Wedding Planning

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     It has been a month since we buried my mother by my Dad and baby brother Ryan, but it is Wedding Planning time, so everyone is at the house. My Wedding Dress is my mom's favorite color because I want to honor her at my Wedding since she will be so proud of me of getting Married. Gibbs said, "How about we get Married on July 4th to honor everyone who we lost and who served?"
    I said, "I love that. Guys we have the date booked, but we have to find where to do it at." Tony said, "How about here?" I said, "Perfect. Does that sound like a plan Jethro?" Gibbs kissed my cheek and said, "YES!" Everyone sees how happy I make Gibbs and they see how happy he makes me. Gibbs and I haven't had sex yet because we wanted to wait until our Wedding Night since Jethro is being patient with me.
       Gibbs has his arm around my back and I went in for a kiss. I put my head on Gibbs shoulder and said, "What do you guys want for the food for the wedding? I already know what my fianceé wants. He wants steaks and baked potatoes." Gibbs said, "Yum." Tali said, "Chicken nuggets and fries." Everyone else said, "Steaks and baked potatoes are fine. Chicken nuggets and fries are good for the kids." I said, "There will be juice for the kids. Beer, wine or bourbon for the adults. I know Gibbs drink at our wedding. It is bourbon."
      Gibbs nodded his head and put his hand on my upper thigh. Everyone headed out to go home and I grabbed Gibbs hand to head upstairs, but Tobias walked in. I said, "What in the hell Tobias? Don't you know how to call before you come over?" Tobias said, "Before you came Gibbs did not care." Gibbs said, "I do now. I was going to get laid Tobias before you walked in."
       Tobias said, "Oh well. Am I your best man for the wedding?" I said, "Gibbs, we have talked about this." Gibbs said, "No. It is Ducky. You are not even invited to it in the first place. Now out of our house." Gibbs kept pushing Tobias out and locked the door. I grabbed his hand again and we ran upstairs to our bedroom.
      When we got up to the top of the stairs, Gibbs picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I took my shirt off along with my bra. We got to our bedroom and Gibbs shut and locked it. I threw my stuff and started kissing Gibbs uncontrollably. Gibbs said, "You are wild." I said, "You just bring it out of me." I took Gibbs shirt off and tossed it. Gibbs threw me onto the bed and took his pants and underwear off.
       I took my pants and underwear off and tossed them. Gibbs grabbed my legs to bring me closer and I flipped over and started to give him a blow job. Gibbs started moaning and slapped my ass. I am going slow because I want Gibbs to feel my mouth on his dick. Gibbs wanted me badly, so he pushed me back and put his hard dick inside me.
    Gibbs is going slow at first because he doesn't want to hurt me, but I said, "Jethro, go faster you won't hurt me." Gibbs picked up his pase and pounding me hard. I started moaning and Gibbs likes it because he cummed inside, and licked it out me so I can taste it. Abby, Ellie, Kayla, Delilah, and Ziva texted me, "Who is your maid of honor? Who is your 2 bridesmaids?" I texted, "Abby is Gibbs best man along with Ducky. My maid of honors are Delilah and Ellie." I went to the bathroom after I put his robe on because mine is somewhere in suitcases.
      I came back to get one of Gibbs shirts on, my underwear and shorts, so I can go make food. I got downstairs and saw someone at the door, but I grabbed the gun what is locked in the table by the couch. I grabbed it and said, "Who are you? What are you doing at my house?" The girl said, "I need to see uncle Gibbs." I said, "Emily. Is that you." Emily said, "Yes. Who are you?" I opened the door and Emily came in.
      I said, "Gibbs fianceé. I noticed you from a photo from your contact in his phone when you called." Gibbs heard me talking to Emily, so he ran down here. I took Emily into the kitchen, so I could start cooking. Gibbs said, "Emily what are you doing here." Emily said, "Mom and dad are going at it again. Can I stay with you?" Gibbs said, "It is up to Harley?"
     I said, "It is fine with me. She will have to stay in Kelly's old room, but I will have to move the toys to the closet from a few weeks ago." Emily put her stuff down and helped me cook. I'm making taco salads and Emily put the taco shells in the oven. Gibbs got to cutting the lettuce, onions, and tomato. I am making the meat and said, "Emily how long have you known Gibbs." 
