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Mason's POV:

(Masive time skip: 1 week before Korey's birthday AKA his shifting day)

1 week until Korey's birthday,I noticed bags under his eyes,he's eating less,he's worried about his transformation,I shouldn't have told him that it would be painful

I sighed as I thought of ways to make Korey sleep and eat more,I was like that when it was 2 weeks before my transformation,I remember that my mom sang songs and comforted me until that time came

Maybe I can comfort Korey like that..

At Korey's house~

I knocked on the door and it flew open in a second,"good,you're here,I have to go somewhere to prepare a space for Korey's transformation" Kathrine said while hurrying past me

Damn,she's fast,I wonder,what does her wolf look like?

I went inside,locked the door behind me and went up to Korey's room,it was slightly open,I peeped in and saw Korey laying on his bed,just staring at the ceiling

I sighed and lightly knocked the door,he looked at me then went back to staring at the ceiling I sighed again and went inside,I sat on his bed and looked at him

He mumbled something under his breath,"what?" I asked,he sighed and he turned his back to me and hugged his knees to his chest

"Why couldn't I just be a normal human boy?" He suddenly asked,feeling dejected by him asking that,I questioned"what's that supposed to mean?"

He sighed,"I want to be normal,Mason,I don't want to go through all this pain and suffering, I just- I just want to be normal" he gloomily said

"I'll be there with you every step of the way Korey..I already promised you that,I'm glad you're not human..it's not so bad being a werewolf y'know,for instance; you scraped your leg,it can easily heal within a few seconds,there's alot of good things that come out of being a wolf" I explicated

He sighed and said nothing more,after a few moments of silence he finally spoke up,"I'm scared...why? I don't even know,I don't even know if I'm happy or sad about being a...wolf..,hell,I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel" he ranted and I listened

I wish I could give him some sort of advice on this but I don't really know how he feels,I grew up knowing I was a wolf,he grew up thinking he was a human..we aren't on the same boat right now

"Let him see me" Rio suggested,I thought about it for a while and I mean,why not,"wanna see my wolf?" I asked,he didn't even glance at me,"I already saw it" he mumbled

"Not really,you can see me close up,you barely saw shit" I said,he stayed like that for a moment before looking at me,I had on a grin and he rolled his eyes,"you're a plain brown wolf"  he muttered

I pouted,"that's what you saw,i'm not even brown,well,my fur colors change for some reason but,the disrespect,you're seeing my wolf whether you like it or now" I said while grabbing his wrist and pulling him off of the bed and out of his room

Few minutes later~

"Here's a great spot" I muttered to myself,"you stand over there Korey" I ordered,he listened and just looked at me,I looked at his eyes and there's a bit of fear in them

"Just know I won't purposely hurt you Korey" I said,his eyes met mine and he gave me a slight nod,I started taking off my shirt and pants,"what the fuck are you doing Mason?!" He whisper yelled while turning away from me

"Taking off my clothes" I mumbled,oh yeah,nudity isn't that normal with him,"it's actually a very normal thing,well,to us wolves I guess" I continued

"Why do you need to do that" he asked,not daring to turn around,"when we transform,our clothes get ripped up so when we don't have extra we just take off our clothes I guess" I explained while taking off my boxers

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