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??? POV:

It was another day in our lives and here we are currently eating what the caretakers call "food" which doesn't look like one but I guess I gotta eat it to survive,when out of nowhere the cafeteria's speaker went off

"Good morning you bunch of sick fucks, Its me the fucking owner of this building,anyways I would like for the caretakers to report to my office after breakfast thanks for listening and may the rest who heard my words.
Go to hell."

Wow...that was something, I looked at the table next to me to see a laughing crisp of a corpse pointing at a curly masked boy who seemed sad about being laughed at.

I grumbled at that I've always hated bullies they just make my blood boil and makes me do bad things but mama said to not act reckless or else I'll be put back at the "white room".

which by far is not good and by that I mean bad,Out of nowhere someone slapped the back of my head and said

"Eat faster dipshit!!!Im starving here and I could only eat if your back on your stupid cell!"

I wrote on my paper telling him that he could just eat with me,I showed it to him which made his face scrunch up in disgust and yelled at me.

"Don't make me laugh,me and you eat together NEVER and ever will that happen you MASKED FREAK!!"

He yelled on and on about us being underlings of the devil to end human lives which was not true at all but even tho he told me these stuff in the past years it still affects me....I'm still human after all...

Arthurs POV:

Welp isn't this day just the best,I finally have my day off for the last 3 months I thought I was gonna be a walking corpse,anyways master seem busy these days he even skipped breakfast till dinner but I'm guessing that he's eating unhealthy food inside his office

For the past 2 days I enjoyed mocking the whore down the basement which was quite fun especially seeing as she weeps and wriggles around the ropes which I tightened immediately noticing that she might get a chance of escaping which would cause me a big death glare from master

I shuddered just by thinking of it,I would rather bury myself instead of receiving the end of master eyes

As what I was doing I quite don't know but I guess I'm making lunch for the starving dog I wouldn't want to let her die so soon.

Y/n POV:

FUCK!!I almost had that bitch,what the fuck!!!I was raging on this bullshit I fucking lost again I thought I fucking had that shot but NO!!Some motherfucker think their cool as shit shot and took my fucking kill!!!

I raised my hand decide to just murder my fucking controller when a sudden ring of my personal telephone resonated my ears,I diverted my attention to it and answered it

"Hello this is the McDonald's manager,how can I help you for this afternoon?" I asked "Hello master I would like to ask permission if the dog is allowed to be fed?" A familiar voice said "Ok just make sure her feeding bowl is nice and clean I don't want my pet dog to catch such illness before we go for a "walk" down the forest."

I answered with a smile "By the way how's your day off going I'm sure your doing great" I muse seeing as this was another chance to annoy him

"I'm doing quite well master,Also make sure you eat properly or else I'll snitch on you to mama Lucy she will give you a good three hour lecture on healthy and unhealthy properties based by different types of food"

"Don't you dare or I will also tell on Lucy about your donut stash above the high shelves" I threatened "....FINE!!..I won't snitch on you...but still you gotta eat healthy food too I can ask Lucy to make you toast or would you rather go for garlic or butter one,doesn't matter I gotta go, master the dog is already whining to be fed." He said quickly.

"Ok bye make sure to at least take fifteen steps away from her cause I'm sure that my dog got rabies" I cut the call after our talk and looked back at my tv which was still paused which kind of made me laugh seeing as I was about to quit the game

"Hmm..maybe I'll take Arthurs offer on healthy morning cause I'm starting to feel the gurgling of my stomaches due to lack of nutrients on those chips and cola but I also want to sleep so I did the most rational thing humans do which is to....sleep goodnight world.

sleep goodnight world

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