29: A Beastkeeper's Grievance

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29: A Beastkeeper's Grievance

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Seven Days Later


It would be lamentable of me not to expect your hesitation at accepting my sincerest apologies at what I only conceived as having your best interests at heart. I am under no allusions that your forgiveness will be issued freely, therefore I do not expect it.

However, I must express my gratitude at your insistence of rectifying the discord in our small family unit. I can only extend my desire to see our union as fortuitous rather than rifted as it has been throughout the years due to the past grievances of our kin.

It is with regret that I must admit my decline to your request to meet prior to your introductory ball. However, you can and may expect my attendance at the aforementioned event- it is better for us to stand unified in the face of speculation and scandal rather than add unnecessary intrigue to a gossip's repertoire. Perhaps this could be construed as a step forward towards a peaceful and amiable union of our family once more.


Theobald Adams


She started, turning her head towards the sound of her husband's irate voice even as she folded Theo's correspondence into her fist and tucked it away for further contemplation later. He flew into the room dressed in tailored refinery in preparation for the ball commencing in the lower halls of the estate house. Blayne was groomed and polished, a transformation that did not detract from his appeal in the slightest and she silently appreciated his appearance while a dark mood convalesced over his thunderous brow.

With a dismissive gesture of her hands, the two ladies' maids quickly took their leave in a flutter of delicate wings and lithe, graceful limbs. Lea and Nethany snickered discreetly as they passed Blayne, which only served to add to the blackening expression on his face. He glowered at their exit for a moment and then continued to stalk towards his wife, his tail swaying from side to side in agitation.

And it was then that Millie noticed what had possibly caused his discontent and she had to place her fingers over her lips to keep from smiling.

Are we about to have our first disagreement? she asked him, brows lifted in query.


Oh, dear. She stood then, uncurling her legs from where they had been tucked under the stool before her vanity. His gaze flared with molten heat as he considered her length, but his eyes narrowed and he was gesturing to his tail.

"Is this a joke?"

Along the graceful expanse of the appendage were intermittent little white ribbons. He whipped it harshly, sending the adornments scattering across their chamber.

I did not instruct Benson to dress you as such, Millie said calmly.

Blayne expelled a breath, running his hand through his neatly styled hair and mussing it thoroughly. It was taking a toll on her husband, she knew. The past several days had been brimming with activity, the estate gradually increasing with more life as servants were acquired- mostly faeborn- and he was compelled to take active roles in managing a dukedom. For long periods of the day, Millie went without seeing her husband and though it was simple enough to communicate with him should a need arise, it could not be said the same for anybody else. She had employed an instructor to aid her in the learnings of communication without vocalization and to date she had acquired a few abrupt gestures that could be interpreted fluently by her staff- having also been instructed as such.

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