It has been a few days of me being in the hospital and today I start physical therapy fun. Gibbs slept here again in my hospital room because he did not want to me unsupervised without any weapons with me. It is midnight and Gibbs is still awake watching tv. I'm in a regular hospital room and Gibbs took the couch even though their is another bed in the room, but I know he will climb into bed with me sometime later.
I'm sound asleep and Gibbs turned the TV off. Gibbs climbed into bed with me and he put his head on my good shoulder. Gibbs wrapped his arm around mine like a baby because he thought the bullet hit somewhere else. It is 5 am and the nurse came in to ask me softly, "Hey Harley, do you need pain medicine?" I shook my head no, so I wouldn't wake my big baby up who's wrapped around my arm.
McGee, Delilah, Abby, Ducky, and Ellie showed up after the nurse left. Gibbs started to wake up because he heard footsteps moving in the room. Ducky turned the light on and I closed my eyes for that because they are sensitive in the mornings. Delilah brought coffee for me and she handed it to me. I said, "Did you get liquid Italian Sweet Cremé creamer in my coffee?" I looked at the cup and I recognize that it was my 32 oz tumbler.
Delilah said, "Yes. I made it at your house, so I knew I would get the right creamer." McGee handed Gibbs the diner coffee what the got after my coffee. I said, "I seriously needed this coffee today because I start PT this morning for my shoulder. I'm guessing he is not going to leave my side until I'm out of the hospital." McGee put two bags on the bed and said, "That is why Delilah and I packed you guys bags."
I said, "You guys are life savers because I need to take a shower before I go to PT. He is probably going to help me shower anyway." The Vance family and DiNozzo/David family showed finally. I said, "Welcome to the stinky room party." Leon said, "Why do you call the stinky room party?" I said, "If you get closer to the bed and you will see. That is why everyone is at a safe distance away from the bed. Him and I will get into the shower after you guys go to work because I want to be clean before I go do PT."
Jackie said, "I'm staying here with you to keep you company." Delilah said, "I used a vacation day to stay here with you too." I said, "Thanks guys. I might need help putting on my clothes and I didn't want him babying me. I know he isn't listening because he is tired. I should get discharged in 2-3 days tops because the doctors want to make sure my heart rate is where it should be since I gave them a scare. I will have to wear a heart monitor for a week to make sure I won't have any weird things going on with my heart."
Jared and Kayla said, "Will you be able to have your wedding?" I said, "I think we can. I might be in a sling though, but I will make them give me a turquoise sling, so it can match my dress and shoes." Delilah said, "I picked you up a new pair of shoes for the wedding because I don't want you to wear high heels since you got injured. I got you turquoise converses instead." Dr.Link came in and saw that I had a full house.
I said, "Don't mind the odor because I been stuck in this bed for 2 days without getting up unless I needed to use the bathroom, since you have to give me the go ahead to shower. Plus it isn't just me who hasn't taken a shower in two days." Gibbs heard that comment and hit me on the back of the head, but took my free hand and made a fist and hit his junk so hard to make him realize for doing that to me after I was just shot. All the adults said, "Pay back is a bitch Jethro."
I said, "At least I didn't have to say it this time." Gibbs kissed the side of my head and said, "I'm sorry." Dr.Link said, "You can take a shower today and when you are done have nurse Lisa put cream on it so the skin won't get irritated." I said, "Okay." Everyone left, but Jackie, Delilah, and Gibbs. The remaining 3 helped me up to a sitting position so nurse Lisa can take off the bandage. Nurse Lisa took the bandage off and said, "Wash your shoulder in lukewarm water." Nurse Lisa took my blood pressure cup off and the pulse ox off. I got my IV out last night before Gibbs got back in the room.
I said, "Okay. Gibbs did you hear that." Gibbs nodded and nurse Lisa left. They helped me off the bed and Gibbs put my good arm around his arm and walked into the bathroom. Nurse Lisa came back into change my sheets before Tali climbed onto the bed. Jackie and Delilah started talking and Gibbs put his clothes on the sink and I put my gown on the back of the door. The towels, wash clothes, body wash, and hair soaps are in a drawer in the bathroom.
I turned the shower on lukewarm. Gibbs and I got under the water and he has me up against the wall because he waited this long to kiss me against the wall, but he is being extremely careful with my shoulder. I have my good arm hand on Gibbs face and he has both on my face because he planted a huge deep kiss on me. Gibbs started washing my hair because I can't since I can't move my shoulder up that high yet. Gibbs hugged me after he washed my hair and he rinsed my hair.
Gibbs said, "It is all my fault that you got shot." I said, "No it is not. It is my fault for opening my big fat mouth." We got rid of the stink and I tried to dry off, but really couldn't. Gibbs helped me dry off and helped me get dressed in my underwear, shorts, a comfortable bra what won't interfere with the stitches, and one of Gibbs big shirts. Gibbs hurried to get dressed and we walked out of the bathroom, but Gibbs grabbed his dirty clothes and put them with my dirty clothes from days ago. Gibbs put his boots on and Delilah got my tennis shoes out in front of me.
Gibbs grabbed my hair brush from my bag to brush my hair. Jackie said, "I can braid your hair if you want." I said, "Yes please and can you put it into a bun as well." Delilah said, "Extra hair ties should be in there." Gibbs grabbed 3 out because we got rid of the one what I had in my hair for 2 days straight since it stunk. I sat on the edge of the couch against the arm and my legs are on the couch, so Jackie can have my whole head, but before I put my legs up on the couch Gibbs had to sit down to be close to me.
Nurse Lisa came back in to give me a turquoise sling, since she over heard me saying that. I said, "Thank You for the colored sling." Nurse Lisa helped me get my arm in it, so my shoulder wouldn't move very far. My hair is done being braided and into a bun and I said, "Thank You Jackie." Jackie said, "Any time sweetie. You are like my second daughter." I said, "I'm only 10 years younger than you, so how is that possible." Jackie said, "Just take the compliment." Tali is still here because she didn't want to leave me.
Tali is playing on Ziva's tablet what is on child lock mood. I said, "I will be back down in a few hours." Tali got off the clean bed and grabbed my hand with her tablet in hand still. I said, "Let's go everyone." Gibbs grabbed Tali to put her on his side. Gibbs grabbed my free hand to lock with his. Jackie and Delilah are behind us. We got onto the elevator to go one floor up for the physical therapy floor. We got off on the floor, but I asked the nurse, "Where is the Orthopedic physical therapy?"
