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the next 6 months, i feel like im on top of the world. we got a record deal and are half way through recording our album, "blank canvas", names by jamie after one of the singles he wrote. me and roger are doing great, we dont stay over st eachothers much, due to our work and hes on tour now and is due back next week. i miss him alot and he offered to take me with him but i couldnt go due to the album.

we finished up recording for the day and ive decided to head home early, instead of writing more as my arms are killing me from all the drumming. when i get home, the phones been ringing. i answer it, turns out it was roger. when we decided to be official, we decided to keep it between us as i did not want people to think i was only with him for benefit of the band and he liked having little secrets. we end up chatting for a few hours about the album and the tour. by the time im off the phone, im too tired to do much else so i get in the shower and afterwards  go to bed.

the next day, i awake not knowing that it woukd be one of the worst days of my life. i get ready and head down to the studio where i bump into a brown haired girl, she looks around rogers age.
"im so sorry, let me give you a hand." i say, picking up some forms that fell from her grasp.
"im dominique, you must be Aria, ive heard about your band, you seem to be doing well for yourselves."
"its nice to meet you, we are yeah, thanks."
"its nice to meet you too, i better run, i have to post these off."
"ill see you around i assume."
"you too." she says and walks off. she seems proper nice, like she couldnt hurt a fly.

i enter my bands studio, greeted by paul prenter, a man i have come to heavily dislike.
"i see you met rogers fiancee." he says and i feel my heart break for the girl and myself.
"he never said he was engaged." i say, trying to sound disinterested.
"yeah, theyre to be married next month." he adds and the air leaves my lungs.
"she seems lovely."
"she is, theyve been together since '71."
"look, tell the band i have a headache and ive gone home, since im early and all will you?"
"yeah, but if they dont believe me im saying you are just lazy." he says as i walk out of the room, heading for my car.

when i get home, i cant help but cry, trying to think of what i could do. i cant think staright so i decide to sit in the living room with blankets and eat my weight. the man i am pretty sure i love is engaged and i didnt know? ive never been a homewrecker in my 21 years of life. i dont even know what i will say to him, the mature part of me is telling me to call him and end it, the slightly less mature part of me is telling me to wait till hes home next week, invite him to dinner and drop the bombshell that i know on him and the completely immature side of me is telling me to stay with him.

after much battle to the first two, i know the last one isnt even an option, i decide to go with the second option for my own personal entertainment, god id love to see his face when i drop it on him.

but now, for the next 5 days all i can do is feel heartbroken.

this fics only gonna be 10 or so chapters , the end is in sight but im having an inner battle on what  to do with it.

Dear Diary, I Met A Boy. (Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now