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Y/n POV:

I was again trying to defeat the boss on this round but got interrupted by the silver of sunlight through my curtains,I really was trying to ignore it until the sun decided to curse me with it's light by angling to my eye,I felt my eye throb from it's light and I cursed it's brightness

Just as Arthur decided to enter my room and seeing me roll against my carpet floor made me feel embarrassed and made me stand up as fast as flash

Arthur may have kept a poker face but I could see his shoulders shake a bit It was clear he was laughing at my childish deeds and I don't blame him it was pretty childish indeed

Anyways Arthur came beside me to show me a newspaper???

"Since you like reading newspaper a lot,how about this,it says here "warning and precaution must not read for the weak hearted""Now that's strange,why would they give a warning through the newspaper,this is why we have technology!!!"He looked at me knowing I didn't watch the news

"master you never really turned your tv on another channel,which is why you didn't hear the news from the news lady,she was telling us of these specific people for being heros,especially since these people help the asylum to capture those who they call"slashers""

When I heard that name I immediately asked him,who were the ones who was caught and who are still being hunted.

"'s on the newspaper how about you read it,since I still have paperwork to continue🙂"Arthur said with a smile,I yanked the newspaper off his hands and started reading the supposedly caught "slashers"

Ok so the ones that are caught were Jason Voorhees,Micheal Myers,Freddy Krueger,Leatherface,Hannibal,three ghostfaces,Brahms heelshire and Norman bates

They all sound badass,but it seems that society hates them,that's gotta have to be pushed at the back of my head first cause I am feeling really hungry right now cause you know what food IS life and I definitely agree to that fact.


After my breakfast and a good amount of shower I am finally all good and functioning again but not without coffee,I was working on my unfinished paperwork's which was alot btw since I only work morning to afternoon and then evening is my "game night"which was disapproved by Arthur,But nonetheless I was almost done with my paperwork when a sudden vibrate of my phone stopped me

I was at first curious knowing that my employees would only call on Saturdays and Sundays but it was Tuesday today so I quickly picked up my phone to see who called me at 3 of the afternoon only to make my mood deflate and my anxiety to fly off the roof,the one person who made me felt like her problems were my doing and didn't care for me when I was kneeling for help,my dear beloved ex-bestfriend.

I didn't know what to do so I tried to ring the telephone for Arthur but he wasn't at his office,so I turned back on my phone and stared at the callers name with hate and malice but at the same time anxious to answer it since she hasn't talked to me after I told her she was a toxic friend,of course she raged on me that I was pathetic and just so dramatic,then left with the stolen money from me,which was 4 years now

The ringing stopped again,she was being so desperate to reach out to me but I'm still recovering from her so I waited another minute for it to stop,

It was already 4:56 and it was still ringing for me to answer which I now did since it was annoying me and I finally settled down a bit

"Hello?"I called"Oh my God!!y/n you finally answered me I was ringing for so long that I started thinking you were deaf to not hear your phone!I'm tired of standing up all day so come pick me up on the airport quickly cause I have a date tonight with baron,ok y/n oh and also don't make me wait for you just because your anime is on show,you understand that right?so bye bye!!"

She talked like we had met yesterday,did she really think that we were still friends??And I didn't even get to talk,I just listened to her like an obedient dog.

I sighed now having a battle in my head,do I really wanna go or do I wanna stay?Why do I feel like I'm trapped?!Is she here to apologize??

I finally have decided even tho she's a bit mean maybe we could still fix our friendship,I started thinking to myself and the thought of fixing this problem builds up hope in me,so I stand up and march up to my drawer to get my car keys and ran out of the house passing by Arthur who just came back.

"Slow down master you might trip on small rocks on the way"Welp I guess it was too late cause I'm now falling down.

I'm finally on the airport waiting for her to come,I texted her that I'm here now,I was waiting for her while scrolling on my phone,She replied back to me telling to look behind so I did,and I regretted it,she was their flesh and blood waving at me with her black skimpy dress that almost made the men around me snap their necks to just to look at her,and also her face looked like she got layers of make-up,I smiled and waved a bit

Which I was really trying not to cringe on the outside because I know she would just judge me and call me a fag and that I am so plain-looking

We were heading home with Casey on the passengers seat,when her phone went out and she answered it with a dramatic hi,and went on and on about her adventure out the country,she also talked about getting married to a guy named Derick

But I could've sworn she told me about a date with her college bf baron so who TF is Derick???

I was about to open my mouth and ask her when she turned to me and gave me a nasty glare,she always do that when I piss her off but she looks more terrifying when face to face,I immediately shut my mouth so I wouldn't get a scolding from her,Now I really feel like an obedient dog to an toxic owner.

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