Dr.Link found us and said, "I got it from here Dorris. Follow me." We followed him and luckily there were kids toys in the physical therapy room for Tali to play with since Dr. Link put them in here for her to play with. Jackie sat down with Tali to play with her, so Tali doesn't have to see the pain I will be in. Dr.Link said, "Harley meet your physical therapist Dr. Fred Gilbert." Gibbs let go of my hand so I could shake the physical therapist hand.
Dr. Link left because he had rounds to go do. Fred said, "How about we take off the sling?" Fred and Gibbs took my sling off very very slow to make sure my shoulder didn't move, so Fred can see the stitches. Gibbs moved the short sleeve up as far as it can go. Fred said, "The stitching looks good, but there is a little redness around it."
Fred started moving my arm up and down to side to side, and front to back. I am slightly in pain, but Gibbs took my hand and said, "Breathe Harley." I started breathing normally again. The cardiologist came in because she didn't find me in my room to put the monitor on. My cardiologist is Dr. Maggie Pierce. Maggie said, "In a week you come back and we will talk about the results of the heart monitor." Maggie and Fred got the monitor hooked up to me and Maggie put the monitor and it's case onto my shorts.
Maggie left and Fred said, "I want you to pick up a dodgeball from the rack with your left hand." I walked over to the rack and picked up the ball with my left hand and I did, but it hurt a lot and it made me start crying. Fred said, "That is enough PT for right now." Gibbs ran up to me and took the ball from my hand. Gibbs hugged me after he wiped away my tears, so Tali wouldn't see the tears. Gibbs gave me back the ball in my good hand and I threw it fast. Fred said, "Was that with your left arm?"
I said, "No. It was with my pitching arm, so my right arm. I am just mad that I cannot move my left arm very far without pain." Fred said, "It takes time Harley." I said in a high tone, "I'm getting married in less than a month. How am I going to slow dance with my arm in a sling?" I scared Tali and I ran out. Gibbs grabbed my sling and ran after me. I got up to the roof by running up all those stairs. I sat down by the ledge. Gibbs got to me and said, "What the hell are you doing over there?"
I said, "Just maybe my shoulder would go back to the way it was. I bet you 10 to 1 that they haven't cracked the shooter yet." Gibbs sat down by me and said, "No. I have talked to Leon. They cracked him when you were in surgery. He is awaiting trial." I said, "You know that Pedro Hernandez shit is going to be brought up in this." Gibbs said, "I will take you to the states attorney's office when you get out so we can tell them what happened with Pedro Hernandez."
We got up and Gibbs wrapped his arm around my back, but before he could that he slapped my ass. Gibbs kissed me before we left the roof. We got to the door and we have several flights down to get to the therapy floor. Gibbs and my free hand is locked together, we started down the stairs. Delilah and Jackie kept Tali entertained while I was having my fit.
We got back down to the therapy floor and Tali ran up to me. I let go of Gibbs hand. I picked Tali up when I'm not supposed to, but I picked her up with my good arm. Fred saw me do that and got mad. I went back to the physical therapy room with Tali. I put Tali back down by Delilah and Jackie, so I can work on my arm. I went over to the dodge ball rack and picked up a ball with my left hand and threw it with my left hand without pain. Jackie saw me throw the dodge ball hard against the wall.
Gibbs picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I wrapped my arms around Gibbs neck and kissed him deeply. Delilah got a photo of us in that position and sent it to both of us. I saved it as my wallpaper on my phone because it captured a true moment in our relationship. Gibbs put me down and Delilah hugged me, so did Tali and Jackie. The whole team saw me throw the ball at the wall with my left arm and they were already in the room when I threw the ball.
They joined the hug and I said, "When did you guys get here?" Tony said, "About 10 minutes ago." Dr.Gilbert said, "Harley, it is time for you to put your sling on if you aren't doing PT." I picked up a ball and threw it at Fred. Fred left me alone and Gibbs gave me another ball to throw and I shot it into a basket with my left hand. Everyone cheered for me because that was my first time shooting a ball into a basket after I got shot in my left shoulder.
All the girls hugged me and the guys talked to Gibbs. Ducky said, "How is she feeling Jethro?" Gibbs said, "The pain comes and goes in her left shoulder and her upper left arm. She is doing fine right now. She is a fighter Ducky because she lost 3 family members not far from each other, her brother being kidnapped, and being shot at. You tell me that she is not put together Ducky. Everyone including me has their weak spots and her's is family."
Dr.Gilbert came back and said, "It is time to do stretches again." I put my left arm out and moved it up and down, then side to side, then put my hand on my back, and then into a L shape. Dr.Gilbert said, "You don't need the sling." I said, "I wore it for nothing." Dr.Gilbert said, "You are right, but take it easy for the next 2 weeks." I said, "Then can I go home today since you and Dr.Pierce put the heart monitor on me today." Dr.Pierce came in and said, "Here is the patches for when you change it after you get out of the shower."
I said, "Can I be discharged today? Dr.Link already gave me the pain medicine to take home with me. I just need the all clear from you two." Dr.Gilbert said, "I cleared you 5 minutes ago to go home." Dr.Pierce said, "I discharged you an hour ago because your fiance signed the paperwork." I said staring at Gibbs, "Did he now?" Gibbs said, "You were on the roof and I had Delilah take the bags down to your truck." I said, "Dr.Gilbert is it fine for me to drive."
Dr.Gilbert said, "Yes, but not for a long period of time, so the stitches won't pop out." I said, "We only live 20 blocks away from here." Dr.Gilbert said, "You are pushing it, but that is okay." Gibbs handed me my truck keys. I ran to the elevator and down to my truck. I got into my truck and saw another member of Pedro Hernandez. Gibbs came out of the hospital and saw the member. Gibbs drew his gun and pointed it at the member and the member walked away. Gibbs nodded to me to speed home and park my truck in the garage.
I raced home and parked into the garage. I turned my truck off and shut the garage. I put my vest on carefully and grabbed the bags to put on my shoulder. Then I grabbed the 2 guns out of my glove box. I put my gun holster and gun on my hip and the other in my hand. I shut and locked the garage, so no one could get into it to slash the tires on the vehicles. I ran to the back door and unlocked it. I relocked it and put the bags near the washer and dryer. Gibbs got home and said, "You weren't followed."