      Emily said, "Since age 4. How about you?" I said, "Since the age of 3 because of Kelly. Kelly and I were best friends, and still are. Kelly and Shannon look after me and Gibbs from heaven." Gibbs came up behind me because the meat was burning. Gibbs said, "Harley." I looked down and moved it from the burner. I said, "The meat is done." Gibbs said, "Out of the kitchen both of you."
      Gibbs took out the shells from the oven. Emily and I headed upstairs so we can pick up the toys from a few weeks ago. We started giggling and Tobias and Diane showed up looking for Emily. They came inside without knocking and I said, "Quiet. Your parents are here." Gibbs said, "I need to start locking my front door. What in the hell are you guys doing here?" Tobias said, "Is Emily here?"
      Gibbs said, "No she hasn't been here in months." Diane and Tobias left and Gibbs locked the door. Gibbs ran upstairs and to Kelly's room and said, "You are so lucky young lady because I just lied my ass off to your parents who are worried sick." I said, "Gibbs, I did this all the time with my mom and dad when I came here without telling them where I went."
      Gibbs said, "What?!" I said, "Shannon let me because she knew what was going on with my parents and Jordan at the time. You need to calm down. Go down and work on your boat." Gibbs went to our bedroom to put pants on and boots on. I said, "Don't worry about him because I always did this when I needed a break from arguing." Emily said, "My mom's pregnant again and that is why they are fighting."
       Gibbs over heard it and went downstairs to the basement. We went down to get the finger nail polish. I got the finger nail polish out and Emily said, "We should do Gibbs toe nails when he sleeps." I said, "He would kill us." Emily said, "I did it to my dad when he was in the hospital." I said, "How did he react to that?" Emily said, "I don't know because I was at the cafeteria when he woke up."
     I hear Gibbs on the phone and Gibbs said, "God Damn It!" Gibbs threw a tool and I ran down there. I said, "What in the world has gotten into you?" Gibbs said, "My ex wife number 3 called because she wanted to remind me of our anniversary coming up." I said, "Doesn't she know you are getting married again." Gibbs said, "I told her on the phone."
      I said, "I'm guessing she screamed in the phone." Gibbs said, "That is right." I walked up to Gibbs and put my arms around him to comfort him. Gibbs said, "This is making me feel better." I said, "I know it does." Emily came running down and said, "Gibbs 2 of your ex wives are here and in the house." I hid behind the stairs and Emily hugged Gibbs so my scent would rub off. Rebecca and Stephanie came downstairs to the basement.
     Stephanie said, "Where is that fianceé of yours Gibbs?" Gibbs said, "She went out for groceries before you got here." I have the gun still hidden in between my shorts and shirt. Emily saw me, but didn't say anything. I'm in the dark so they wouldn't see me. Rebecca said, "Is it that slut I smelled on you a few weeks ago, Jethro."
      Gibbs said, "She is not a slut, Rebecca. She is more of a human than you two ever combined. She loves me for me. She won't cheat on me like you did Rebecca. She lost more people than me. She is a warrior because she lost her best friend who was my daughter Kelly, my wife Shannon who loved her as her own daughter, her dad by a car wreck 2 years before her brother died, her baby brother Ryan by a gang drive by shooting almost 5 years before her mom died, and her mom was brutally murdered in her own home by the same gang who killed her brother. She is my other half I was looking for all these years. If you do not like it then stop contacting me and leave her the hell alone."
      I came out with the gun pulled and said, "You better want to leave before I get really pissed off." Rebecca said, "She is half your age Jethro." I said, "I turned 37 almost a year ago." Gibbs said, "I'm 53!" Stephanie said, "Still Jethro." I said, "Get out of Jethro's and my house before I started shooting. I actually mean it. Emily come get behind me because I do not want to explain to your parents what happened to you." Emily ran behind me and they started running up the stairs and ran out of the house. Gibbs ran to me and waited to hear the door slam.
    Gibbs said, "Were you actually going to shoot them?" I said, "If I had to." Gibbs took the gun away from me. We headed back upstairs to eat, but I said, "I need a minute." Gibbs and Emily went upstairs. I started punching the wall and screaming at the wall. I slide down the wall and put my head between my knees. Gibbs called Tony and Tony answered.
