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Mason's POV:

I stood there,near the forest with an aching heart,did..did my mate just reject me and called me a monster??,my heart was beating so hard that it was hurting

My heart felt like it was gonna explode,I felt tears rolling down my cheek,I wanted to rip my heart out,just stop the pain,I fell to the ground and curled up like a ball

I tried digging my chest,yes it hurts but not as much as how Korey rejected and called me a monster,I started sobbing and scratching my chest painfully

My low sobs turned into bawling and I started scratching my chest even harder that any nearby wolf could smell my blood,I closed my eyes tightly and begged for the pain to go away

I howled in pain a few times,I heard footsteps coming close to me but I didn't open my eyes and continued bawling and scratching at my chest

"Future Alpha,what happened?!" I heard a familiar voice asked,it sounded like my beta,Zane,not only is he my beta but he's my best friend

"He rejected me" I yelled and bawled even louder,"oh no" he repeatedly said,I felt him helping me up,but I was bleeding and was in so much that I passed out


"Don't worry Alpha,young Mason is alright,but he's emotionally damaged,trust me,I know how it feels to be rejected by one's mate" a voice said,it sounded like one of our pack healers

"He rejected me" I mumbled,I wanted to scratch my chest again but felt them chained,I growled,I still couldn't open my eyes,the world seems colorless without Korey

"Stop trying to rip your heart out boy" my dad said and I growled again,"Alpha,please leave,I'm gonna have a chat with him and try getting him to open his eyes" the healer said

I heard my dad leaving and someone coming closer to me,"young Mason,please open your eyes" he said but I once again tugged on the chains and tried scratching my chest

"Stop" he demanded and I yelled,"WHAT'S THE POINT IN LIVING WHEN HE REJECTED ME?" I yelled and I heard a low whimper,"Sorry" I mumbled

"It's alright,young Mason,I know how it feels to be rejected by one's mate" Lucio,the healer said,"yeah,will the pain go away?" I asked as I slowly began to open my eyes

"Not really,it will ease and won't hurt as much but the pain and hurt will never leave you,unless your mate dies.." Lucio explain and I growled at the words 'mate dies',i wouldn't want anything happening to Korey

"Young Mason,just give the young mate a while,could you explain to me what really happened?" Lucio asked and I explained everything and that he called me a monster

"Young Mason,he's probably just terrified,he saw you shifting,I'm sure if you gaved him some space and let him figure this out he'll come back to you" Lucio said and I just sighed as my heart ached and Rio longed to have Korey in our arms

"Fine,I'll give him time...unchain me,I'm going to Zane" I said and he unchain me,"Young Mason,do not try scratching your chest again,or you'll be in these chains much longer" he said and I just sighed and walked out

Pack members tried not to look at me as I wandered around looking for Zane,but I could sense their worries and their pity,I went deep into the forest to get away from them

I saw Zane by a river and I sat next to him,"you alright?"He asked and I looked at him and growled "My mate called me a monster and basically rejected me and you're asking me if I'm alright?"

"Damn,I'm not tryna be like you...ma boi" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes,"just give the boy more time,he's just scared" Zane said while tapping my shoulder

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