I said, "I know I was going like 70 in a 30." Gibbs hugged me and said, "At least you didn't get shot again." I said, "I would have shot him. You know that right." Gibbs said, "You probably would have killed him." I said, "That is right. Can you help me take this vest off?" Gibbs helped me take off the vest. I went back to the washer to put Gibbs and my clothes in the washer from his bag. Gibbs came up behind me and hugged me. I said, "Less than a month until we get married." Gibbs kissed my neck on both sides.
My heart is beating a little bit fast and it is going to show on the monitor. I said, "Jethro, remember we can't fool around because I have a heart monitor on since my heart rate dropped in surgery." Gibbs has me up against the wall and kissed me deeply. My arms are around Gibbs neck and he picked me up. I laid my head on Gibbs shoulder and he took us to the couch. I already have my shoes off when I first came in. My boots are by the back door since my hands were full.
Gibbs laid me on the couch to get a nap since I had a long day today. Gibbs went downstairs to work on our boat. I passed out once I was put onto the couch. The team came over and went downstairs to the basement, but Jackie, Breena, and the kids because Jackie wanted to stay upstairs to keep an eye on me and to stay with the kids. Gibbs said, "What are you guys doing here?"
Leon said, "To see how Harley is doing because we all saw 3 gang members looking for Harley inside of the hospital after you left." Jackie put a cover over me. Delilah and Breena took the kids outside to play. Jackie is sitting by my head making sure I am ok. Jared and Kayla came back in because they were getting tired from Victoria and Tali chasing them around. An hour later I woke up to several people in the living on the floor and my head on Gibbs lap.
I said, "Seriously, you watched me sleep." They nodded and I said, "Creepy unless if it's Gibbs, but that's sweet." I sat up and deeply kissed Gibbs. Gibbs wrapped his arm around me to pull me back because he wanted to cuddle. My head is on Gibbs shoulder and the TV is on cartoons for Victoria and Tali. I said, "A few weeks until the big day." Gibbs kissed the top of my head and said, "I can't wait to marry the love of my life again."
Delilah and Breena said, "I can't wait to help with Harley's hair and makeup." I turned on music because I want to have a karaoke night. I turned on She Somebody's Daughter by Drew Baldridge. Gibbs got up and put his hand out. I grabbed Gibbs hand and Gibbs took me out to the backyard, but I grabbed my phone and speaker. Everyone else followed us to the backyard. I put my phone down on the back porch and played the song. Gibbs grabbed my hand again to dance with me. Gibbs and I started slow dancing, because he wants to get it down before the wedding.
Everyone else started dancing. I started to laugh, so did Gibbs. Gibbs and I haven't decided where we want to go for our honeymoon yet. I said while still dancing, "Jethro, where do you want to honeymoon at?" Gibbs whispered in my hear and said, "The cabin, so no one will find us." I whispered and said, "Okay." Gibbs spun me and brought me back in. Gibbs dipped me and grabbed my leg to kiss me romantically. I kissed Gibbs deeply. Abby is dancing with Tali and Victoria. I said, "My stitches comes out tomorrow since it has been 6 days since I had my surgery."
They said, "When were you going to tell us." I said, "I don't know because we were all busy. Gibbs knew because the doctor told him to tell me. I will have a nice scar line from the top of my shoulder down in a straight line." Gibbs said, "A sexy scar line." I smacked the back of Gibbs head and said, "In front of the kids seriously." Gibbs went to go sit down in time out for what he said.
Everyone went home because it was getting late and they have work together, but Tali and Victoria wanted to stay the night, so there bags are inside. Victoria, Tali, Gibbs, and I headed inside because I needed to give the girls a bath after I grabbed my phone and speaker. Gibbs brought the girls up to the bathroom and I grabbed their bags after I locked the doors. I ran upstairs with the bags and Gibbs already has the bath water started.
I said, "I could have did that." Gibbs said, "I know you could have, but you were busy." Tali came to me so I can help her get undressed, and Gibbs help Victoria undressed. I put Tali in the bath tub. Gibbs already has the kids soap out. Gibbs got Victoria in the bath tub. I started washing Tali's hair while she is playing with the rubber duck. I said, "I really want one because look how cute this is." Gibbs said, "I know you do. We will have one soon I promise you."
Gibbs kissed the side of my head. The girls looked at us and I put soap on Gibbs and the girls giggled at it. I said, "You like that." Gibbs elbowed me and I splashed him with water. I rinsed Tali's hair and then I put conditioner in her hair. Gibbs finally got Victoria's hair done with soap. I said, "I can move faster than you old man." Gibbs put his hand infront of my face, so I bit his hand. I said, "That is for putting it in front of my face when I am trying to bath Tali."
Tali put soap on Gibbs nose and Victoria put soap on my nose. I said, "We better hurry before they do anything else." Gibbs and I rinsed the girls hair and switched. I hurried and put conditioner in Victoria's hair. Gibbs hurried and washed Tali. Then Gibbs rinsed Tali and got her out of the tub. Gibbs grabbed a towel and dried Tali off. I said, "Tali's bag is in our bedroom on the floor by the bed."
Gibbs took Tali into our bedroom wrapped in a towel. I finally got Victoria's hair rinsed again and got her washed and rinsed. I took Victoria out and dried her off. I pulled the plug from the drain. I picked up Victoria and brought her to my bedroom. Gibbs got Tali dressed and put her on the bed. I got Victoria's bag unzipped and got her PJs out and her pull up. I put the pull up in front of Victoria and she put one leg in at a time. I put Victoria night gown on her. I put Victoria on the bed.
I went downstairs to grab beer and sat down on the couch. The girls fell asleep in our bed so Gibbs came downstairs and saw me drinking beer. Gibbs grabbed it from me and I got up and took it from him, but he wrapped his arm around me and sat down on the couch and I landed on his lap. Gibbs put my beer on the table after he chugged it. Gibbs wrapped both of his arms around me. I kissed Gibbs deeply and he flipped me to put me on the couch laying me down so he can be on top. Gibbs start kissing me again with my arms around his neck.
Gibbs pulled my shorts and underwear off and then took his pants and underwear off. I threw a blanket over us just in case the girls came down. Gibbs went under the covers to lick me. I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't moan. Gibbs took his time down there and finally came up to where my face is, and put his dick inside of me. Gibbs is pounding himself into me while kissing me so we won't make any sound.
