3 - The Hero Public Safety Commission

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The one aspect of being a hero that Meiko truly despised. Everything else was understandable, bearable but paperwork. She just hated it from the bottom of her heart. And yesterday's incident involved a lot of work, given that there had been hostages. She was just glad not one of them was injured and the only destruction had been to the bank property itself. Still, that came with its own troubles.

Meiko stared down at the report. She was almost done with it. One last thing to write and all she would have to do was sign the report and she would be done. She sucked in a deep breath before she started to work on the last part. Just then, there was a knock on the office door. 

"Come in," Meiko spoke loudly, not lifting her head. 

From the corner of her eye, she saw Kagura enter the room, holding a file in her hand. She looked at Meiko. "Are you done with the report, Meiko-san?" 

"Almost," She replied, not looking up from the looking up. "Just this last bit is left. Why do you ask? Something come up or what?"

"Actually, yeah," Kagura answered. She walked forward, till she was directly in front of Meiko's desk, holding out the file. "This just came in."

Meiko looked up, staring at the bright red 'confidential' stamped on top of the brown folder. The folder belonged to the Astra agency and was pulled out by Kagura, only for cases that demanded special attention from Astra. Not even Ryu and Ichika were allowed to touch the folder, since most cases were very confidential, and were only meant for Meiko's eyes. 

She quickly signed the report she was working on, and handed it over to Kagura, taking the brown folder in exchange. Meiko flipped the folder open and read through, eyebrows slightly rising with every word. 

"Huh," Meiko spoke as she finished reading the file. After nearly three months of not being asked to work on a case, the HPSC was suddenly calling her out on one. The file barely had anything in it, only that she was to the Commission headquarters tomorrow. And also that the case was very-very confidential. "Kagura, I don't have anything lined up for tomorrow, do I?"

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