      Tony said, "Yes boss." Gibbs said, "How fast can you get here with Tali and Ziva?" Tony said, "Why what is a matter?" Gibbs said, "Harley was punching the wall down in the basement and now she is crying her eyes out. I thought she would rather talk to Ziva while she holds Tali." Tony said, "Okay. We are on our way." Ziva said, "Where are we going Tony?"
      Tony said, "We are going to Gibbs and Harley's place because Harley is having a break down. Gibbs told me to get you and Tali over ASAP." Tony grabbed Tali and Ziva packed a bag of diapers, wipes, a bottle of juice, and snacks. They started running out the door. They got to the car and Tony put Tali in her booster seat and got in the back seat with her while Ziva drove.
They finally got here and Ziva ran inside down to the basement.
     I still have my head between my knees and said, "I'm guessing he called you, Ziva." Ziva said, "No he called Tony. How did you know it was me?" I said, "I'm a Forensic Scientist for God sake. I know people's foot steps. Why are you here?" Ziva said, "Gibbs is worried about you." I said, "It has been hard on me adjusting to my new life without my family. Me acting out helps me deal with things."
      Ziva put out her hand and I grabbed it. Tony said, "Ziva are you bringing Harley up." Ziva said, "Yes." We headed upstairs and Ziva saw how bloody and bruised my knuckles are. Gibbs saw my hands and got the first aide kit and peroxide to clean my hands. I said, "Tony, you better want to take Emily, Ziva, and Tali outside to your car for a minute until Gibbs cleans my knuckles because I don't want them to hear me swear."
     Tony said, "Come on ladies." Tony and the girls left, but Ziva stayed anyway. Tony shut the door and got the girls to the car. Gibbs started cleaning my knuckles and I started cussing like a water fall. Gibbs got one hand done and Gibbs hurried with the other one. Ziva bandaged my other hand. I said, "Now I know not to punch the basement wall anymore." Ziva got Tony and the girls. I sat down because I got light headed.
     Gibbs put my plate in front of me with my food on it. Gibbs said, "Now eat." I said, "Okay." I started eating and Gibbs put his chair by me and his plate. Gibbs sat down and started eating again. Emily is already done eating and playing with Tali. Gibbs got done eating before I did. I said, "Jethro, Are we going to have any kids of our own?" Gibbs said, "I don't know. Why?" I said, "I was just wondering." I took my plate to the sink and washed everyone's dishes.
     Ziva came up to me and said, "Why did you bring the subject up?" I said, "I always wanted a kid of my own. I thought it could bring him joy other than me." Ziva said, "Oh okay. You still have to look forward to if Tony and I die." I said, "When is that going to happen? In like 40 years. I'm not getting any younger to have children, Ziva. I only have a few years for that window."
       Ziva said, "Have you ever considered adoption?" I said, "No, but I don't think that he would go for it." I got the dishes done and put away. I went outside for fresh air. I went into the garage and started recognizing it. Emily came out and said, "What are you doing?" I said, "Making room for my cave like Gibbs did in the basement." Emily said, "Do you think he is going to let you have the garage?"
     I said, "I want a kid so bad and he doesn't know, so he better choose which one he wants fast." Gibbs over heard what I said. Gibbs said, "Why do you want a baby so bad?" I said, "To give my parents a grandbaby even though they are not here anymore. I want my family genetics to live on. I know my brother Jordan won't because he is gay and he does not like children." 
      Gibbs said, "Now I feel bad." I said, "You will have a child again in the house. I want at least a boy or a girl or both or 2 boys or 2 girls." I walked up to Gibbs and hugged, and he grabbed my ass. Emily said, "Get a room you two." I said, "You can go home anytime you want to." Emily said, "I will go back into the house." I kissed Gibbs and Gibbs smiled afterwards. Gibbs said, "How about I give you both things?" I said, "Are you serious?"
        Gibbs said, "Yes." We started moving things to the shelves. Gibbs said, "We can get it insulated for the winter to." I said, "Okay. We can get a mini fridge for the beers and the snacks. We can also can have bourbon out here to." Gibbs laughed and said, "Okay." We got everything on the shelves. We heard gun shots down the street. We ran in to see if Emily was okay. I yelled, "Emily?" Emily ran to me and panicked. I said, "It is a gang shooting because they are looking for me. Go hide in the basement. Here is a gun for protection just in case. Be quiet."
