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Arthur POV:

FUCK!!! that sly cat is back in the house I thought her vacation ends till Tuesday,ugh this is so annoying how am I suppose to enjoy my day off!

"Arthur!" SHIT!?! "Hello their my favorite assistant how are you doing this lovely morning?"She said "It was great." I said,she tilted her head and grinned with mischief "was?" Welp guess I'm stuck here till she gets tired of me WHICH is never.

Lucy POV:

Oh my,I'm quite famished,maybe I should cook for breakfast,As I walk along the halls to the kitchen I was suddenly hit with a good smell,I turned to the counter to see my husband Oliver,he was cooking a feast for us.

I looked towards the living room to see Arthur with Ivory,huh they seem to be in a nice mood guess they decided to make up for once.

Maybe I could bring master something to eat at least so that he doesn't go empty the chips aisle of the pantry.

Oliver POV:

I was cooking breakfast when I heard someone coming to the kitchen,I tried to take a peek thinking it was the Arthur and Ivory but it turned out to be my gorgeous wife.

I stared at her,I quickly went back to cooking after she turned her head on my direction.

Oh god,I bet she's thinking of how good of a husband I am!!Wait if I finished this immediately I might get to spend more time with her!!

Y/n POV:

Hmm,I should really get up from my bed this time around but I feel like I'm forgetting something,I'm sure I finished all my papers,also made it clear to Ivory not to barge in my room again,and my schedule is all wiped so I have no paperwork to do,so what in the nine circles of hell am I missing??


Arthur POV:

What the fuck is this bitch spouting about,I was sure she was talking about taking masters rival 6 feet under,but then transitioning to dating a fucking billionaire just to spite the man's ex.

I was about to fucking sew this motherfuckers mouth when my phone rang.

I turned to Ivory and told her to "stop bitchin' for a minute" she was understandably upset but went to shut her trap after we both saw who was calling.

"Ooo~ someone's in trouble!" Ivory said with a grin on her HIDEOUS face,I answered the phone while glaring at this hoe.

"Yes master is there anything you need besides telling me to get you chips from the pantry aisle?" It was silent from the other side of the phone,I was quite shock to not hear master to start ranting about which chips to get and what flavour.

"Uhm..master is there something wrong..?" I asked again while looking at Ivory,she must have been also questioning seeing as it showed through her expression.

I heard an inhale,and then mumbling thought the phone "Hello master are you there?" He seems to be telling me something but I can't hear it.

But then her repeats the question,which made ivory's face confused and betrayal,while my eyes widen,I immediately stood up and ran to the pantry which startled Lucy making Oliver turn to see what happened and him yelling about startling his wife.

I didn't listen to the rant as I was looking through the lower section of the food aisle,as I saw what I was looking for I raced out of the pantry.

Lucy POV:

Arthur looked like he was in a hurry which also made me question as to why,as a hand slid to my waist I looked to my side to see Oliver "Are you okay,were you hurt when that dumb dog ran by you?" He asked as he had a face of concern, "I'm alright dear you didn't have to lecture him." "But he almost pushed you to the side and you could have hit the counter." He answered back with a stern look making me smile as he was only scared for my safety.

"It's okay now Oliver I wasn't hurt,so you can calm down now alright?" I said as I give him a kiss,he was more calmer now and decided to hug me close.

"Aww how cute!!So when's the baby shower?" I was startled to hear someone as I turned to look and to see Ivory sitting on the counter with her legs crossed and her chin on her hand with a big smirk on her face.

Oliver turned then laughed and said "that will only happen if my wife allows for it."As he turned to see me a bright red.

"A-anyways what made Arthur run like he's fire?" I say,trying change the subject "Well about that,I was gonna ask you guys a question instead." She said with a grim look on her face,which was odd seeing as she only acts this way if she feel insecure or if she doesn't get what she wants,which is also very rare.

"If your gonna say something morbid then Im gonna throw you out this window." Oliver said with a cold smile that made me unsettled, "I heard boss talking about feeding the dog,but as far as I know we never have dogs seeing as your allergic to fur Oliver sir." I was at first appalled to hear the word "dog" seeing as Oliver was in fact allergic,but then I remember we never did have dogs.

"Oh so what your saying is that..?" Oliver urged Ivory to continue "So I would like to I not good enough for boss anymore...?" Ivory looked at us with a pained expression "What?" I asked with a shocked face turning at Oliver to see him also with a unreadable look,"Was I too much for boss to handle that he found me a replacement that easily over the span of 2 months...?" "What no master never looked anywhere to replace you!" I answered as I went to near her "Who and what made you think of that honey..?".

"Was it Arthur's fault?I'll make sure to remove a few teeth on him." Oliver said cracking his knuckles,right he was this way seeing as he saw Ivory as our little girl, "Then can you explain to me who she is?".

I waited for her to continue "Who is Casey and why does it seem like she's boss's top priority?" She finally look at us again with a look of untrust.

Oliver has a blank look while I finally realize what she meant and said "Oh."


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