Selected devil minions

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As we walked inside, Tammy made sure I knew that I would be staying in the servant quarters. I only nodded my head and went the direction she had pointed at.

I didn't even bother looking around the mansion. Instead just going to the large kitchen and went out the door that my step monster had told me of.

When I opened the door, I stepped outside onto a neat walking trail. Only a few steps ahead is what looks to be a small burgundy colored shed. It has only one large window beside the plain wooden door.

But looking inside, I find a strange sense of happiness. I couldn't contain my smile as I looked around the slave is now have a my own.

It's like a personal apartment. Not nearly as big. But it has a small kitchen attached to the bedroom area and a closed off bathroom on the opposite end that has a old styled tub and basic sink.

Even though it's only half the size of a bedroom would be, it's still bigger than the closet I've stayed in for the last nearly twenty years. On top of that, I'll only have to leave to make Tammy and her minions meals, clean up their rooms, and go to work.

Otherwise I can eat, sleep, and bathe right here. Icing on the cake is that I highly doubt they would come out here and risk getting their shoes muddy to torture me. So I can bathe without worrying they'll come in and drown me again.

I smile at the thought of this small freedom. What they thought I would hate and be upset about, is actually so much better than I had ever hoped for.

In my happiness, I begin cleaning my safe place and unpack what few things I have with me.

After I finish, it's a little after five so I quickly head back inside the manor to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the hellspawns.


Once they're all seated at the smaller dining room table, I start making each of their plates. Making sure to give them enough to not seem stingy but not too much to make them think I think they are fat. And being extra cautious of not letting each food touch one another or mix together. Or else they'll think I'm trying to test their authority.

After I finish dishing out the meal I stand against the far wall of the room and stay attentive to their every movement so I can make sure I refill their drinks right before their last drink is taken. Like their own person waiter. Minus every hoping for good tips for my immaculate services of course.

"I can't believe we both made it into the Selection!! I want princes Blackbourne, Weiland, Morgan, Taylor's, Griffin and Henshaw Sr!" Marie exclaims with her annoyingly nasely voice to Macey.

But Macey isn't having any of that.

"No! That's almost all of the good ones! I don't want Prince Coleman! He's gay! And Henshaw Jr and Lee are needs! They'd probably rather pay attention to books than me! You take Lee, I want Blackbourne. They say he loaded. Then you can keep Prince Morgan cause he's loaded too." Marie apparently didn't like that idea because her face begins turning red.

I mentally roll my eyes at their stupidity. No sane man would even glance at them. So I'm positive the Princes of all men would be the least bit swayed by the demon twins charms anyways. But I guess the girls could dream all they want to.

It'll just be so much better for me to watch their downfall as they realize that they're plans and hopes are all equally as unattainable as my own are to me.

Luckily their mother cuts in before they start squealing in high pitched tones that would be sure to make my ears want to bleed.

"Girls, why don't you just see how everything goes first? Maybe you'll meet them all and pick differently then? Plus, you girls need to get ready for tomorrow. It's a big day for you girls. Now, hurry and eat."

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