Gibbs cummed inside me and we kept kissing so the girls wouldn't hear us. I wrapped a blanket around me to run to the bathroom down here. Gibbs put his underwear back on and brought mine with my shorts. I used the bathroom and came out. I looked at the stove and it said 10 o'clock. I said, "It is time for bed because we will be woken up in several hours." I have my underwear and shorts on. I got on the other side of the couch and passed out. Gibbs put a cover over me and went upstairs to sleep on the floor by our bed just in case the girls wake up during the middle of the night.
It is currently 6 o'clock in the morning and I heard the door unlocking so I grabbed my gun and yelled, "NCIS." Tony said, "It's just me and Palmer." I said, "Seriously you couldn't have waited until we were awake. Now the girls are awake because of me from yelling. Hope you are happy." Gibbs came running down in his underwear and didn't realize it. I said, "Babe seriously. You have no pants on still." I tossed Gibbs his pants so he can put them on.
Gibbs put them on and the girls came running down with their bags. I said, "They were bathed and then crashed on our bed once they were out of the bath. Now leave so I can go get in the shower." I got up off the couch with the gun in my hand. The girls didn't flinch because they know we have guns in the house. Tony picked up Tali and grabbed her bag off the floor. Palmer took Victoria's hand and her bag. They left and Gibbs shut the door. Gibbs ran up to the bathroom and heard me crying.
Gibbs came in and took the gun from my hand slid it across the bathroom floor and got on the floor with me by the bath tub. Gibbs put my head on his shoulder after he wiped the tears off my face. Gibbs said, "What made you start crying?" I said, "I wasn't able to make the girls and you breakfast like I planned because Tony and Palmer ruined it." Gibbs said, "After your shower how about we go to the diner to get breakfast." I said, "I am never stepping foot in that building ever again."
Gibbs said, "Okay. I will make you breakfast before you have to go get your stitches out." I deeply kissed Gibbs and I got up. Gibbs left the bathroom so I can get into the shower, but before he left he slapped my ass. I turned on the shower and got undressed. I got in the shower and washed my hair. I rinsed my hair and put conditioner and let it sit in my hair for a while. I rinsed my hair again and washed my body.
I got done with my shower and got out and dried off. I put the towel around me and went back to the bedroom. Gibbs picked out an outfit for me. My outfit is a pair of jeans, bra, underwear, a cute tank top, a cardigan, and my boots. I said, "You want to do my hair to." Gibbs said, "I was planning on it." I said, "Thanks for the cute outfit. I know it is one of your favorite outfits of mine." I got dressed and my boots on. I put my glasses on. Gibbs grabbed my hand to bring me to the bathroom so he can work on my hair.
Gibbs is already dressed in nice clothes and I am beginning to wonder why he is doing all of this. I said, "What is your end game Mister?" Gibbs said, "I can't say." I gave Gibbs my sad stare and he said, "I have something planned after you get your stitches out." I said, "I know that because Ellie, Jackie, Delilah, Ziva, Abby, and Breena been asking me when I am going to get my stitches out, so that gave me what I needed to know."
Gibbs said, "I knew I shouldn't have told them." Gibbs got my hair done. My hair is straightened and half up in a bun because Gibbs loves my hair straight and in a half up bun. Gibbs kissed me and I said, "What is that for?" Gibbs said, "I just love you." Gibbs went downstairs to get breakfast on the table. I headed downstairs and Gibbs was waiting at the bottom with 1 light blue Rose. I said, "What is going on?" Gibbs said, "It is our 11 month anniversary before our wedding. It is almost been a year together. You will see more roses from me somewhere in the house."
I got off the steps and took the rose from Gibbs to put in a vase. I walked towards the kitchen and I saw everyone with 1 light blue Rose, but Tali and Victoria had 2 each for me. Everyone came up to me 1 by 1 to give me the roses. I started crying with happy tears and Ellie had her phone recording from when I came down the stairs. I ran to Gibbs and hugged him tightly with the roses in my hand.
Gibbs kissed my forehead and I said, "I'm the luckiest woman on the planet because I'm marrying the sweetest, kindest, carrying, sexiest, loving, and a bad ass man." Delilah came to get the flowers to put them in the vase what is on the table. I saw that Gibbs made our first morning together breakfast. That is pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns with coffee to drink. I said, "You didn't have to recreate the first breakfast we had together for it."
Gibbs said, "I know I didn't, but I wanted to show my gorgeous, brilliant, loving, and caring fianceé that I could do something romantic for our anniversary." I kissed Gibbs on the cheek and he smiled from ear to ear. Gibbs held out his arm and I put my arm around his arm. We walked to the table and Gibbs pulled out my chair for me. I let go of Gibbs arm, so I can sit down. Gibbs pushed me closer to the table.
Delilah put my coffee in front of me and I said, "Thank You all for doing this because Gibbs and my 1 year anniversary is the day we get married, so our wedding anniversary will be on the anniversary we got together and the day I moved in officially with him." Gibbs gave me the pancakes to put on my plate. I put one on my plate, so I can more of the other food. Everyone joined us to because Gibbs went all out on the food for everyone to eat to.
Gibbs put the other food on my plate and said, "Eat up my beautiful." I smiled at Gibbs and Gibbs started eating. I started eating and drinking my coffee. Everyone else started eating. Gibbs has his hand on my upper thigh and I got down eating because I got full. Gibbs had flings and ex wives before I came along (relationship wise), but he knows I'm the one after Shannon because I bring the laughter/happiness out of him.
Jimmy, Ducky, and Leon helped Gibbs with putting up the leftovers. Delilah and McGee are washing dishes. Ziva and Breena keeping Tali and Victoria entertained. Abby was taking the trash out. I am sitting on the couch with my cup of coffee taking in everything. I put on the songs Gibbs and I listened to on our first official date what we had off my phone through my speaker. Everyone who is in the kitchen came into the living room. I put my coffee on the coffee table and got up and went up to Gibbs. I grabbed Gibbs hand and put my other hand on his shoulder to slow dance.
I don't get my stitches out until noon and it is only 10 o'clock in the morning. Tobias came walking through the door with a very pregnant Diane and Emily. I said, "What in the hell are you doing here Tobias and Diane?" Emily said, "I needed a ride over here and they both wanted to crash this anniversary party." I said, "Diane, you can leave." Gibbs said, "You too, Tobias." Gibbs kept pushing them out, but not Emily because I invited her.
