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Authors POV:

Giggles were heard in the hallways which startled Lucy who was cleaning the halls,but then reminded what day it was today she just smiled and went back to work

Y/n POV:
It was finally today and I also can't wait for the owner of the asylum to come here,It was quite easy to talk with him knowing my reputation also with a little bit of money he was sold on meeting me.

"Welp it's quite a lovely day today So how about a daily dose of caffeine?"

I passed by the door leading to the basement when out of nowhere,I heard a voice whispering and talking,I stopped and listened by the door,It seems that my "bestfriend" was talking with someone.

I ripped the door open and stomped down the stairs to see her whispering on a phone,how the heck did she get that!?!??

She turned her head in my direction and screamed my address through the phone,I ran and snatched the phone from her grasp then I stopped the call.

She scrambled to get away from me but seeing as her ankle was chained to the ground she couldn't back away any further "How did you get this phone?" She was shaking but It didn't bother me.

I was mad on how she could just get her hands on this phone which is my personal one for ordering pizza

"I asked you how did you get this phone and where did you get it from?" I asked her a bit more softer than before,She opened her mouth to answer "....I- took it f-from-m your f-friend's pocket-t..." She said,I guess I have to talk with Arthur about bringing a phone down here from now on.

I sighed and looked at her,She was skinny and had red eyes probably from crying too much,I also noticed her voice was scratchy guess I forgot to order Arthur to feed her daily to keep her alive.

"Hey..." She perked up and looked at me with fear and a bit confused "Are you..uhm...hungry..?" She looked happy for a bit until she started shaking again,I realized what I just said and went to explain to her properly "No No,It won't be poisoned I swear it look hungry so how about I make you food" I offered with a smile.

She nodded quite fast that I was scared that her neck would break, "Ok,wait for a bit I'll make you a meal,I won't be gone for too long!" I ran upstairs and then locked the basement door to make sure she doesn't try or even think of escaping this house.

Arthur POV:


Y/n POV:

Why do I hear screaming,nah probably just myself,I continued my way into the kitchen to make some food for my "friend".


I have finally fed the woman with my food and was in the middle of the game when out of nowhere someone knocked

"Don't disturb me or else Im gonna get killed!!" Arthur entered my room without permission and told me to stop the game "Master this is important could you please pause the game for a sec?"

"What's so important that I have to pause my game?" I turned to Arthur "Well he's here." I was confused at first until I my eyes Widen in realization.

"Oh shit" I quickly picked up the mess on my office,cleaned my desk and fixed myself up for my meeting with Mr.R/n,I pushed Arthur out and told him to prepare the room for us and then I shut the door to continue prepping up

Arthur POV:

Master had assign me to prepare this room for the meeting it was soundproof so no spies could hear the conversations master makes with his guests,I passes by Lucy to tell her that the guest is coming which she knew she had to make coffee for.

"Now that this is settled,what time is it?" I checked my wrist to see that it's 1:48 which made me sigh in relief seeing as the meeting starts at 2:00,I went to my sit and re-checked the files that master sent me it took quite a while but after the last paper I was done.

"Wow didn't know this man has his own reputation but I guess that's what makes him popular" I looked back my watch and saw what time it was almost time the door opened and I saw master running to his chair,after he settled down,the door opened again to see Lucy leading the guest who was eyeing her behind,when the guest fully entered the room Lucy quickly left the room away from this man

Master saw it and sent a glared to the guest way which went unnoticed by the man who sat down across masters seat.

Masters glared faded down turning into a smile not really expressing but did cover up the glare he had earlier and welcomed the guest.

"Now how about we begin with our topic on hand."

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