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Unknown POV:

Damn it! I didn't think that a simple mistake could lead to this!

I ran away from the police as i was far too invested in diverting their attention from chasing me,which caused me to be here right now.

I looked around to see myself in an alleyway realizing what I've done.

Shit!! i by accident cornered myself in an alleyway!!

As i try to back out the alley a cop car has suddenly blocked the way,leaving me to find another way to escape.

And just as i found a way out i felt a sting on the side of my stomach,after that i was left paralyzed.

I watched as my vision turns darker as i hear the cops walking towards me with a tazer.

Im sorry bo,i couldn't escape them no longer.

Police POV:

God damn,we almost lost this guy,how the fuck is he so quick on his feet?

Ah shucks you know what nevermind that we still need to call the asylum for this maybe one of their stray animals.

"Alfred call the asylum we need them here as quick as possible."I ordered as alfred nodded at me.

Now i gotta confirm a report for this killer,alright.

Victim:Abby leroy
Description:long black hair,brown apron,yellow sweater and a melted waxed mask

Hmm..i think i saw his name somewhere...

I felt a hand around my shoulder,which startled me causing me to slap the hand away.

Realizing it was alfred i calm down"so got any response from them?"He nodded as i ordered the other policemen to clear the way for the incoming backup.

This is quite a stressful day.


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