I said, "Gibbs and I have to head out in a hour, so we can make it to the hospital to get my stitches out. A doctor named Jackson Avery did my stitches after Doctor Link got done getting the bullet out of my shoulder, because Doctor Avery is a Plastics doctor. That is why my stitches look amazing." Emily said, "Can I see them before you get them out?" I took part of my sleeve down and Gibbs helped me with my tank top.
Emily said, "Geez that is going to be a long scar." I said, "No one is going to notice it. If they stare at my arm for a long period of time they will." I put my sleeve back on. Gibbs spin me around and then Ducky wanted to dance with me. The music is still playing and it got to one of Gibbs favorite songs, so he grabbed me back to dance with him again. We did a dance with a lot of spins. Tali and Victoria ran to my legs and Gibbs picked Tali up. I picked Victoria up. I have my gun on my side, but it is covered and I have my NCIS badge on and my NCIS ID badge is in my pocket.
I said, "You little stinkers. I don't mean it literally. My mom used to call me and Jordan that all the time when we were little because we got into everything." It is 11 o'clock and everyone is going to the place where Gibbs told them to go. Gibbs and I headed out to the hospital. Gibbs has his gun on his hip and his badge on his pants just in case he needs it and his NCIS ID is in his pocket. Gibbs opened the door to his truck for me. I got in and Gibbs shut the door. Gibbs walked to the driver's side to get in.
I put my seat belt on. Gibbs got in the truck and he shut his door. Gibbs got buckled and my wallet is in my back pocket and my phone is in my front pocket. My sun glasses on and Gibbs has his sun glasses on as well. We headed towards the hospital and Gibbs grabbed my opened hand to hold it. I kissed Gibbs hand and I saw a huge smile on his face. I said, "I am glad that we got to reconnect because it brought us closer than ever." Gibbs said, "Yes it has."
Gibbs has a blindfold in his back pocket for when before we get to the surprise later. We got to the hospital and Gibbs parked the truck up front. I unbuckled and Gibbs did the same. Gibbs hurried out of the truck because he wants to open the door for me. Gibbs has his hand out for me to grab so I grabbed it. Gibbs shut the truck door and locked the truck. We headed inside and people are just staring at Gibbs gun and badge.
Gibbs and my hands are together and I texted Doctor Avery that we are here. Doctor Avery found us and said, "There is my rock star because you were the best patient to do stitches on. I had no complications stitching your arm up." I said, "Doctor Jackson Avery meet my fianceé Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Jethro meet attending Doctor Jackson Avery." Jackson and Gibbs shook hands. Jackson took us to an ER room to take the stitches out.
We got to the ER room and Jackson grabbed the kit to take the stitches out. Jackson grabbed pain killers to numb the area before he takes out the stitches. Maggie came in to take the heart monitor off me. Maggie said, "During the week, your heart rate looked normal, but I want you to still follow up with me in 2 months, so we can do an echocardiogram to see if there is any damage from the surgery."
I said, "Okay Maggie. See you in 2 months at what time." Maggie said, "How about 1 o'clock on August 4." I said, "That is fine with me." Jackson already has half of the stitches out. Maggie left and Gibbs was just staring at my arm when the stitches are coming out. I said, "Earth to Jethro." I waved my hand in front of him and he snapped out of it. Jackson got all my stitches out and I didn't feel a thing. Gibbs helped me with my sleeve because my arm is completely numb from the pain medicine.
Gibbs helped me from the chair and helped me to the truck. I said, "You are the rockstar Jackson for making me not feel the pain when you took my stitches out." We went outside of the hospital, but Gibbs put my arm around his, so I won't fall since Jackson gave me pain medicine to get the stitches out. We got out to the truck and Gibbs unlocked the truck. Gibbs opened the door for me and helped me into the truck.
Gibbs buckled me up and kissed me. Gibbs shut my side of the truck and ran to his side because we are late to the thing what he has planned. Gibbs rented the whole diner out for friends, the team and their families, the foster kids I saved and their foster parents for the pre-wedding ideas still. Gibbs got us there to the diner. I passed out from the pain medicine and Gibbs woke me up. I said, "Did I pass out from the pain medicine?"
Gibbs said, "Yes. We are here." I said, "What the hell are we doing here Gibbs?" Gibbs said, "Let's just go in." Everyone has their gifts on the first table and booth to the right when you come in. We headed inside, but Gibbs has my arm around his. We walked inside the diner and everyone jumped out and yelled, "Surprise!" I said, "Seriously. I just had pain medicine what was injected into my skin to get my stitches out. You guys are lucky I didn't grab my gun." I have my glasses on and Tali ran from me because she didn't recognize me with my glasses yet. I said, "I'm sorry for that Tony."
Gibbs got me to a booth before I fall asleep standing from the pain medicine. Cheryl brought me a cup of coffee with peppermint creamer. Cheryl said, "Gibbs pre-warned me to keep coffee coming because the pain medicine what you had." I said, "Did he now." Jordan walked into the diner and Gibbs stopped him. Gibbs said, "Outside now. I don't need her to see you here." Gibbs and Jordan walked outside. McGee and Tony went outside just in case they had to break them up for me.
Jackson, Maggie, Link, and all the nurses who were on my case just arrived with presents. I said, "What are you guys doing here with gifts?" Jackson said, "Gibbs invited us here for some reason." I said, "Okay. Mingle with my co-workers." Delilah, Jackie, Ziva, and Ellie sat down at the booth where I am sitting. I said, "What?" Jackie said, "How can you fall asleep from pain medicine?" I said, "Easily because I never took it in my life even when I got my arm fractured years ago from softball."
Delilah said, "How many injuries have you had without pain medicine?" I said, "Probably at least a 8 or 9 times throughout my life." Ellie said, "Damn girl, you have a high pain tolerance." I said, "I got it from my dad because every time he got hurt he didn't take pain medicine plus my tolerance to pain is because I have several tattoos. I have one on my forearm what say, "Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. ~Lilo & Stitch. Then I have one on the back of my left shoulder what is a half butterfly that is blue inside and half flowers what is orange inside of the flowers. Orange and blue are Ryan's favorite colors. Under the butterfly it has my baby brother's name, his birthday and his death date."
