so whens the wedding?/8

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ive asked him over to mine for a night tomorow as he has come back home. ive decided that i want to act like everythings normal and then drop it on him. i get dressed up, he asked me to dress up so i decide to put on a short tight red dress and a pair of heels. i do my hair and make up and by the time im ready, the timer on the oven has weant off on the lasagna i made. i dish it out and cut the garlic bread i also prepared, deciding to make it a good meal as i havent eaten much all week.

half an hour later, there's a knock on the door. i fix myself up and answer the door to a very smiley roger carrying a boquet of roses and i cant help but wonder if he gave dominique the same.
"you look lovely." he says and kisses me.
"so do you, come in i woukd hate if you were to get sick."i say, the last bit being a lie as he is hurting 2 women at the same time. he does look great, hes wearing a navy suit as per our little tradition we had where wed dress up and eat in.
"ive missed you." he says, kissing me once more as we head to the dining room which is lathered in candles to set the perfect scene for me to dump him.
"and i you, now lets eat before the food gets cold." i say and we sit down to the meal.

i allow myself to enjoy his company, its silly but i do love him, ive never felt this strongly about anyone. i feel calm around him but at the same time, everytime he touches me i feel like my skin is on fire, its unexplainable, but i know this is the end, no matter how much its going to hurt and lord knows it alreaady does, hes broke my trust and i cant forgive him for that. we chat about the tour, where he sees us going and i allow him to imagine all these stupid ideas hes entertaining in his head, i know its horrible but he has been horrible to me and his soon to be wife.

"come with me, i have a suprise for you." i say and he follows me to the living room after we have finished our meal. we sit on the sofa facing the fireplace and i pull out a small rectangular box and a card.
"you didnt have to, love."
"i felt like i did." i say and hand it to him. he opens the  card and his smile fades.
"congrats on your engagement, love, Aria. who told you that i was engaged?"
"of course it was. you have to believe me, i broke off the engagement a month before i met you." he says as a tear rolls down his cheek.
"how am i supposed to believe you? im told you are engaged, now you're telling me you're not. what am i supposed to believe? if its even a question that you are and i have to hear it from someone else, i dont know, it hurts and i dont know if i can be with you anymore unless you are somehow able to prove you areny engaged." i say and the tears ive been holding back all night escape.
"ill do anything, i missed you so much on tour, all i could think about was coming home to you, god i was going to ask you to move in with me, either here or my place or a new place together."
"i love you, but we need to call it here, i dont know if its forever or until i can trust you again. i believe you when you say you called it off with her but i need time and you need to re earn my trust."
"i know, i hate that i hurt you." he says and i dont really know what to say so i just hug him.

he leaves half an hour later and i feel my heart break one more time. i know it will take a long time to get over him, if at all. its easier to get over someone if you fell out of love before you broke up, but when you're still head over heels, its not as easy as it seems, it takes a while to simmer out.

this fics not the best but i like writing it ykyk

Dear Diary, I Met A Boy. (Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now