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Korey's POV:

I had alot of fun today with Mason,after we ate and had a little chat at the Cafe he took me to the park,we were playing in a field of dandelions and a few kids joined us,I saw him smiling and it made me happy

We spent 2 hours playing with the kids then unfortunately we all left,after that we went to a restaurant and ate,he paid,we spent an hour there,then we decided to leave but the time was 6:36pm,Mason said that he wanted to show me something

"Put this on" he said ,I looked at it and noticed it was a blindfold, I trust him but let's just say I'd rather not put on a blindfold,he must've noticed my hesitation and he chuckled

"Don't worry, I swear it's worth it,plus it won't be long it'll just take a few minutes to walk to where I'm gonna show you" I calm down a bit but then I noticed he had a bag on his back I glared at it then I turned to him

"Please? Don't you trust me?" He frowned at my hesitation,I sighed and took the blindfold,he smiled a toothy grin and it made my heart flutter and i blushed while I tied the blindfold around my eyes

I felt Mason's warm hands around my wrist and I followed him,after a few minutes of waking my legs ached and I stopped,making Mason also stop,"what's wrong pup?" He asked worried,"my legs hurt" I whined,he chuckled and for a moment he let go of my hands

I was about to panic when suddenly I felt my feet lift off the floor and I felt one of Mason's hands holding my feet and the other holding my back,that's when it hit me that he's holding me in bridal style

I was blushing like crazy so I hid my face in his chest and I heard him chuckle,he began walking again,after a few minutes he stops and puts me down,my heart was still beating quickly and my face red as a tomato

"You can take it off now" Mason said,I wasted no time and took it off,I looked at my surroundings and noticed we were, in a cave? But it was very beautiful, there was a lake there and colorful gems that lit up the gave and made it look breathtaking

"It's beautiful..."I said while still looking around, Mason let out a relived laugh and I looked at him "I thought you'd hate it" he said nervously, I giggled and shook my head "nah, I love it,it's beautiful and it seems very peaceful" I said while closing my eyes and smiling

I opened my eyes and noticed that Mason was next to me giving me a mischievous grin,I glared at him and I ran away from him already knowing it looks like he wants to throw me in the water,he ran after me while laughing

I screamed "boi!!!I don't have spare clothes,leave me alone!!" He laughed louder,I turned and notice he's close to me I screamed again and he ran faster but he caught me,he lifted me up above his head as if I weighed nothing to him

"MASON STOPP!!"I screamed but he threw me in the water and jumped in,fuckk the water was cold,I glared at him and he laughed "let's just mess around for a while?" I rolled my eyes and splashed water in his eyes

I started swimming quickly from him but he ducked under the water and grabbed my foot,pulling me down,i held my breath as this fool dragged me under the water with him,he smiled at me under the water and I blushed

I swam up to the water seeking for air,a few minutes later I noticed Mason still didn't come up,I started to panic and held my breath and ducked back under the water,i noticed Mason sinking deeper and I dived into the water to reach him,I grabbed his hand

I started swimming back up to shore,it was a struggle since Mason is much bigger and heavier than I am,I pulled him back on land,"Mason?!" I screamed but he wasn't breathing,I wasn't even thinking I immediately performed CPR on him,I hit his chest but once again I got no response

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