I rolled up my right sleeve to my elbow and showed them. Gibbs came back in along with McGee and Tony. I said, "Honey, why was my brother here?" Gibbs said, "He wanted to see you, but I told him that you don't need any stress before the wedding. Plus he wanted money." I said, "Like always because he uses his on alcohol since he likes to party when he home from the military." Jackie got up so Gibbs can come sit by me. Ziva left when Jackie left, so Ellie slid to the middle of the seat.
Gibbs grabbed my opened hand and put his in it, so he can kiss my hand. I kissed Gibbs cheek. Gibbs kissed my hand while I kissed his cheek and Ellie got a photo of it happening at the same time to send it to both of us. Leon whistled to get everyone's attention and everyone stopped what the were doing to listen.
Leon said, "Hi, I'm Leon Vance. Harley's and Gibbs boss. I want to say a few words about Gibbs and Harley. I have known Gibbs a lot longer than I have known Harley. I know for a fact that Harley is more stubborn than Gibbs and I put together because she has met her best friends and her best friends mom killer a week or two ago and she beat the crap out of him, but Gibbs kept his cool. Plus she was stubborn when Tobias Fornell showed up to Gibbs and house on the day of her mom's death party. When I first met Gibbs, he was a son of a bitch, but now he is more softer because of Harley joining NCIS than joining the FBI almost a year ago. Harley is the most brilliant, talented, and badass forensic scientist." I said, "That is enough Leon."
Abby dinged her coffee mug and said, "Hi, I'm Abigail Sciuto. I have known both Gibbs and Harley for a while now. Harley takes her loss and turns it into drive because she has dealt with so much pain in her life with 3 of her family members dying close together in years, but she can be stubborn a lot when she cannot get her way. Gibbs is the same way, but ever since Harley came back into his life and he became more relaxed with life."
Abby got done. Ellie said, "Hi, I'm Eleanor Bishop and I work with Harley and Gibbs. In the short period I have known Harley, she can be funny, smart, loving, caring, definitely stubborn, and the most fun to be around at work because she brings the sunshine to everyone's darkness at NCIS. Now for Gibbs, Gibbs can be a piece of work to read because he stares and doesn't say anything and waits for you to tell him what is going on with a case. I want to say that I'm glad that you guys found each other again because everyone from work can see how happy you guys make each other."
McGee said, "Hi, I'm Timothy McGee. I have worked with Gibbs for 13 years and he is the most stubborn person in the world before I met Harley almost a year ago. They both bring the laughter out of each other. I am happy that they are getting married. I'm glad I get to walk Harley done the aisle at her wedding along with Tony." Correction Leon is one of Gibbs best man because Ducky is marrying us, since Ducky and Gibbs are really good friends.
Tony said, "Hi, I'm Anthony DiNozzo Jr. I work with Gibbs for almost 2 decades now and he can be a jackass at times. When I do something stupid Gibbs slaps me on the back of the head. He does it to everyone. When I met Harley almost a year ago, I kind of stared at her on her first day because I have never seen anyone like her. Harley is a strong independent woman who does not take no for an answer. Gibbs and Harley are perfect for each other because they are both stubborn and they both give off stares like they are giving to me now. They get each other. I hope you guys have a lifetime of happiness."
Ziva said, "Hi, I'm Ziva David. I work with Gibbs for little over a decade now. He is a good man to be around. Never drink his coffee or never spill his coffee because he will give you a death stare and it happened to McGee twice. When I met Harley, she walked into the squad room all confident and I love that about her because she is confident about everything. I see that they bring out the happiness in each other. I have the great pleasure of knowing them both."
Ducky said, "Hi, I'm Donald Mallard. I known Jethro for 2 and a half decades. I'm glad that Jethro is happy again because now he won't be so grumpy anymore, so thank you Harley. I have known Harley for a while from Jethro stories about her when she was little and hanging out with Kelly. Harley is a young brilliant, sweet, caring, and loving lady."
Jimmy said, "Hi, I'm Jimmy Palmer. When I first met Gibbs, I was intimidated by him same goes with Harley because her tattoo was showing and gave off a vibe. After you get to know them personally, you will understand their personalities. I know I have. Who cares about the age difference because it is love what matter the most in life. Harley keeps fighting for what she believes in every single day since I have met her. I want to say that it makes us all happy that you guys are getting married."
Tobias and 10 other FBI agents came busting in. I said, "Jeff Fletcher? Is that you?" Jeff said, "Hi Harley." I said, "What in the world are you crashing my pre-wedding party?" Tobias said, "Harley Miller, you are under arrest for killing Pedro Hernandez." Jackson stepped in and said, "Mr.Hernandez died from a brain bleed what happened at the hospital from complications due to surgery. Harley did not kill him. If you want the autopsy report I will get that to you." Leon said, "Why now Tobias after a week or 2 to arrest her after she got shot by one of his people?"
I said, "This isn't about Pedro Hernandez. I know what it is about. It is about Jeff getting back at me for turning him down 2 years ago and Tobias wants me out of the picture so he can have Gibbs to himself. They don't care about me. They want me to rot in prison or dead. I know the truth about Tobias and Jeff. Jeff still lives at home in his parents basement and can't lose weight after I rejected him 2 years ago. Tobias can't get over that I chose NCIS over the FBI and that he can't deal with that he slept with one of Gibbs ex wives and had kids with her twice. Isn't that right Jeff? By the way there boss tried to sleep with me to get me to take the job over at the FBI. Not the director of the FBI. The HR boss."
Jeff said, "It is all true what she has said." Jeff ran out crying about what I said. Suzie ran after Jeff because they are engaged, but before she got outside and I said, "Honey good luck with him because he is too clingy and toxic. I heard that he cheated on his last girl who he was supposed to marry." All of the FBI agents left the diner and Leon is getting a call from the FBI director.
Leon got an ear full from the FBI director about how Pedro Hernandez died on US soil. Leon explained that Mr.Hernandez died from natural causes due to surgery. Leon came up to where I'm sitting and said, "The FBI director wants to see you tomorrow morning at 9 am." I said, "About Pedro Hernandez I'm guessing." Leon said, "It is about what you said about his agents." I said, "You got to be kidding me. That is the most stupidest thing. I can't believe Jeff and Tobias told on me to their boss."
