Chapter Three : The Doctor

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*First Draft 


Remus was never the type to laugh in the face of danger. 

He was more the type to run away crying and screaming. He took no shame in that, only the insane wouldn't cry in the immediate possibly of death and it seemed that he was surrounded by the insane. 

"Remember the objective," Geran instructed from the corner of the room. "Get in, disable the entrances to the main lab, get out. Simple, yes." 

"Easy, no." Remus mocked as he waited for Zoë to be done setting up the intercom, her electric prink nails typing at the keyboard like a mad man.  

"Remus," Geran sighed, "you've been a S.H.I.E.L.D agent for the past three years, you've done hard things before." 

"Let me remind you Geran, I am a doctor, not a field agent." Remus snapped. 

"Yes!" Geran clapped his hands. "Exactly, you are a doctor, you're right at home in labs. You'll be fine." 

Before Remus could retort to that ridicules statement, Zoë grabbed at his ear and shoved the intercom in. 

"Ay!" Remus shouted. 

"Sorry, sorry," Zoë stepped back.

 "No you aren't," Remus scowled, pulling his coat closer around his waist. 

Zoë shrugged before pulling a small metal device close to her mouth and shouting, "Hear dat?" 

Remus clutched at his ears in pain before sending a glare towards his tormentor. "Yes, I fucking hear that, Jesus Christ." 

"It better work," Zoë snapped, her texan drawl making the rant somehow charming. "Cus' I swear to motherfuckin' God if dat dealer was a good for nottin' liar-" 

"The plane will land in exactly five minutes Geran Sir," Jett's, the pilot, smooth voice vibrated through the speakers. 

A cold sweat began to pool at the base of Remus's neck and a tremor took to his fingers. He had never been in the field, nor did he ever want to. The only reason why he was chosen for this mission was his efficient medical talents and not so polished past. But Remus never understood why one would want a 'polished' history when you could have an interesting one. 

Zoë, noticing the nervous air that now swamped the young doctor, grabbed his doctors coat and straightened it and patted his shoulders. "You'll be fine sweethear', I'll be righ' here," The woman tapped the intercom before quickly turning to Geran. "Now, let's go hide." 

Remus's mouth fell agape. 

. . . 

"Doctor! How nice it is to meet you!" A woman greeted, stepping forward to grab Remus's coat. 

The first thing Remus could make out about the woman was that she was very pretty. A beautifully crafted nose and eyes placed upon beautiful angles and shades. An hourglass figure and finely made attire. Yet, the beauty couldn't get rid of the harsh cruelty that was built in her bones. Remus could tell she spent long hours trying to hide it. 

Remus could feel his hand beginning to shake and quickly shoved them into his pocket, while keeping a firm grip with the other on his brief case. 

"It is nice to meet you as well, Ms. Babanin. I've heard many great things about you." Russian was never Remus's most fluent language, but it could still pass as his primary language if used minimally.

"And I you," Babanin smiled and Remus couldn't help but notice it seemed forced. "As much as I would love to continue this, I am in a bit of a hurry and need this done quickly." 

Ah, yes, the mysterious 'thing', Remus thought. The lab refused to reveal what it was exactly that they wanted of the doctor, all he was told was that he would need to bring a vile of Zerrick - an incredibly deadly and incredibly rare and illegal chemical, and that it involved Project Apex Elite. 

His arms itched with a mixture of unease and excitement. He had studied all that he could on the ominous Project Apex Elite, one of the reasons as to why he was picked for this assignment. Not that his knowledge would help any, the experiments were so gravely hidden that only the name a few other unhelpful things leaked out into the general world. 

When S.H.I.E.L.D had figured out what they needed and how desperate they seemed, they jumped at the opportunity to figure out exactly what was happening in the labs. 

"What is it that you need of me, Ms. Babanin?" Remus inquired as they began to walk through the labs.

Babanin ignored him,"Have you brought the Zerrick?" 

Remus did have the Zerrick, not that it was a trip in the park to get. It was something that required all of S.H.I.E.L.D's recourses and then some to get. Not to mention piles and piles of money. It wasn't really a surprise to Remus that they hadn't been able to get it. 

"I have." 

"And you know how to apply it?" She asked. 

"I do." 

The woman paused for a second, as if conflicted with how to move forward. She stopped in front of a large, circular door before turning back towards Remus. 

" are still willing?" 

The doctor flinched at that. Zerrick was an incredibly deadly chemical that, if treated even remotely wrong - say an unsteady hand shacking the vile a particular way, or a trip of the feet and sending the vile to the floor, and the chemical would blow. Not only was he risking his life, but everyone else's in at least a ten mile radius. 

"I am," Remus gulped. 

Babanin let out a relived sigh before nodding and pushing the door open. 

"Then let me tell you of Project Apex Elite."

Author : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm so excited! I may not have had this plot in my head for long but Remus has been chilling out with the cobwebs in my brain for a while. I love my Remus boi.

I know that nothing cool has happened yet, like fights and romances and drama but I promise you it's coming. This story is like a slow burn for every fucking aspect. Anyway, thank you for reading this! See you next time! 

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