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Ivory's POV:

Finally im home from all the ruckus in the city,guess it has been so long without my presence here that i realize some of master's servants are new.

Oh right and i miss looking at boss's handsome face too!!From his scarred neck to his formal hair,i mean how could such neat looks pair into a childish person.

I take out my phone to look at the last photo i took of him which was 2 months ago,at that time i was running late making me hurry up and leave but not without taking a quick pick of my boss with a filter on,he was confused which just made him more cuter.

Hehehe blackmail material~Eh whatever just glad that im still boss's favorite girl unlike that DOG casey

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Hehehe blackmail material~Eh whatever just glad that im still boss's favorite girl unlike that DOG casey.

Arthur's POV:

What the fuck is this bitch staring at the wall for.

As i was walking through the halls i happen to pass by the living room to see this hoe daydreaming,how the fuck do you daydream while looking like your getting flashbacks from dating a gorilla?

Anyways i speedwalk my way up to the stairs before i get contaminated by her stupidity into masters office.

I knocked on the door to announce my arrival to which i got a response from.

"Good afternoon master,it is currently  2:35 and i would like to deliver you the news" I said while fixing my posture to seem more professional.

I looked to see that master was already up which was a shocker but nothing new seeing as he does stay up all night playing games and reading online books.

"Arthur my boy i have a favor to ask you so could you be so kind to grant it?"Master said finally noticing me after a few while "Well master i could grant your favor but there is something that i would like for you to know."

"Oh is that so?" He replied "yes and seeing as i have your attention,there was a bit of uhm...changes that happened while we were lollygagging..""changes?if this is about the contract with that man then don't worry for i could take care of him."

"Eh...thats not it its about the slashers that were talking here,you see something happen just two days ago which caused us more problem"

He looked confused as he motioned for me to continue.

"Our original number of rooms are supposedly the right amount of number of them being sent here,but then Mr.(R/N) has decided to post pone our contract."

"WHAT!?!WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE POST PONED THE CONTRACT!!?"He yelled stunned to hear what news i delivered to him.

"But he made a deal master" I countered.

"He said that what if we wait for all the slashers to get captured before they send them to us and to not worry as he'll try not to prolong the contract,after all they have a new addition to there circus."

"I guess we could allow i guess more time to prepare for their arrivals!"

Master seemed more determined for their stay in the mansion,but for us this would be a big change in the house after all who in their right minds would want murderers to live in your own comfort of a home.

Y/n's POV:

                      OH MY GOD!!!

Out of all the things to happen this just adds up!

Wait a second he said theirs a new addition to his circus is he saying that another killer is caught!!

I ran downstairs into to the living room and looked for the remote then turning on the tv to see the news,it was then revealed that the killer was one of the wanted sinclair brother's but they only caught two of the brothers saying that they are still on the hunt for the third one.

Damn how good are these hunters on taking down notorious killers one by one?

Now im starting to get nervous that they would find out about my job behind the scenes maybe i should stay low for now.

I heard shuffling behind so i turned around to see lucy.

"Master have you finished your work yet?"she asked.

"No im not done yet just came down to watch the news."i replied sighing as i felt exhausted from running down the stairs.

"Oh is that so,i thought you had your own tv in your bedroom?"i looked at her and then realized that she was right i could've just walked to the door connected from my office to my bedroom to see a tv.

Now i felt stupid for being here standing in the middle of the room re-thinking of what i did.

Lucy walked near me and started comforting me.

"There there master,we all make quick choices sometimes its nothing to be worried about"as she pats back.

"Would you like anything to eat this afternoon?""can i just have a pudding with a side of chocolate milk..."

"Ok master" "thank you..🥲"


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