Chapter |13|

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Fluff or Bluff?

Third Person's pov:

     |• A few days after the accident, both pair of teen agers got close, they became comfortable with each other and no longer hold any sort of resentment or negativity.

They acted like the cutest pair in the eyes of the people inside the mansion, Lant was even sure to say that Aurum will commit to the house.

While Dion kept a close eye on her, Roxana keeps finding the time to soend time with her. She would've have more time to talk to her if Jeremy wouldn't butt-in on every chance she gets.

"Please forgive me, dear sister, but I made a full on plan for darling and I this day" , Jeremy suddenly came in Aurum's room arrogantly, carrying two swords.

Roxana was taken a back, did Jeremy just say "Darling"?

Aurum sighed, this is the third day...

Her eyes then landed on the swords atyacked on Jeremy's belt. "What are those for?"

Jeremy just grinned at her, his sharp teeth showing. "I have training today but none of the guards don't want to play with me", he explained as he walked pass Roxana, rested his left arm behind him and took Aurum's right hand.

"So, darling...I really want to play with you today, would you be so considerate to join me?"

To Roxana, she thought that Jeremy sounded so...eager?

She almost let out a laugh, Aurum really got her brother on the middle of her palm. Roxana wonders, might she be the same with Cassis? She's not sure either...

Aurum turned to Roxana, sending her an apologetic close-eyed smile. Roxana chuckled, she find the two very endearing, maybe she should let this slide.

There is much more time before the causins leave...

Keeping those two from bonding would ruin her expectations of the Agriche's fall.

So she let the two be.

When the two got to the training grounds, Jeremy and Aurum got all of the knights' attention. Are the two teens training? Yes...

Is Jeremy letting Aurum do any combat that she wants? Yes...

Would Lant approve of this? Maybe...

Would Dion though? Probably never...

But Jeremy does not give a fuck about them right now. He now has the chance to show off his skills to his fiancée, he thinks that now's the chance to charm the girl more~

Calling over a knight, he instructed him to attack him with all he has got! The knight was hesitant at first but nonetheless attacked first, the glare Jeremy gave him made his legs move.


Jeremy didn't even bother changing into a stance, he just smirked at the unfortunate knight and slid his sword with the knight's and twisted around until it got flung into the air.

𝐓𝐖𝐓𝐏𝐓𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐁: 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 [Jeremyxoc]Where stories live. Discover now