Now I'm getting a call from the director of the FBI. I showed it to them and said, "Everyone quiet." I answered and put it on speaker phone. I said, "Hello Paul. How can I help you?" Paul said, "Why did you insult 2 of my agents?" I said, "They ruined my pre wedding party by trying to arrest me from something I did not do. I did not kill Pedro Hernandez. He died from natural causes at the hospital. Tobias was asking for trouble anyways. Jeff is just easy to mess with."
Paul said, "I never sent them to arrest you for that because I got the autopsy report on my desk. I bet you ten to one Tobias set that up on his own." I said, "That is why I had to mess with them both because I knew I did not kill Pedro." Paul said, "I am truly sorry that they ruined your pre wedding party. Tell Gibbs I said congrats on being engaged again." I said, "You just did Paul because I have it on speaker phone." Paul said, "Hello everyone from NCIS and other people."
I took Paul off speaker and said, "It was easier to have you on speaker to hear you better." Gibbs kissed me on the cheek and I smiled big. Gibbs still has my hand in his. I said, "I have to go Paul because we are about to open presents." I hung up and the whole team brought up a huge present to where Gibbs and I are. Gibbs let go of my hand to help take the present from them. Ellie is recording while we are tearing open the wrapping paper. We saw that it was my first day at NCIS and everyone signed it in a picture frame. I said, "This is really thoughtful of you guys."
Gibbs said, "I love it because I love everyone of you guys for making the best woman in the world feel welcome onto the team that day." Gibbs faced me and I kissed him. Leon handed Gibbs an envelope and he opened it and it is open ended tickets to Paris from the whole team and the whole building. Gibbs showed me the tickets and I said, "Are you serious? Open ended tickets to Paris the romantic city. How cliche of you guys?"
Ducky and Ellie moved it to the counter. The Palmer family brought their gift up to us. I let Gibbs open it and it is a hand mold of Gibbs hand and my hand together with the Palmer family, Delilah and McGee were there as well. I said, "That is from our second date and our hands were in that for hours, but I got to stare into my fianceé eyes for those long 2 hours of our lives and we talked to each other. When they took our hands out of the bucket Gibbs kissed me for a long period of time because he couldn't while our hands were in the bucket." Jimmy put the gift by the other one.
The Vance family handed me their gift. I opened it and it is matching shirts. My shirt says Taken by Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs and it's a white shirt with black letters. Gibbs shirt says Taken by Forensic Scientist Harley Gibbs and his is a black shirt with white letters. I put the shirts off to the side. Abby handed Gibbs her gift and I probably know what it is. Gibbs opened the box and it's matching turquoise wedding bands. I said, "I love them Abby." Delilah and McGee gave us their gift. I think I know what it is.
I opened it and it is Mrs. Leroy Jethro Gibbs & Mr Leroy Jethro Gibbs towels. I said, "These are adorable." I showed Gibbs the towels and he smiled at me. Gibbs said, "Thank you Delilah and McGee. She loves them." Ducky handed both of gifts. I let Gibbs open his first and saw that it was an bracelet what was engraved with my initials HJG. Gibbs put his bracelet on. I opened mine and it was a bracelet with Gibbs initials LJG. I put on the bracelet. I said, "I love it Ducky. I will wear it everyday for the rest of my life."
My team of doctors came up and gave me the present. Jackson said, "We got it when you were in the hospital recovering from surgery and Gibbs told us what you lost so." I opened it and saw that it was the same replica of my baby brother's necklace what I lost. The necklace is an infinity sign with Ryan's and my name on it. I said, "How did you know that I lost this Gibbs?" Gibbs said, "I noticed that you were wearing it in some photos, but I haven't seen you wear it in person."
I said, "Ryan was only 2 years old when he gave me this same necklace because it was my birthday present from him. Thank you this means a lot to me." I kissed Gibbs cheek and whispered in his ear, "Thank you so much." Gibbs helped me put on the necklace. The nurses gave Gibbs their gift and he opened it. It was a scrapbook what has throughout the time I got there until the time I have left the hospital. It has words on the front what says, "Harley and Gibbs through Harley's injury."
We went through the photo album and on the first page it's me getting wheeled back to an ER room by Gibbs. The second photo was Gibbs helping onto the bed. We got to the last page and it was the day I started physical therapy, and Gibbs was holding me and we were kissing when the photo was taken. I said, "This is adorable especially the ones you guys got of us when we were sleeping."
Cheryl brought out the huge cake she made. Cheryl made the cake chocolate with cream cheese frosting and she wrote on it. It says, "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Jethro Gibbs." I said, "Palmer did you tell her what flavor of cake to make." Gibbs butted it and said, "I did." I turned Gibbs face towards me and kissed him deeply. Gibbs and I got up out of the booth to get a photo with the cake behind the counter. Gibbs and I got behind the counter and Gibbs put his arm around me.
We both lifted the cake up a little so they could get the saying in it. We got that photo taken. Then Gibbs and I kissed with the cake still where we have it in our hands. Then Ellie took all the photos today. Ellie gave us her present. It was another photo album from my first day at NCIS until now even the day Gibbs Proposed to me and the day in the warehouse when he dipped me with my leg by his and kissed me deeply. Gibbs and I came out from behind the counter. Gibbs pulled me into a hug and everyone else joined.
Cheryl took my phone from the table and got up on the table to take the photo of all of us hugging. Everyone got out of the hug, but Gibbs because he just wants to hold me forever. Gibbs and I got back behind the counter to get ready to cut the cake together. Cheryl gave me my phone back and I said, "There is my phone. I must have left it on the table." Cheryl said, "I took a photo of the group hug." I said, "You are a life saver Cheryl. I never knew that Gibbs met a lovely lady here at the diner, before him and I got together." Gibbs hit the back of my head and I playfully shoved him.
Cheryl got the knife to hand to me and I grabbed it from Cheryl. Gibbs got behind me to wrap his arms around me so we can cut the cake together, but Ellie said, "Hold that position because I want to get a photo so you guys can put it in the scrape book I got you." Gibbs and I are smiling and looking at Ellie, so she can get a photo. Then Ellie said, "I need you guys to look at each other." We looked at each other and Ellie got the photo. Ellie said, "2nd to last photo of you guys cutting the cake." Gibbs has his hand on mine and we just the first piece of cake.
Ellie said, "Now smash it in each other face." I said, "I am not doing that because I am not ruining my glasses." Gibbs did it anyway, so I took a piece of it and shoved it in his face and Ellie got two photos from it. Gibbs cleaned the cake off my face, but I left the cake on his face to teach him a lesson, so he decided to rub his face on mine. I said, "You butt head." I hit Gibbs on the back of the head and he looked at me.
