Chapter One : The Boy

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* First Draft


"Ah! Mizz Babanin! Kak vy?"

A giant of a man stepped off the black jet. Obsidian hair was slicked back with unnecessary amounts of jell, a long crooked nose protruded from a round face, and chubby fingers gripped at pools of fat that flopped over the mans belt. Despite the finely tailored suit and polished shoes, he was an ugly man with a mean demeanor.

Behind him stood an older woman and man. The woman looked in her mid fifties, her hair kept in a tight bun, her lips were pressed in a stern line - defining her wrinkles. Besides her was a man with short salt and pepper hair, his back was dramatically haunched causing him to cling to his cane in order to stay on his feet.

"Stop Yegor," The woman hissed. "Use english." The older man grunted in agreement.

"Yez, Yez" Yegor gave a dismissive wave of the hand. "You zo very up tight, Mz. Li."

Once off the jet, the woman who was originally addressed gave a deep bow in greeting. Ms. Babanin was a beautiful lady, auburn hair falls down in windswept curls, wide icy blue eyes glinted under the sun, and full lips painted a vibrant red was pulled into an innocent smile. Draped over her was a knee length lab coat and pulled close to her chest was a purple clip board.

"I am good, Mr. Agafonov," She motioned behind her, "Now, if you would follow me, pleaz."

Leading them to the labs entrance, Ms. Babanin pressed her thumb to a rectangular screen. After a minute of scanning, the machine dinged and the doors slid open revealing a small, metal hallway.

"Welcome to Pluto 1, zis way pleaz," Ms. Babanin directed. "I am zorry for zis, but we must have you checked, for zecurity purposez."

"Is that necessary?" Ms. Li snapped, her two inch heels clicking against the metal floors.

"Oh, Ztop, Mz. Li," Yegor laughed. "My facility iz ze top of ze game and it must act like it!"

"Well, your facility is absolutely ugly and pointless."

"Zen why did you fund it?"

The old man, Mr. Smith, gave a grunt.

The three of them made it through security as Ms. Babanin stood to the side, watching. Once the inspection was over, the four made their way deeper into the facility.

"Zis iz it," Ms. Babanin mused, stopping before a large, circular metal door. Pressing her card and then her thumb to a screen on the wall, a minute passed before the door unlocks. Ms. Babanin pushed against the metal and lead the others inside.

Directly opposite the door was a transparent panel and behind it sat a boy no older than 13. His bald head shined under the bright lights and his hazel eyes were avoid of emotion as they stared vacantly at the wall. Frightfully skinny knee's were held close to a bare chest.

"Zis iz #107 of project Apex Elite or #1 of Apex Elite AB Negative. Age : ten, sex : male, health : zlightly weak but normal."

"This looks very much like a human child," Mr. Smith commented after a moment, his body shaking with every word.

"Zat iz because we have yet to insert ze compound." Ms. Babanin pressed a button on the wall and in walked four scientists in lab coats, all of which avoided eye contact with the three opposing figures and quickly started getting to work.

"You should hope this project of yours doesn't disappoint," Ms. Li threatened, eyeing Yegor out of the corner of her eye.

The giant man simply smiled, his eyes never leaving the child as a scientist in a hazmat suit walked up to the child and picked up his limp arm before inserting the compound. The scientist, eager to leave, near scrambled out of the room and slammed the door shut behind them.

A minute passed, then another, and another before Ms. Babanin walked behind a young assistant working at a computer.

"Ze vitals?"

"Normal and-and stable." The assitant stuttered.

"Brain wavez?"


Ms. Li tapped her foot impatiently, "I do not have all day Yegor, especially not for some stupid compound that doesn't even work."

Yegor, despite the embarrassment, kept his unfazed and relaxed attitude. "It will work. Ze zings take a moment."

"It will not work," Ms. Li snapped. "It has been a moment, and I would like my money back-"

As she said that, the boy violently thrusted forwards and a scream protruded from his mouth. There was a defining crack before many started in accession.

"Whatz happening? Whatz happening!?" Babanin shouted.

"His-his bones are breaking and his-his heart-"

The boy pushed himself against the glass, his forehead and nose smooshed against the surface. They watched as his eyes flickered between menacing orbs of black to a frightened boys. He was then suddenly thrown back by his own force as giant slits formed on his back. The audience watched with horror and fascination as, with a wild bellowing scream, long, black substances shot out from him and stuck to the walls. The boy was then lifted upwards, his back arched and his agape, as his body was torn to shreds and the substance surrounded him.

The black substance shifted and stretched until it slowly took form. A creature sat on its hunches, its head tilted back and claws stretched out. Its body was slim yet muscular, its skin was midnight black and polished yet it withered like it was alive. Long, muscular legs slowly touched the floor and razor sharp talons dug into the metal floor. The creature opened and closed its mouth, as if testing its function. The room itself broke out in a cold sweat when they saw the several rows of teeth, each row twisting and turning.

Everyone paused, Ms. Li's face had turned pale while Mr. Smith had to clutch at the table beside him in fear of falling.

Yegor clapped his hands together before turning to his two companions, "Success! Now, Mz. Li, Mr. Smith, would you like to look over the paperz in ze other room?"

Author : Hey guys!!! This is my first fan-fiction and I'm super excited! I've suddenly been very much into Spiderman (When normally my favorite Marvel hero is Hawkeye) and I also had this long lasting idea of a guy turned monster so I decided to sit down and write this! However, it also means that this is a total on-the-fly thing so we'll see where this goes! Thanks for reading guys!

(I know that there are some grammatical mistakes but this is my first draft and I'll look it over when a) I can or b) When the book is over. For anyone interested, Yegor and Babanin are Russian which is why they talk like that. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.)

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