Chapter Forty-Nine

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Little by little, Tiriana went from sleeping for two hours, to four, until finally, mercifully, she slept through the night. The first time she did it, Arielle awoke terrified, practically vaulting from the bed to the cradle at the foot when she realized the baby had not woken her at all. Relief surged through her with enough force that she actually grew dizzy as Tiriana sighed in her sleep and smiled. She knew she'd nearly killed her mother and apparently it amused her.

They hired a nanny for her, a dwarf woman who was neither too young nor too pretty and who absolutely adored Tiriana and as summer gave way to autumn and autumn crept toward winter, both Thorin and Arielle were no longer quite as frazzled.

One afternoon, Arielle returned from shopping with Dis in Dale, to find Brena, the nanny, in the nursery, which had been only recently added to their apartment, tidying up. Tiriana, however, was nowhere to be found.

"Ah, Your Highness," Brena said, tucking several stuffed animals onto a shelf, "His Highness and the Princess are in the courtyard."

"He is home already? He was supposed to be in Esgaroth for the day."

"He never went. He was about to leave, when I realized the princess felt a little warm, so he stayed here to keep an eye on her, although I told him I was perfectly capable of caring for her."

Arielle set down the parcels she carried. "Tiri is sick?"

"She felt a little warm and His Highness said I wasn't to bother you, but that you and Lady Dis had plans and you should keep them." Brena stowed several more stuffed animals away. "But, they are, as I said, in the courtyard."

"Thank you, Brena."

"Of course. Did you and Lady Dis enjoy yourselves?"

"We did. A little bit of early Yule shopping and she needed to speak to someone about the flowers for Kili and Tauriel's wedding as well."

"Is that to take place here? I thought it would be held in Mirkwood."

"I'm not sure and I am not getting involved."

"Probably wise."

"If Tiri isn't feeling well, I'll look after her. Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon for yourself? His Highness and I can do the rest."

"Are you certain? I don't mind—"

Arielle smiled. "I know you don't. Go and enjoy yourself."

"Thank you."

"Of course." Arielle gathered her parcels to drop of in their bedchamber and she smiled as she heard Brena singing softly to herself as she finished tidying up the nursery. She had been a godsend and in the few months she'd been in their service, Arielle had grown quiet fond of her.

As she made her way up toward the Great Hall, Arielle couldn't help but notice just how quiet it was in Erebor these days. Oh, the noise grew almost deafening down near the forges, but as all of the construction had finally finished, and the workmen had scattered to the winds once more, a sense of peace settled over the city.

Thorin's official coronation had been scheduled for after Yule. The Throne Room was once more the showpiece of Erebor, although try as she might, she simply couldn't see Thorin being happy sitting in there day after day, while people came from all around to try to win his favor. He didn't strike her as being that sort of leader. He had spent so many decades wandering from place to place, she couldn't help but wonder how he would adjust to remaining almost tied to Erebor.

It was a glorious autumn afternoon and sunshine flooded the courtyard. A blanket had been laid out in the far corner, where the sun was the brightest, but aside from a a scattering of baby toys, it was empty.

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