1 - Attention Seeker

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       At first glance, the three-storey building looked like a normal office building. But to the residents of Kyushu and the people who knew the place very well, it was anything but normal. It housed the agency of one of the most popular and powerful heroes in Kyushu. Inside that very building, the agency of the Starry Hero, Astra was located. And Astra, better known as Meiko to her friends and family, was currently fuming in her office.

       Arms crossed, legged propped up on her desk, Meiko presented a picture of pure fury. Ryu and Ichika, her sidekicks, and Kagura, her lone office worker, all looked rather afraid.

       "Uh...Meiko-san," Kagura bravely spoke up first. "This interview could be very important, you know. Um...it would be a great way to boost your rank."

      "Yeah," Ryu nodded, scratching the back of his head. "I know you don't like Hawks, but this could be a way of you using him for your benefit. Which sounds like a horrible thing, but..."

       Meiko scoffed, hands glowing golden as she tapped her desk. "I don't think that chicken boy could ever be useful for me."

       Ichika snorted, and suddenly everyone's attention, even Meiko's, was on her. "Sorry about that," she immediately apologised. "But I can't get over the names you come up with to insult him. They are damn funny."

       "They are, aren't they?" Meiko asked, a deadly smile on her face.

       "Yes," Ichika answered. Out of all the people present, she had known Meiko the longest. Just a year younger than the hero, she had joined the Astra agency, just due to the sheer tenacity Meiko had. Astra was a hero that placed little restrictions on her sidekicks, allowing them a certain amount of freedom they would not get in other agencies. There was never too much pressure on them; Meiko refused that.

       Instead, she would take on the work herself. That had gained her instant respect in Ichika's eyes. But Meiko's tenacity meant she was also rather stubborn. And her stubbornness would come out at random times, but especially with situations that involved the wing hero, Hawks.

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