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Lucy POV:

It has been an hour since the meeting starting and I'm kind of getting anxious,I didn't like how that man was eyeing me down like some prey,

I knew that he had bad intentions which is why it scared me since I'm not really a fighter and also too fragile for bruises,But I do wish good luck to master and to Arthur.

Oliver POV:

I saw that vile man eye my lovely Lucy,She was so frightened like a kitten which made my blood boil from anger.

I wanted to end that man
With my bare hands and crush his skull till his all ashes,but that can wait a bit,cause I still needed to comfort my Lucy,seeing her like this is kinda cute tho<3.

Y/n POV:

This was going nowhere,It was only suppose to be a simple discussion of the asylum instead this man keeps talking about how "sexy" and "hot" Lucy was,I really wanted this to end right now but I can't cause he might threatened to cut the deal off.

"Well hehe since it's been an hour now how about this,I accept your deal of getting the maniacs and psychos of my back but in one condition." He said.

I was curious of this condition so I questions "and what is this condition you speak of?" He smirked and say "I want the girl" My eyes Widen,I felt furious to think he suggested this to me

Arthur knew I was about to kill the man so Arthur went to step in and try to negotiate with him "Sir if you excuse me but the workers in this household is not suppose to be part of this" Arthur said,The man turned to him and yelled, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO INTERRUPT US LIKE THAT,DONT JUST JUMP IN OUR CONVERSATIONS YOUR JUST A STUPID ASSISSANT NOTHING ELSE,SO STAY BY YOUR TITLE AND KNOW YOUR PLACE!!!".

Arthur POV:

The man yelled at my face,he even spat saliva which was gross,but I had to stay polite,I looked by master to see him standing with something on his grasp,I turned back and said

"Sir I suggest we end this meeting here and call it a deal"I said, "No shut up you stupid idiot,It's my business so I shoul- " He was cut off by a gun shoved at his jaw,He looked back at master and saw him with a cold stare

"How about this,I get those people off your back but without any conditions,And we also forget this talk ever happened,do we have a deal?"

Master threatened him making the man stare at him with fear before nodding,Master removed the gun and hid it somewhere else

"So now that it's settled please sign these papers and then your dismissed." Master said,I looked at my files to see the paper for their agreement was gone,I guess master was slick with his hands.

The man signed the papers with silence and then passed on to me,before he stand up and walked to the door

"Wait sir!" He turned back and looked at me, "I'll call Lucy for assistance on your leave" I said,He nervously nodded and turned to the door to get out.

"So master..." I turned back to master to see him staring the man down with an unreadable emotion,But I do know it had a hint of mischief with it so I didn't bother and turned to my papers to keep myself busy

Lucy POV:

I was called to the office to assist the guest leave,when I walked to the door I see the guest already their waiting for me with tense shoulders

I smiled seeing as master did this for me,when the guest saw me he quickly asked me where the exit was and when I did he practically ran out never to be seen again.

Oliver popped by the corner to see the man ran out the doors,He walked to me and asked what happened and I explained it to him,He laughed and told me he would've done much worse

I sometimes question what is going on with his mind but I guess that's how men goes always a mystery.


It was quiet around midnight,which cause me to be startled as I heard a scream causing me to drop everything and ran upstairs,

I also saw Arthur and Oliver running this way,I was nervous on what's happening.

When we reached the door Arthur wasted no time and slammed the door open,just to see master laughing with joy we look at each other and came near master to see what he was currently doing,we caught a glimpse of paper when master noticed our presence he shoved the paper at our faces and said

"I GOT THE IT!!!!" I was confused but when I saw what the papers were I stared wide eyed and let a big smile on my face "We got the deal settled immediately without any problems which means we can get them sent here on our choice of day!"

Arthurs mouth dropped and snatched the paper off master hands,he took a quick reading when he confirmed it he looked at master still having his mouth agape looking like it's gonna get loose any minute now,

While Oliver noticed this and laughed at Arthurs reaction seeing that his expression confirms that master was saying the truth.

"Guess we gotta prepare for our next step" Master said to us making our attention turn to him and he went to get the papers back and dismiss us "Go on an have a break for a bit while I do the work and clear any disturbance on my schedule" We left the office and went down onto our previous work with an excited look.

Y/n POV:

I dismissed my employees and assistant to finish their task while I continue mine

"I'm finally near my plan it turns out much more easier than I expected."

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