Chapter Four : The Imbyite

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*First Draft

The monster was a terrifying and ugly, yet pitiful, thing. 

Remus felt the need to swaddle it in a blanket while also sprinting in the other direction. How to achieve both things simultaneously, he had no idea. 

He decided to stay near the door just to be safe.

It lay on a metal table, trapped against the surface with heavy chains. The abnormally large eyes were closed and the doctor could barely detect breathing in the creatures large chest. Remus had never seen such a worn down creature before.

 Faded black goo clung to the things bones showing off a defined ribcage, feeble arms and legs folded within themselves in impossible angles. 

Remus, despite the horrific nature of the thing, felt his heart go out to it. 

"Are they...supposed to look like this?" 

An assistant, whom the doctor had come to know as Jennivik, shook her head. "No, this Imbyite is severely malnourished. It refuses to eat its daily meals and will not partake in the packs activities."

"What is in" Remus asked. 

Jennivik looked at Babanin in the corner of her eye before the older woman stepped forward. 

"...Meat." Remus didn't like the way the word lagged on her tongue. "-They are carnivores." Babanin added. "But we do not wish for you to fix the Imbyite. We would like you to kill it." 

Remus's eyes went wide. Though the creature was horrifying it was also beautiful thing in its own right. Perhaps not in physicality, but the knowledge and insight it gave others made it beautiful. 

"Why?" Remus regretted asking when Babanin's cold eyes snapped towards the creature. 

"Because it does not do as told and-" She took a deep breath as if to calm herself before flashing Remus a sharp smile. "-It has become a liability." 

Remus wondered what it did to become a 'liability.' 

Looking back down towards 'Imbyite' as they called it, Remus knew he couldn't kill it. Even if he wanted to, which he most certainly did not, S.H.I.E.L.D wanted all experiments in the labs intact and preserved as found. 

Right as he thought that Zoë's voice sounded in his ear. 

"Don't do anything to that Imbie-whatever, Remus. Geran will kill you if you do." 

Remus wanted to scream and cry, he fucking knew that. It didn't mean that he could just not do as told, especially when he was in the middle of enemy territory. 

Deep down he suspected what they wanted from him but didn't really plan out what he would do. 

"I....I would be honored, however-" Remus was sweating. "-I do not know the anatomy of the Imbyite." 

Remus was bullshitting with everything he had and worried it incredibly obvious. Babanin seemed not to notice though and nodded her head. 

"I figured you would say that, which is why we got all the notes of the anatomy into a file for you specifically." She said, while handing out the file without coming closer - expecting him to take it. 

The doctor made a sound of acknowledgment while making a show of looking for his glasses, while secretly grabbing the 'Unlocker' as Zoë called it. Place it on the keyhole and Zoë could unlock the door from anywhere. While this seemed ingenious, it was an awful tool when one puts it on another apartment door and walks in at any time. 

As the doctor turned around in a show of patting his clothes for his glasses he slipped the gadget over the keyhole. 

Turning back around, Remus flashed them all a smile while holding his glasses up, trying desperately not to cringe at the way both the assistant and Babanin narrowed their eyes. 

"Sorry 'bout that," Remus muttered while taking the papers and slipping his glasses onto his face. "Crazy things, never know where they are." 

The doctor skimmed over the pages and could hardly suppress a gasp. The thing did not have one but two hearts and from the way it looked, they seemed to function much like a lung. The Imbyite did not necessarily need two hearts, it was only for back up. 

Their bones were incredibly dense but arranged in a way that made it easy to increase speed and stamina. Their skin seemed to not be made of an actual hard substance but more of a conjoined liquid that draped over the bones and organs. Looking back towards how the Imbyite's legs were folded, Remus wondered if the bones were as solid as they seemed. 

Upon looking closer at the files the doctor noticed a lot of vital information was missing, such as the eyesight range and power of the claws.. When he pointed this out to Babanin, her lips pressed into a mocking smile. 

"You think we would give all of our information to a person outside of our organization? I mean, what makes you think we wont kill you after giving you this?" She gestured to the papers. 

Remus gulped. 

"Well... this isn't enough." Which was most certainly not true. He could tell from first glance at the diagram what he needed to do. But he could hear Zoë's impatient cursing on the other end of the intercom and wanted to end the mission quickly. 

All he had to do was put the other Unlockers on the doors to the Imbyite's cages and he'd be set. The other undercover S.H.I.E.L.D agents in the Organization had managed to put the Unlockers all throughout the rest of the labs. They could never get to the Imbyite's lab though. 

"I need to see an actual Imbyite." 

Author : Hellllllooooooo. God, this is starting off a lot slower than I thought, but thats fine, we'll get there. I'm already writing the next chapter which may or may not be out tonight. Any-who, what do you think of Remus? (To those, like, five people who read this) 

Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll see you next chapter!

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