     Emily took the gun and ran down to the basement and hid. I ran upstairs and unlocked mine from the safe. I came back downstairs and saw that Gibbs was not inside the house because he went outside to shoot at the gangs tires. Gibbs came back in and said, "They are not going to terrorize my family."
    I said, "You could have been shot or even killed. This gang is after me for almost a decade now and they can not find me because I change my numbers on my old house frequently and updated it at the post office. I keep changing my phone number because they keep finding my phone number out, but I have all the gangs numbers blocked on this phone number."
      Gibbs said, "You are going to be safe with me because you are my love of my life after Shannon died." I said, "I know how to shoot and kill because my dad used to take me deer hunting. I know how to use a sniper and a pistol because I was daddy's little girl just like Kelly was. My daddy was proud of me even when he died and still is." I got Emily from down in the basement and said, "I don't think it is safe for you to be here because of the gang what is trying to find me." Tobias walked in and said, "Where in the hell is my daughter? I know she is here Gibbs."
      Emily and I headed upstairs, but I took the gun away from her and put it between my pants and shirt. Emily ran to Tobias. I said, "She was safe, Tobias. I did not let anything happen to her." I went to go sit by Gibbs and he put his arm around my neck to pull me in closer. I scooted closer to Gibbs and put my head on his shoulder. Gibbs kissed the top of my head. Tobias and Emily left and Gibbs turned the TV on.
     We fell asleep on the couch and Rebecca and Stephanie are watching us sleep. I felt someone watching us, so I grabbed the gun from my back and pointed it at Stephanie and Rebecca. I have my eyes closed still and said, "You two lunatics better want to get out before he wakes up." Rebecca said, "How are you doing that?" I said, "Easy, because I grew up in a military family. I picked up on a lot of things. You have the count of 5 to get out. 1. 2. 3. 4." They start running and I went back to sleep.
     McGee is calling Gibbs and I picked it up. I said, "What McGee?" McGee said, "I need to speak to Gibbs." I woke Gibbs up with a kiss on the cheek and gave him the phone. Gibbs said, "What McGee?" McGee said, "What type of flowers does Harley like?" Gibbs said, "Light blue Roses and turquoise roses. Why?" McGee said, "I can get a deal on the flowers for your and Harley's wedding."
     I got up to get two beers from the refrigerator and came back with them opened. I handed one to my handsome fiance. I started drinking mine and I got on my phone to see many messages from my girls group chat with Ellie, Ziva, Delilah, Brenna and Abby about the wedding. I read all of the messages and texted, "We are having another meeting tomorrow about it."
      I locked the front door. I came back and fell back asleep in Gibbs arms, and he is watching tv. Gibbs is just looking how peaceful I am sleeping on his shoulder. Gibbs grabbed the blanket by him and put it on the both of us. Gibbs finally fell asleep at midnight with the TV still on. The next day comes and the team came over. Tony unlocked the door and everyone came in to see us sleeping on the couch with the TV on. I slowly started to wake up because I heard footsteps and I said, "It is only 6:30 in the morning. What are you doing here this early?" Gibbs woke up and said, "What in the hell are you guys here this early?"
      Tony said, "You guys were not answering our calls, so we decided to come over and check on you guys." I said, "How did you get a house key Tony?" Tony lied and said, "I made it off of yours." Gibbs said, "I actually gave him one because of what is happening with that one gang to keep an eye on you during the night." I said, "You know I am trained with a sniper, a pistol, and grenades right." McGee said, "How did you learn to handle grenades?"
     I said, "My dad taught me. I had to deal with them at Metro, when grenades were used. Abby did not tell I'm guessing." Abby is hiding behind people. I said, "Abigail Sciuto! How did you not tell them I specialized in grenade handling in undergrad?" Abby said, "Then you would have been asked to replace me." I said, "I would not let that happen. Even though I have more things on top of my degree in forensic science does not mean you aren't as smart as me."
      Vance said, "How many things are you talking about on under of your forensic science degree?" I said, "Grenade handling, animal decoding, human genetics to find people's ancestors, gun smithing, fine arts minor, and history minor." Vance looked at Abby and said, "You did not tell us that Harley is a genius with all of that under her belt."
     I said, "She did not know I had the grenade handling, the gun smithing, and the human genetics to find people's ancestors, because I went to a community colleges to get that done mostly. I took the gun smithing from one of my dad's military friends who is now a college professor in gun smithing and him promised my dad that he would look after me if my parents died along with Jordan and Ryan."
