4 - Grumpy Golden Girl

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Hawks was bright, loud and annoyingly happy

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Hawks was bright, loud and annoyingly happy.

Meiko was quiet, angry and just plain damn pissed. The Hero Commission giving her missions was a staple of her career since she started and she had not refused a single one. But this...oh this one, she was ready to give up in a flash. And she would have, if she did not feel the immense need to track down Cut (a highly idiotic villain name, to be honest). Working with Hawks was going to be a major major pain.

And the worst part? She could not even tell anyone about it.

So, when Meiko arrived at the agency the morning of the first night of patrol with Hawks, all she could do was tell a white lie.

"Someone will have to cover patrol for me after 8pm tonight," Meiko said. It was the usual morning meeting at the Astra Agency and the perfect time to tell her sidekicks what she would be doing. "I have to work on this stupid case from the Hero Commission. And before you ask, no, I can't say a thing."

"But when it's done, will you tell us about it?" Ryu asked, a hopeful look on his face.

Meiko sighed, tapping her desk. "Maybe."

"Is it a difficult case?" Ichika asked. "Because you look tired and irritated and it's just ten in the morning?"

"It's an annoying one," Meiko answered. "But don't worry about me. Just cover my patrol shift. Either of you can do it. Kagura, help them figure it out."

Kagura, standing at the back, startled at her name being called out. "Y-yes! I'll do that. Ryu-san, Ichika-san, let's go and do this. I think Meiko-san needs some time alone."

"That I do," Meiko nodded in agreement. "I really do."

The only thing she needed time alone was to stew in her thoughts and think about how she would work this case with Hawks. What a grand time she was going to have.


Meiko was not having a grand time. At all.

The night was usually her domain. While others may feel happier and more productive during the day, it was at night that Meiko felt like she could truly shine. She literally could shine at night, but she had learnt to keep that part of her quirk turned off. She didn't want to be some fucking shining beacon that villains could spot from a mile away.

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