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Pink + White~ Frank Ocean


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Five years later

Tate Evans absolutely loved life.

Something about the way the trees went in the wind, how the flowers would bloom in the spring, how everything was just a bit brighter now that she'd finally found true happiness.

Maybe that's why she agreed to do this interview.

73 Questions With Tate Evans | Vogue

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73 Questions With Tate Evans | Vogue

There was a round of knocking at her door- 3 knocks to be exact. As she opened the door, Tate was greeted with a man. He was there to ask her a series of questions, and she would answer truthfully.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you, I'm Tate."

"It's so nice to meet you! So, let's get right into this interview, whose house is this?"

As she let the man in, Tate motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen, where she started fixing them glasses of water.

"It's mine! Just bought it and moved in this month. It's such a change from my apartment, and I absolutely love it!"

Handing him the glass of water, Tate sat in one of her barstools by the countertop.

"Would you like to sit?" She asked, while drinking out of the crystal glass. She had gotten the gift from Clara and Timothee after breaking her leg on set. Apparently, she needed something to feel better while lying in a hospital bed. It was all Clara's idea, but Timothee ended up buying the glass.

"No, thanks though. Favorite time of day?"

"I enjoy the night time. It's so peaceful and I personally love relaxing."

"What's the biggest learning experience you've had?"

"Definitely not trusting too easily. I've had problems with so many people in the past because of it, and It's taught me to keep my guard up."

After getting up to put her empty glass in the sink, she motioned for the man to follow her throughout the backyard.

"Best thing that's happened to you this year?"

"I became a godmother! Becca fought tooth and nail to convince Timothee and Clara to make her their baby's godmother, but they chose me instead!"

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