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me and jamie have begun packing up the stuff we brought with us, boxing up the clothes and little souveniers we brought. we're nearly done when the phone rings and i go to answer it.
"hey, love, its roger, do you have a minute?"
"yeah, but be quick."
"i will be. when you're back at london, do you want to come over to mine for a few hours, you cant stay over or anything, im having a few things done, or we can go to yours."
"mines works, how about tomorow around fourish?"
"sounds good, hows packing going?"
"we're basically done, we'll be well gone out of here by three this evening."
"thats good, ill let you get it finished now, safe travels."
"yeah, thanks. see you tomorow."
"you too, bye."
"bye." i say and put the phone down and get back to packing.

me and roger have been sleeping together every weekend he was here and both of us knew it wasnt meaningless anymore, not at this point. we've stayed up from dusk till dawn nights just talking , i dont think you do that if its just meaningless sex.

we finish packing and put everything in the car, locking up the house and putting the keys in the postbox like the landlady told us to. we decided that jamie would drive the first hour and id drive the rest as its not too long of a drive. i get in the passenger seat and put on the radio and we drive home.

jamie leaves me off at my house in chelsea that once belonged to my granny. it was where i always wanted to live since i was young, it was always a desirable place, sure i never liked all the buzz around money and status but i always loved it here, it was where i spent my summers with my grandparents and it felt like home to me my whole life. i head inside and place my stuff down in the hallway, immedietly heading for the bathroom to prepare a bath.

the next day comes quickly. roger called me at ten to find out my adress and i went to the shops for a few hours afterwards and four o clock slowly aproached. my heart jumped in my chest when the doorbell rang five minutes before four as i made some pasta bake.
"you have a beautiful house, god, mines not even this nice." he says, sitting by the fire in the living room.
"you're just saying that. im making food, want some?"
"when have i ever refused food? i brought some of that wine you like." he says and hands me the bottle hes holding.
"pour us two glasses, theyre in the cabinet in the dining room."
"will do." he says as i walk back to the kitchen. i finish up the meal and plate it out, taking it to the dining room and placing his plate unfront of him and mine across from him.
"i wanted to tell you something tonight, its ok if you dont feel the same way, but if you dont, we need to stop sleeping together." he says half way through dinner and i begin to get nervous. "look, i dont know, but ive never felt this way about anyone, you are all i think about, day and night, i hate being away from you." he pauses and a wave if relief washes over me and im grinning like a cheshire cat.
"i feel the same way, i wasnt sure if  you did, thats why i didnt say anything." i say as he stands up and walks over to me, kissing me. when he pulls away he has another one of those bright smiles over his face and i could just melt.
"this could be a stupid question but will you be my girlfriend?"
"of course i will."i say, kissing him again.


"do you have to go?" i say, turning over to face him where hes standing at the other side of my bed.
"yeah, i promised deaky id come over and watch robert and michael so him and ronnie can go out for a bit, they havent been out since michael was born."
"thats fair, ill walk you out, i suppose." i say, putting on my night gown.

after roger leaves, i get a shower and clean up the half eaten food and watching a movie. i realise how different my life is now than what i imagined it would be like at the start of may, a potential record deal, a rockstar boyfriend, i feel like my life is finally going somehwere.


the house in my head looks like the one in the header picture but with red rustic brick yk.

Dear Diary, I Met A Boy. (Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now