     Gibbs said, "Who paid for all your college?" I said, "Scholarships and athletics. I'm guessing she didn't tell you that either. My family was not rich and beginning of my six grade year I started track and I got really good at shot put and discus. I did track all through Junior High and High School and got a scholarship on that. I played softball as well."
       Gibbs said, "You were on the track team and the softball team?" I said, "Yes." Gibbs said, "Damn! I got an athletic fiance." I said, "I just did track and softball from my 6th grade year - all through of my college years. Then I had to stop because my shoulder was killing from throwing so much weight on my shoulder. I haven't thrown a shot put in years. Same with discus. I guess we can go down to the track and see if I can borrow equipment to show you guys."
      They all said, but Gibbs, "Yes." Gibbs said, "Wait a minute. She might get hurt from doing this after so many years." I said, "True." Then they said, "Nevermind." I said, "I think my mom kept a recording of my throws on a camera somewhere in her boxes." I ran upstairs, so did everyone else. I went into Kelly's room and started through photos, cameras and video cameras.
     I turned on the first video camera on and I looked at the videos and it was this one. I said, "I found it. It has all of my meets on here." We all went back downstairs and I grabbed my laptop to the SD card in it, and then I plugged my laptop into the TV. I started from my 6th grade. I sat on Gibbs lap and I am feeling that he is getting a boner, but I did not do or say anything.
      I put my arm around Gibbs neck. Everyone is impressed on how good I was and how skinny and tiny I was. Gibbs said, "Did you ever eat while you were in Junior High?" I said, "Yes. I just burned it off. Never under estimate my mom's cooking because I would eat and eat her food, but the weight never stayed on me." We got done with the tapes and Gibbs still has his huge boner. I sat and faced Gibbs on his lap. I whispered into Gibbs ear, "I can feel your huge boner through your pants and I like it."
       Gibbs is smiling and everyone is looking at us. Tony said, "What are you guys talking about to make boss smile?" I said, "There are children's ears present, and I can't say with little ears listening because it is perverted." Gibbs puts his head on my shoulder because he is trying not to laugh.
      I whispered in Gibbs ear again, "I will fix that later with sex." Gibbs just busted out laughing. I said, "Sorry. He just finds my stuff funny what I been telling him." I grabbed my phone and sent a group message to everyone, "Gibbs got a boner during the videos and it is fully there. I whispered to him that I could feel it and I like it. Then I whispered again that I can fix that later." They all looked at it and started laughing. I ran upstairs because I felt like an idiot for sharing that. Gibbs ran up after me, but I locked myself in Kelly's room with my mom's things.
    I got my mom's hoodie and put it on because it still smells like her. Gibbs sat down outside the door and put his hand under the door. I scooted over to the door and put my hand on top of his hand. Gibbs said, "Why did you send that in the group chat?" I said, "They were wondering why you were laughing, so I told them." I took off my mom's hoodie and put it back in the box with her others.
     I unlocked the door and Gibbs picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. Gibbs started kissing me and everyone came up to see what is taking Gibbs forever. Ellie was the first one up and saw us and took a photo of Gibbs holding me and kissing me. Ellie sent it to me and Gibbs. I am kissing Gibbs deeply. Everyone else came up and saw us. They asked Ellie, "How long have they been like this?"
Ellie said, "About 25 to 30 minutes."      They said, "Damn. They are wild and hot."
      Gibbs took me to our bedroom, but before we left, and he said, "Leave all of you, so I can make Harley feel better from what you guys did to her." They all left and Gibbs still is holding me. Gibbs walked us into our room and he took off my shirt and bra. I took Gibbs shirt off and he put me on the bed. I pulled my shorts and underwear off. Gibbs took his stuff off and then he started kissing all over my body.
      Gibbs put his dick inside me and went slow to feel my vagina grip his dick. Then Gibbs went faster and faster. Gibbs has my arms over my head while kissing me. We hear a knock on the bedroom door, but we ignored it because we are still having sex. Tobias heard me moan and kept knocking. We kept having sex and Tobias just went back downstairs to wait on the couch.
