Chapter Five : The Emergency

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*First Draft

At first the older woman vehemently refused,

but after Remus insisted that he need to see how the body moves in order for him to not accidentally drop the vile of Zerricks out of surprise, she was more willing.

Remus watched as Jennivik slid a card through a jutted out screen with a slit. With a loud beep the door slid open. The assistant then disappeared into the dark room beyond.

Before entering the room, Remus purposefully tripped, resting his hand, that held the Unlocker, against the side of the screen. Once sure it was on, the man straightened out and gave a tentative smile towards Babanin.

She scowled before pushing him through the door.

The room before him was large and very, very, dark. He could barely make out the edges of the room and the vague out line of slats of metal in the walls. 

There was a clap and the lights flashed on, momentarily blinding Remus. Once his eyes grew accustomed to the lights, Remus peered around. 

And wished he hadn't. 

Blood was splattered everywhere. The walls, the ceiling, and, Remus guessed, if he were to look down there would be blood pooling at his feet. 

After a couple moments of silence, he was able to compose himself. 

"What-what happened?" 

"There was a-" Babanin closed her eyes in frustration. "-Liability." 


The scientist thought back to the defenseless looking figure on top the metal table and shuddered. 

"Exactly six Imbyites where lost,"  Jennivik snapped. "Six."

"Any-any humans? Civilians?" Remus prodded hesitantly. 

"No." The assistant said, as if it was an afterthought.

Remus let out a relieved sigh, but felt disgusted at both of them. How either them could stand in this room and not shiver in disgust and horror at what was around them, was simply beyond him. Remus, however, kept these thoughts to himself. He was supposed to be an appalling person on par with these two. So, he kept his face firm and facing forward. 

He watched as the assistant, which, by know, Remus had come to recognize as more than a simple 'assistant', stepped forward towards a metal box attached to the wall. Pulling out a key, twisting it in the keyhole, and pulling the door open, Remus could barely make out yet another screen. This time Remus watched as Jennivik inserted numerous passwords, all ten fingerprints, and even tongue print. 

Remus stood awkwardly to the side, trying to subtly watch which numbers Jennivik was hitting. This turned out highly ineffective as the screen was too far and Babanin came to stand directly in between him and her. 

So he wasn't being subtle. 

He fucking knew that he wasn't made to be a field agent. But wether she thought him suspicious or not, Babanin seemed far too anxious to bring it up. She tapped her foot against the sticky floor and drummed her fingers along her arm. 

Remus felt that the anxiety wasn't coming from the blood covered walls, she didn't even so much as flinch at her crimson covered shoes. Was she anxious about the 'Liability' - Imbyite? 

Before his thoughts could continue one of the giant panels on the wall slowly slid upwards and from the dark cage emerged an Imbyite. This one was different. While the one inside was small with grey skin clinging to a sharp ribcage and a limp chain like tail, the one before him was healthy and strong. The ribcage was hidden under thick muscles that rippled under obsidian goo-like skin and the tail was split into three, each moving like a viper. Unlike the previous Imbyite, this one dominated the room, taking every word out of Remus's mouth. Wether that was from fear or awe, he couldn't tell. 

It stalked forward and Remus suddenly found himself wondering if he was safe. What a stupid thing to wonder now, he thought. 

"Go on," Babanin demanded impatiently. 

"But-" Remus paused, as he caught himself cower within himself slightly. "-Am I safe?" 

Babanin snorted, "Of course not. These are creatures designed for killing, no empathy, no thought, not one of them has a shred of humanity in them-" The woman frowned in distain. "Well there is always the exception." She hissed. 

Was she talking about the one in the lab? This crimson room didn't exactly scream 'empathy' to Remus. 

Walking towards the creature with swaying hips, Remus watched as the creature, which seemed so beneath the idea of fear, recoiled back in freight. 

"-But they know hierarchy." The older woman smirked. "And God knows what I've done to establish the hierarchy." 

Remus flinched at that. 

Boldly turning to the doctor and letting her back face the Imbyite, she gave Remus a smug smirk. "As long as I'm here, you will not die. I cannot account for your limbs though."

The assistant appeared behind him and pushed him forward and he came to stumble right next to Babanin. Looking upwards, Remus found the Imbyite looking down at him. Sharp teeth bared together and black goop dripping from its mouth. Big gusts of hair exhaled through its nose fogging up his glasses. 

Remus bit down on his tongue to stop his hands from shaking. The familiar metallic taste filled his mouth and he tried to focus on that instead of how close the Imbyite was. How was it that this thing was so different than the one back in the lab? Remus still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the docile, weak little thing was the one that made six of these go down. 

Looking at the older woman in the corner of his eye and seeing that she was watching him expectantly, He straightened out and slowly walked forward. 

The imbyite watched his slow approach, tilting its head and baring its teeth into a low growl. Remus knew that if Babanin wasn't there right now, he'd be dead. 

"Hurry it up," Babanin snapped. "He knows he can't do anything." 

Remus gulped and, when he was in reaching distance, let his hands trail against its skin. It was smooth and his fingers left ripple in its skin like water. As his hands trailed, his curiosity won over his fear and he slightly pushed and to his amazement, they disappeared under the black goo. The doctor gasped, his hand brushed against bone. 

The Imbyite let a low growl. 

"I'd stop now if I were you." Babanin warned. 

Remus pulled his hand out just as the Imbyite's powerful jaws came to snapped at his arm. Remus's heart felt like it was going to explode as a giant black eye came close to his face and slowly blinked. The black was hazed over with constant anger and a complete lack of care for death. It did not care if things died, it did not mind if itself died. It was a thing born of anger and would die in anger. 

Feeling it made its message clear, it recoiled its head slowly. 

After a few moments of silence, they prodded him to start again and after a few more tries at prodding and pocking at the Imbyites skin, the doctor felt confident with this knowledge. Babanin growled at it and the Imbyite made its way to its cage. 

Once back in the lab, two guards roughly grabbed him before shoving him in front of the Imbyite. His trembling hands clutched at the metal table to steady himself. 

"Well, Doctor?" Babanin called behind him. "I have done everything you've asked. You have seen the files, you have seen an Imbyite in person. Now do what we're asking of you."

Remus glanced at the Imbyite and swore. Bringing his trembling finger to his, ear he called for help. 

"Code Red guys, Code red!."


Thank you for reading!

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