That didn't go as planned /1

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Introduction first because yeah.
I was listening to Brighton Rock and I came up with this.
Main girl is called Aria(I'm watching pretty little liars if u can't tell) Martin.
She's 20, just finished college, a psychology major. She plays drums in her and her best friend's, who plays bass, band,(I can't think of a name yet)
Her friend, Jamie decided he wanted to spend summer in Brighton with Aria to see their collective favourite band, Queen, who have decided to play a show every second  weekend until mid August and neither Aria or the blonde man knew what to expect to come out of 3 months in Brighton.

Few trigger warnings: drug use, alcohol. I'll add more to the start of chapters if I need to<3 (also Paul prenter)
May 15th 1979.
Aria's pov.

The small holiday home me and Jamie decided to rent in the outskirts of Brighton is nothing short of the bare necessities, two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen and living room area and a small back garden. It's just about enough for us, we don't really like the big things in life, the simple things is enough for us, since we left all the extravaganza of the gated community we lived in in London for a simpler life, well not exactly simple. Both of us are rich, we just hate how we grew up, everything associated with wealth wasn't something neither of us wanted, the dinners, the status, both of us opting to live a quiet life, sure its more flashy than most normal lives. I inherited money from my father when he died and Jamie inherited money aswell. We both love music and had decided to start a band with 2 of our friends, Florence, our guitarist, she's great and Daniel our front man. We are pretty well known around our side of London but in the grand scheme of things, we're basically non existent.

I decide to head off to the beach, its the middle of may and the weather is beginning to improve and I want to relax for the day until I have to get ready for first show tonight. I unpack my bags and put everything into the wardrobe and dressers in the room. After this, I picked a white sundress, tan wedges and a pair of sunglasses and pack a bag, sandwiches, water and suncream, things of that sort.

About half an hour later, I arrive at the beach and lay a towel down near a little rock arrangement. I pull off the sundress so I am in my white bikini and lie down, reading a book that I have recently become enthralled by. It's about 2 people who couldn't be together as one was engaged to be married and the other was left alone in love with a soon to be married man.

I lay basking in the soft may sun for a few hours until a big inflatable ball hits me. I look up from my book and see a blonde and a brunette pacing over to me. I stand up and grab the ball and that's when i recognise the faces of the men.
"Sorry about that, I'm Roger by the way." The short haired blonde says.
"I- oh my god, Roger fucking Taylor." I say unable to form coherent sentences.
"Deaky, I think we have found a fan, call bri and Fred over, I think she'll be good fun." He says and John nods and trods off.
"I'm Aria, me and my friend are huge fans, he's going to kill me when he finds out."
"Your the Aria? The one who has bought tickets to every show we're doing while we stay here?" He says, a smile creeping across his face.
"That would be me, yeah." I say as the other three join him.
"Boys, you know the girl we've been talking about, the one who bought a ticket to every show?"
"Are you wher?" Freddie asks me, a grin also forming on his face.
"Yeah, Aria by the way." I say before freddie engulfs me in a hug, I'm guessing he's overly friendly to new people or maybe he's just happy, I don't know. When he pulls away he sits on my towel and the rest join him, I sit in between Roger and John.
"So, why every show, not just one? Surely you'll get bored." John says, rolling the ball to Brian who passes it back.
"Well, I suppose I wanted to see you in concert, I've never been to one of yours before and I've heard all these stories of how interesting the people at your concerts are and from what I've heard, none of your shows are the same and I'd like to experience it."
"6 times in a year darling, you must really love us." Freddie announces, throwing the ball at Me.
"Alot, your music's a life saver, literally."
The rest of the day goes well, they give me two backstage passes that I can use whenever and invitations to all the after show parties. I get a few pictures with them and head home, ready to brag to Jamie about meeting queen.

Dear Diary, I Met A Boy. (Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now