    Tobias waited 2 hours before he came back up and knocked on the door again. We are still having sex and Tobias said, "Anyone in there?" Gibbs cummed inside and moaned loudly. Tobias heard and said, "You just finished Gibbs." We started laughing silently at Tobias. Gibbs grabbed his shorts to put on and I got under the covers, so Gibbs can talk to the drama queen outside of our door.
Gibbs said, "How did you get in? The door was locked."
     Tobias said, "The back door was open." Gibbs looked at me and said, "Did you forget to locked the back door?" I said, "I went out it this morning and forgot to lock it when I came back in." Tobias is staring at Gibbs six pack abs. Tobias said, "When did you get abs Gibbs?" Gibbs said, "I started getting them when Harley and I started doing workouts in the garage. We have been working out for 8 and a half months now."
    Tobias is touching Gibbs body. I said, "Get your man hands off of him. He is mine. He chose me." Tobias ran downstairs out the back door because he knew I was getting pissed off. Gibbs ran downstairs to lock the door and ran back up, but I was in the bathroom. I used the toilet and started the bath. Gibbs walked in and said, "Were you going to shower without me."
    I said, "I was getting the bath ready for the both of us, so we can relax and probably fall asleep in here. I already grabbed our guns and put them in grabbing range from the bath tub because I don't know who else will be coming in our house today." Gibbs got undressed and I am already undressed because I just put his robe on. I took off his robe and Gibbs came up to me and started kissing me after he locked the door. I answered my phone by putting my hand on it while we were kissing.
      Gibbs got in the tub. Then I got in after Gibbs and said, "I can't believe in just 2 months and 11 days until we are getting married." Gibbs said, "I can because we are meant to be." I said, "I just hope none of your ex wives shows up to our wedding because it would be a nightmare, especially with Rebecca and Stephanie. They just want you to be single and miserable, but that didn't happen. I'm glad I took the job at NCIS than the FBI job because I got to reconnect with you. If I hadn't took the job at NCIS and I would be lost when my mom died."
      Gibbs wrapped his arms around me and said, "I'm never letting you go ever because you are mine and only mine." I said, "What if we have kids? Would you share me then?" Gibbs said, "I guess I would share you." I said, "Good because I am late." Gibbs said, "What do you mean that you are late?" I said, "I'm only a day late. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I will have Ducky draw my blood tomorrow and have Abby run it because that is more accurate that way. Ducky can officiate our wedding."
      Gibbs kissed my neck and I heard a noise downstairs. I said, "Are we expecting someone?" Gibbs said, "No I don't think so." I grabbed my phone and it was on a call with Abby and Ducky. I showed Gibbs my phone, and said, "They have been listening the whole time." Abby knocked on the bathroom door and said, "Harley." I said, "I will be out in a minute or two." I got out of the tub and Gibbs slapped my ass. I grabbed a towel to dry off.
       I dried off quickly and grabbed Gibbs robe to put on. I put it on and unlocked the door. I opened it a little bit so I can slip out of it, so they wouldn't see him in the tub. I said, "How much did you of Gibbs and my conversation?" Abby said, "All of it." We moved to Kelly's room. I said, "I must have answered it when he was kissing me and my hand was on my phone. Gibbs is going to kill me."
Ducky has the blood viles and the needle to draw my blood. I sat down on Kelly's bed and Abby sat down by me to hold my hand because I hate getting my blood drawn.
      I am squeezing Abby's hand because Ducky started drawing my blood. Abby said, "I hope you are pregnant." I said, "2 months and a few weeks before my wedding and you hoping that I am pregnant." Ducky finished drawing my blood and put it in an evidence bag and handed it to Abby.
      I let go of Abby's hand and they rushed back to NCIS to run my blood. I went back to the bathroom and saw that Gibbs already got out. I went to our bedroom and said, "I'm sorry that our alone time always gets cut short." Gibbs said, "At least I made you moan when Tobias was knocking on the door." I said, "That was pretty funny. While I was grinding on you while you cummed inside of me the second time Tobias came up." Gibbs grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. 
       Gibbs said, "I hope you aren't pregnant yet because we haven't been together even a year yet and we just started having sex." I said, "I know and you are the first person I ever had sex with." Gibbs said, "Really? You are so skilled though." I said, "I don't know how though, but you like the wild side of me." Gibbs said, "Yes I do a lot. No one has got me to say this much since Shannon and Kelly."
