27: Lady Ravensfield Returns

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27: Lady Ravensfield Returns

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Blayne proffered his hand which Millie accepted as she delicately exited the carriage to stand before him. When their gazes met, there was a brief glint of warmth as she considered him but then she averted her concentration, her features schooled into her disciplined and coldly austere visage.

Implacably aloof.

He hated it.

Diverting his attention, he found himself stunned by the sheer size of the estate and the manor house before him. Millie had not exaggerated about the wealth behind her family's name.

The establishment was vast- a house simply was not a suitable term to describe it. In Blayne's mind, it was what he would consider a palace, at least. Their team of horses and carriages had pulled to a stop in the front of the building, greeted by a tall façade that spoke of a combination between Baroque and Palladian architecture, indicative by the large columns trailing from the darkened gable towering above them. Numerous Venetian windows littered the outside of the structure that stretched out to either side of them. The lawns and gardens sprawling behind traversed for miles yet and Millie had explained that the land belonged to them, that it was considered their ducal seat, that much of the property had grounds dedicated to woodlands and forest to encourage the upkeep of wildlife for the pastime of hunting.

Something he had little interest in, nor did she.

He supposed there was little pleasure to be taken in the activity when one was all too familiar with what it was like to be hunted.

They were greeted by the serving staff that tended the upkeep of the grounds and house, and Millie turned to regard them now with the same coldly indifferent expression on her face. She took his arm and waited for him to guide her forward, reminded him with a gentle nudge that he was the Duke of Ravensfield... and he was expected to act like it.

Just how the hell he felt about that, Blayne couldn't be sure.

Behind them, there were two other carriages other than their own- both carrying the ornate ducal crest of swords and ravens gilded onto the sides of the conveyances. From these emerged Rogane and the twins, and the last one Mr and Mrs Holt, who were accompanying them at Millie's insistence. They had called upon Mrs Addilyn Holt but a few hours prior to obtain their marriage certificate and extend their hospitality since the Holt's refused to accept monetary form of payment for their services and loyalty. Their business endeavour was proving a lucrative one since the publicity it had garnered through their involvement with Millie, and their human clientele tended to join through curiosity and intrigue alone more than anything else- according to Addy at least.

Besides all that, Blayne sensed that his wife truly liked Addilyn Holt and considered her a friend, and he understood with all that Millie had been through she was eager to keep those that she adored close to her- and safe. At his insistence, both Finnegan and Addilyn had acquiesced to a brief sojourn in the country- simply because he and Millie enjoyed their company, and they could do with all the support offered to them at the moment.

The Llaelleanoid had followed closely too, though its presence remained unseen, yet Blayne was aware that it lingered nearby to its mistress. He wondered at that- the desire of a creature so rare he had only chanced to see it but a few times before in his life, yet now it wholeheartedly felt beholden to a small human woman.

Their boots crunched over the damp gravel, a light sheen of sleet falling about them, and soon Rogane and the twins fell into step. Kaede whistled, his face tilted to the vast expanse of grey brick sprawling out before him. "And to think we have had to sleep in the dirt in that hovel of yours all these years," he told Blayne. Stopping, he squinted at the building speculatively. "I imagine we would be able to host quite a few celebrations here. Perhaps your wife would be so kind as to invite a few willing and eager ladies-"

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