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Mason's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I was met with confused faces staring at me,"the fuck are you guys looking at" I groaned as I slowly got up,"you,why'd you suddenly just pass out like that?" Vampire boy asked

Honestly..I don't even know..

"Listen,I'm going to be the bigger man and apologize to you Vampire boy and beta boy,I'm sorry for acting crazy for the littlest matters,I'm just stressed I guess" I blurted out

They both exchanged looks and then burst out in a fit of laughter,"I accept the apology I guess,I completely understand that you're stressed but don't be a bitch about it"  Vampire boy said and beta boy just nodded

"So?,why'd you just pass out like that?" Kathrine repeated while looking at me with concerned eyes,I shrugged," I don't quite remember..I just remember feeling like my entire body was being electrocuted then I passed out and now I'm awake" I explained

She looked at me with an unreadable expression,"Please try to remember Mason,WHAT DID YOU SEE WHILE YOU WERE PASSED OUT?!!,you were calling out to Korey!" She screamed as she shook me

"Can't quite think with you shaking me Kathrine" I chuckled and she cleared her throat as she tried to compose herself,They all stared at me making me slightly nervous

I was calling out to Korey?

"What the hell happened Rio?"  I questioned my wolf, "Korey reached out to us" Rio informed nonchalantly,"Rio,what the fuck? This is good news" I screamed

"All we know is that he's alive,we remember nothing else.." he sighed hopelessly and I knew not to bother him any further as he too was frustrated with the situation

"So?.." someone interrupted my thoughts and I was snapped back to reality,"nothing..I remember nothing" I muttered,beta boy let out a sigh and exited the room,Vampire boy following behind him

I looked up wondering why Kathrine didn't leave as well,she just blanky looked at me,"You must be so disappointed right?..I'm so-" before I can finish my sentence she hugged me

Her soft tender hands caressing my head and the heat from her body comforting me,before I knew it tears were streaming down my face,I've never felt so warm and safe like this ever since my mother left me..

"It's okay Mason" were the words that left her mouth,she didn't seem upset,she didn't seem disappointed,she just seemed to care for me..

I hugged her back and buried my face into the crook of her neck as I cried silently

{Korey's POV}

My entire body was in pain,it felt as if all the bones in my body were broken into pieces and my skin was tearing but yet not a drop of blood could be seen on me

A dark cold place is all my eyes can see,the room smelled of chemicals,who brought me here and why were the main questions that were flowing into my mind

Why am I in so much pain?..

"You're not supposed to be awake that's why,you're supposed to be asleep for 1 month at least" Kian explained,"Then why am I awake?..." I asked,"because you're in danger" he responded

My heart sank hearing those words...I'm in so much pain,I can barely move,does that mean I'm gonna die here?,without a fight?..

"What about Mason?!,I just sa-" I asked,"it's surprising that you did that..but you weren't able to tell him where you were..so it was useless" Kian sighed

My entire body stiffened as I heard a door opening,it was Jackson..my ex

"Hey" he greeted as if he totally didn't just kidnapped me,"WHY AM I HERE?!? LET ME GO!!" I screamed but was immediately shut up by a hand slapping me across my face

A man dressed in black appeared out of nowhere,"I didn't kidnap you I was paid to tell these gentlemen your address" Jackson explained pointing at the hooded man and 3 other men dressed in black appeared behind him

One lifted my chin and examined my face,"you hid your scent very well kid" he said in a raspy voice, the others just looked at me as if they wanted to devour me

"Don't worry,we aren't going to kill you...yet,we need your blood" he grinned,"my b-blood?.." I muttered,"yes,your blood is truly one of a kind" he said dreaming as he sniffed my neck,his eyes disgustingly rolling back in absolute delight

"Night night for now little one" he chirped as he took out a syringe,my eyes widened in fear and I was about to scream but it was muffled due to a piece of metal that was now over my mouth
"MHMPPP!!" were the only sound that I could make in protest,I cried and shook my head hoping that they can feel at least a bit of pity

My efforts were in vain,the man stabbed the syringe into my neck emptying it's remains,slowly I began to slip in and out of consciousness and I just hoped this will all be over soon and with that I let the darkness envelope me..

Mason's POV:

I walked back to the pack house in absolute despair,finally I arrived and the pack healer was relieved to see me

"Where's my dad?" I asked as I made my way over to the little girl that was now sitting in the corner of the room lost in thought,"he's tending to a matter" Lucio explained

I knelt down infront of the small timid looking child,she smells like an omega

Her eyes were a light brown complimenting her caramel skin,long black lashes and thick eyebrows,her figure was so small you would think she was a 4-5 year old that hadn't eaten in weeks

Now that she was clean,I noticed the bruises on her arms and legs they probably weren't that bad as they weren't wrapped in bandages like some other wounds

"Hello,are you feeling better?" I asked with a smile slowly reaching out to pat her head,she flinched a bit but eventually sank into my touch with a nod

"Could you tell me who attacked you and your mom,that's if you remember anything" I question hoping not to come off as desperate as I was for answers

"I-i remember everything.." she muttered looking up at me with eyes that showed absolute hopelessness and grieve but yet she wasn't crying...


A/N: hey loves,sorry for the extremely long wait,honestly,I had completely forgotten about this story and suddenly remembered it yesterday and saw that it was blowing up and I'm really grateful for that. Thank you guy's

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