Chapter Two : The Monster

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*First Draft



Its mind was always in a haze. 

If the thing could use words, or even if it could think in a coherent way, it might say that, after many hours of concentration, that they were missing something. Though what it was missing always seemed to allude it. 

Not that the monster cared. Everything felt dim now, as if the very idea of feeling was buried under mounds of snow which had long frozen over. The creature couldn't even remember what it felt like to feel something. 

The only thing It could grasp was when it was time to eat and when it was time to fight. And more often than not, it was at the same time.

 A metal panel in the wall would slide open, revealing a dome of a room. The monster would watch as other panels slid open, revealing others like it - slobbering at the mouth and claws scratching at the metal. 

The creature could remember a time when it was the only one in this dome. When it was the only one feasting on severed limbs and organs. But as time went on there were more. With each new member of the pack it would fight - to establish who was prey and who was not. The creature had alway won but as the fights went on and new ones appeared, it could vaguely notice a difference between itself and them. 

Perhaps it was the way they fought a little too long and with a little too much enthusiasm, maybe it was the way they played with their food, or the unthinking cruelty that subsided behind their eyes. 

Whatever it was, without thinking, it knew it was different than the others. 

Which is why it kept to itself. While the others fought and hissed, it kept to the side, watching. While the strong bullied the weak, the creature kept content with being alone. Being at the top meant being left alone - that much it knew. And so, it stayed at the top.  

Currently, the creature was waiting at the panel. Its muscles ached with restlessness, its skin rippled down like waves against its body in anticipation. 

Something was wrong. 

The creature could hear something beating. It wasn't like one of the creatures brethren, it was fainter and  erratic. It could hear breathing, a harsh inhale than a ragged exhale. It could hear....It didn't know what it was called. Something, a word was on the tip of its tongue then vanished again into the foggy void. 

The panel slid upwards and the strong sent of blood greeted it. Stepping out of its cage, the creatures eyes followed the sound of heavy breathing. Trailing upwards, they caught on a pair of feet - bloodied and broken. 

Its eyes traveled farther upwards, to a pair of shaking hands sticking out from under a knot of rope. Farther upwards, and its eyes came to rest on another. 

These eyes were like those that belonged to the figures in white coats. But these did not look belittling, or unnerved. These eyes were bloodshot and wide, terror bleeding out across their irises. They withered and shook and screamed and cried. 

It couldn't move. It could only look into the other pair of eyes as thrashed in their ropes and let forth a pleading screech. 

The scream was cut short with a splatter of blood when one of the creatures kin took the persons head between its jaws and pulled. 

Something snapped in the creature, something valuable that had kept it from the brink of madness and unleashed an emotion so powerful the creature fell forward. What was the word? What was the word? 

The creature withered and tore at itself, bitting and clawing at its skin. 

What...what was that....I...I...I forgot....

The creature threw itself against the wall and began to scratch at its eyes. Vaguely, the creature noticed sirens and red lights starting to flash.

I...I...the word....what was the word....

It sprinted to the other side of the room before banging its head againt the wall with full force causing a ringing sound to pound in its ears. The other creatures were being called back to their rooms. 


The creature collapsed to the floor, pools of black surrounded the body as it was slowly carried back towards its cage. 

Author : Hello again!!! Second Chapter tonight, look at me go! This broke my heart writing though, poor little Sergei. He's going to be happy in the future though! (Even if that future is years away... Hahaha....*Cough Cough*) Anyway.... Hope you liked that chapter! See you next chapter! 

MONSTER - PETER PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now