      I said, "I know because you have loved me the day you met me 34 years ago, and you knew that anything that happened to Shannon or Kelly or both of them that you could always had me because of the memories." Gibbs did not let me go because he wanted to hold me forever. I said, "Can I put clothes on?" Gibbs handed me one of his shirts and I dropped the robe to put the shirt on, my underwear, and short shorts.
      I got my stuff on and said, "How about we go downstairs and crack open some beers or even drink bourbon." Gibbs said, "Beers because the bourbon is for when I work on my boat." I said, "Okay. Head downstairs and I will be right there." Gibbs headed downstairs and I made sure he got down them before I called McGee. McGee answered, "Hey Harley. What is up?" I said, "I might be pregnant. Abby and Ducky already took my blood to see if I am. Do not even tell anyone because I want to be sure. I will have to call you back because Abby is calling with the results."
      I hung up with McGee when I answered with Abby. Abby said bummed, "You are not pregnant." I said, "Sorry. I have to go." I called McGee back and he answered. I said, "It was a false alarm." McGee said, "Okay." I hung up and headed downstairs. Gibbs said, "I have heard from Ducky that we are in the clear." I said, "Yes we are." I sat down by Gibbs and he handed me a beer. I said, "Thank you." We sat there drinking our beers and I am sitting on Gibbs lap. I said, "Do you want to play a game?" Gibbs said, "Sure. What game?"
      I said, "Truth or dare?" Gibbs said, "Sure." I said, "Truth or dare." Gibbs said, "Dare." I said, "I dare you to kiss me for a hole 5 minutes." Gibbs said, "Okay." Gibbs started kissing me deeply and we got done. Gibbs said, "Truth or dare." I said, "Truth." Gibbs said, "Is it true that you were scared you thought you were pregnant." I said, "Yes. Truth or dare." Gibbs said, "Truth." I said, "Is it true in the past 2 years I am the one who makes you the most happy." Gibbs said, "A million times yes."
      Gibbs said, "Truth or dare." I said, "I'm done with this game." Gibbs put his arm on top of my legs. I turned the TV on. Gibbs turned my face towards his and said, "You know that I love you." I said, "Yes. I can feel another boner starting when you said that." I got up so I can sit on Gibbs lap to face him. Gibbs said, "How did I get so lucky with a Gorgeous talented fianceé? That cooks, cleans, makes me feel better, and makes me laugh and smile." I said, "You are just lucky." I started kissing Gibbs, but when I looked up I saw a gang member looking into the living room window.
       I said, "Not to alarm you, but I think a gang member has found where I am." I got down to the floor and Gibbs grabbed his gun off the coffee table. Gibbs went outside and yelled, "What do you want?" Gibbs has his gun to his side. The gang member said, "For that lady in your house to be dead." Gibbs said, "Well that is not going to happen." The gang member drew a gun and I saw it.
      I grabbed my gun and ran outside to protect Gibbs, but I started shooting when I came out and shot the son of a bitch. Gibbs came and grabbed the gun from me. I started crying and Gibbs grabbed me to hug me after he puts our guns away behind his back. Gibbs said, "It is going to be okay." The cops showed up and it's my old boss Ryan. Ryan ran up to me and said, "I am guessing that is one of the gang members dead that is after you."
    I said, "What do you think? I wouldn't shoot anyone Ryan and you know that. Gibbs this is my old boss Ryan at Metro Police department. Ryan this is my new boss Gibbs and my fianceé." Ryan said, "Since when." I said, "About 10 months." Ryan said, "But he is about 3 decades older." I said, "Gibbs was my best friend's dad. Do you remember me telling you about Kelly Gibbs?" Ryan said, "Yes."
     I said, "That is his dead daughter. Gibbs and I bonded over more things than anyone combined because we both lost his wife Shannon and daughter Kelly. Shannon was like a second mother to me. Kelly was like my sister even when she was my best friend." Gibbs went inside because he can not stand my old boss. I said, "He does not like you." Ryan said, "How can you tell? He just stares and grunts."
    I said, "I can read Gibbs fluently for decades now." Ryan said, "How though?" I said, "It is easy once you mastered what stares mean." Ryan said, "Well we need to get both of your statements." I said, "He is already writing his. I will write mine down and give it to one of the officers." Now all the gangs will leave me alone because of what happened with the gang member I shot and killed.

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