who's 'us'"
Pietro: "actually Loki made me ask you, he's just to social awkward to ask you"
Loki (under a blanket): *Demonic screech*
Pietro: "See?"
Jolie (chuckles): "Alright I'll watch a movie with ya guys!"
Bucky (looking at Nat):" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Nat: "Yup"

A few minutes later:

Peter: "Watching a movie with Pietro and loki? Why not!"
Bucky: "Great!"

Nat: "So?"
Pietro: "Sure he can join, but why didn't he asked us himself?"
Nat: "Oh, you know.. Peter n' stuff.."
Pietro: "Uh okay?"
Nat: "Great!"

Later on all were sitting on the couch, Peter was on the toilet, Jolie making Popcorn in the kitchen. The couch in the Living/movie room was sized for like 9 to 10 people, but Natasha and Bucky managed that everyone took up so much space that there were only enough place for 2 people next to each other. Jolie came back with a huge bowl of Popcorn in her hand, Wanda helping her moving the others With magic. She made one for each. Wanda didn't wanted to watch a movie cause she already had a 'date' with Vision in the Parc. She just helped her out bringing the Popcorn bowls. Jolie sat down on the couch next to Natasha. And then Peter came in. He looked on the couch and realised the only free space was next to Jolie.

He wasn't mad at her because of what happened, it's more he can't stop smiling in her near and get super red In his face. He always stutters when talking to her and compliments her, thinks out loud and is just really awkward. He sits next to her and sees everyone with Popcorn bowls in their hands. He looks around to realise that he doesn't has one. Jolie sees that and says to him

Jolie: "Sorry! I didn't know you'll come too.."
Peter: "N-No problem, really!"
Jolie: "No, we can share if you want to!"
Peter: "No, no it's fi-"
Jolie: "I won't accept a no!"
Peter (chuckles):" Okay! Fine we'll share"
Jolie (smiles):"That's more I like it!"
Loki: "Are you guys done flirting? I would like to start the Movie!"

Both Jolie and Peter blushed when loki accused them of flirting. The movie started and the Harry Potter theme song started playing. Jolie Was excited for the movie cause she never watched it before. Everything was going fine..

until The scene with Voldemorts first appearance was on screen, Jolie was very scared because she just doesn't likes scary faces. Out of a habit she grabbed the Arm of the person on her right, who is Peter. Without knowing she hugged Peters left arm and layed her head on his shoulder. Peter's Heart beat doubled once he realised who actually is that near to him. Natasha noticed that quickly (but how could she not, she literally watched them the entire time). She (nat) tapped Bucky's shoulder and pointed to the 'couple'.

A warm smile came in Buckys Face. Not because she's with Peter. More because he can feel that Jolie is starting to get Comfortable in the Tower. And then.. it made 'click' in his head. His face went dark. He felt that for Tony and Steve everything was going after plan. The plan to Trap Jolie with false trust. He promised himself that he would let nothing hurt Jolie. She was like a small sister to him.. tough they don't know each other alot, she already had a special place in his heart. He came back from the sea of thoughts in his head and looked around the Room. His eyes stopped at Peter and Jolie.

Bucky PoV.:
I zoomed out for some time. When I were back I looked around the Movie room to make sure no one noticed. Especially Natasha. I don't want her to think that I'm a freak, but luckily she was watching the movie. I kept on looking and saw jolie and Peter... very close together. From the Right ankle you could think they're glued to each other. Something felt off. I don't know what, but I have the feeling somethings here doesn't works.. What if.. No.. he wouldn't... would he? I had a bad feeling about their relationship.. that Peter was just acting that he works with Tony and Steve and all the others that plan on giving Jolie Fake trust. But wait no Peter wouldn't do that.. would he? I was scared, scared about what will happen to Jolie. It could break her heart if she finds out. No!  I won't let it happen.. I won't let anything happen to her. Even if I have to stand up against Steve. Even if I have to stand up against the World! Even if I have to stand up against the love of his life, I will protect Jolie from all the horrible things in the world, from all the Horrible people in the World, from the liars, the trust thief's and everyone that plan to hurt her. I will protect her. Whatever it takes, even if it's my own life

End of PoV.

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