they love us/4

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saturday night came and went. the show went great and the crowd loved us. i met a girl afterwards, Laura and we met at a cofee shop wednesday past. turns out she had been to one of our gigs in london when she visited her cousin. i really like her we have decided to have a movie night some time soon.

now its the following week and me and jamie are getting ready for the queen show. ive decided to wear a blue mini dress and heels (should be in the top picture) and light glowy makeup. i set my hair in rollers as its still damp and let it dry out in them. jamie asks me for outfit advice and i tell him he should pick the first shirt, a white shirt that buttons half ways and the blue jeans. we leave the small rental in a taxy heading for the venue.

we arrive half an hour later and head inside to the front row, deciding againt pre drinks. the show starts twenty minutes later and i find my eyes glued to roger, the funny faces me makes when hes concentrating, the odd smile he'd flash freddie during one of brians never ending guitar solos, how him and john would communicate to eachother when john would turn around. i cant tear my eyes away and before i know it im sitting beside him backstage drinking with him.
"how did the meeting go? i heard you got a deal." he says, taking a drag of his fag.
"it went well yeah, we have an agreement that we play every saturday you dont play with a few other acts and if the crowd likes us theyll see wheren it goes."
"sounds good, i think you lot got a whole lotta potential as a group and id like to see what you all can do."
"thanks, wanna get out of here? i heard of a club down the road and jamie wont go with me so i figured id ask you."
"ill call a cab." he says and heads out of the room. i grab my small bag and tell jamie i might not be home till late and that ill call him if anything happens and follow roger.

we sit drinking in the taxi as we drive down the town to the club, laughing at all the drunk people on the sides of the road. when we get to the club, roger gets us into the vip area. we end up doing shots and dancing for hours until somehow we are in a taxi heading for his hotel kissing.

the next morning (i hate this but yk)

i wake up with a banging headache and a naked sweaty roger on top of me. a sudden burst of shame floods over me and i want to leave before he wakes up but i cant as he has me trapped. i lie trying to put two and two together until i have pieced together the whole night and by then roger has woken up.
"ive wanted to do that since i met you."
"so i dont even get a morning?"
"sorry, love, i just say whats on my mind." he says and kisses me. i dont know what got into me but we ended up fucking again and he makes me breakfast before i leave in a taxi in my clothes from last night. a moment im not very proud of.

when i get back to the rental i have to explain where ive been to jamie and he gives me a whole lecture on how much of a stupid decision it was but i couldnt disagree with him more. hes very good at it and i feel no reason to regret it any longer.


i might have covid (yay) and wanted to finish this one so i could start the next chapter and i really hate the ending of this one.

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