I said, "You shouldn't have did that then because that was the first time you got hit on the back of the head." I cut the rest of the cake and Gibbs put them on a plate. Everyone came up one by one, but the adults let the kids go first. Cheryl said, "I will take over cutting if you." I said, "No I got it, but you can probably take over Gibbs job." Gibbs moved and got behind me to help me. I said, "I love you dummy."
Gibbs kissed my cheek with the cake on it and licked his lips afterwards. I said, "Gross." Gibbs said, "No it's not because you are sweet same with the cake." Gibbs hugged me from behind and luckily I have the cake cut. Gibbs kept hugging and moving me until the way of getting in front of the counter. We got in front of the counter and saw that half of the cake is not cut. I said, "We will have leftover cake that we have to freeze."
Cheryl said, "That was the plan for you guys to have leftovers to have on your one year wedding anniversary." I said, "How sweet of you?" Cheryl said, "You are welcome." Gibbs still has his arms around me and said, "How did I get so lucky with you, Harley?" I said, "You met me 30 some years ago by Kelly because she knew that I would make a great Best friend while we were all at the park then. That is how you are so lucky. Plus you think I'm smokin hot."
Tony said, "These two love birds need to get a room." I grabbed the paper towel roll and threw it at DiNozzo. Now everyone is throwing stuff, but Gibbs and I. We started grabbing stuff to put in the truck. Gibbs and I grabbed the picture frame first. We got it out to the truck bed and I said, "We better want to tie this down." Gibbs grabbed stuff to secure it with and got it secured. We went back in to grab more, but Gibbs has his hand in my far back pocket while we are walking in, so I did the same.
I walked in first and Gibbs followed me. Everyone stopped because we saw that the cake was getting ready to be thrown. I yelled, "Put that cake down DiNozzo." I went back outside and grabbed my bat out of the back of the truck to hit a tree. Gibbs said, "Thanks guys. You made the bear come out of her and it is hard to get her calmed down. Now she is hitting a tree with her softball bat." Leon, McGee, Jimmy, and Jackson came out to take the softball bat away.
I threw the bat down and slid down the tree and started crying. Gibbs heard me crying, so he bolted out of the diner to me. Leon said, "McGee has it handled." I said to Tim, "Why did this have to happen on my day?" McGee said, "Because it is both DiNozzo's we are talking about." I said, "They always ruin my perfect day." Leon picked up my bat and Gibbs came out to get it. Leon said, "She is not doing okay. It's about the wedding and her mom."
McGee got me up to my feet to hug me, but I started hitting him because it hurts so much to think about not having my dad not walking me down the aisle. McGee didn't care because he knows I'm suffering badly with everything going through my brain. McGee said, "Let it all out. I will be your punching bag." I am still crying into McGee's shoulder. Gibbs came and got me from McGee. McGee softly handed me over to him.
I wrapped my arms around Gibbs neck. The team put the gifts into the truck for us. Gibbs didn't let go until I was ready to. Leon still has the softball bat and put it in the back of Gibbs truck in the tool box. Gibbs wrapped his arms around me. Everyone else from our team came to hug us, but the first 5 to join are Abby, Ellie, Delilah, Jimmy, and Ziva. Then everyone else joined in. I felt over loved by tons of people. Paul showed up with Tobias and Jeff to make them apologize to me for what they did.
Everyone backed away from the hug and Paul pushed them up to where I am with Gibbs because I'm not letting go. Paul said, "Guys what do you have to say to Harley." Tobias said in a tone what he didn't mean, "Sorry." Jeff started crying and said, "I'm sorry. I knew better. Tobias paid me $5,000 to along with it to get you out of the photo so he could have his best friend back."
Paul said, "Tobias, when we get back to the office pack up your things because you are fired for falsely accusing Harley for Mr.Hernandez death, plus bribing another agent to help you. You are lucky Gibbs doesn't press charges against you for harassing them on the pre-wedding party, plus breaking and entering their house." Gibbs went up to Tobias and punched him so hard that Tobias lost a tooth. Leon said, "Did that feel better Gibbs?" Gibbs said, "Hell yes it did because he deserved it." I went up to Paul slapped him first and then punched.
Gibbs grabbed my bat and I hit Tobias in the stomach, then the back, then left leg, and then the right leg. I said, "Back the hell off of my life you miserable Bastard. Go live your own with your pregnant wife and daughter. Stay out of mine." Paul said to Gibbs and everyone else, "Damn. She has a lot of anger in her." I said, "Only towards Tobias Fornell." Paul hugged me and kissed my cheek. Paul is like my father because he and my mom were best friends before she died.
I said, "Thank you for making them apologize because I know Paul is a weak link around me since he loves me and will do anything to protect me." Paul got in the black FBI vehicle and 2 different agents help Tobias to the vehicle. The presents are all packed, but Cheryl brought out the cake to give to me to put in the truck. Everyone left, but Gibbs and I. Gibbs opened the truck door for me and I put the cake in the middle. I got in after I put the cake down.
Gibbs shut the door to the truck after he kissed me. Gibbs walked to his side of the truck and got in. We left the diner and Gibbs got us home fast because of the cake or to get lucky. We got home and saw Ducky waiting for us same with the rest of the team. I said, "This is not good because everyone is here at the house." Gibbs said, "We have one more gift for the bride to be." I said, "You know I hate surprises Jethro." Gibbs said, "You are going to love it because Abby found 3 videos what I asked her to find because I found three notes that made me wonder of something."
The team got the presents from the back of the truck to bring inside. I grabbed the cake and brought it inside to put inside the freezer, but Ziva took it in for me, so Gibbs could take my glasses to blind fold me. Gibbs hung my glasses on his shirt and grabbed my hand, so did Ellie. Ellie and Gibbs got me up the stairs and inside. Abby got the video up on the tv. Gibbs and Ellie got me in front of 3 people. Gibbs undone my blind fold and I saw my grandpa James Tanner Miller (my dad's dad), my cousin Elizabeth, and my guy best friend Kyle who married Elizabeth. I hugged my grandpa because I haven't seen him in years.
I said, "How the hell did you get him here? I thought he was in a retirement home down in Stillwater." Gibbs said, "No. He was here in Washington the whole time you were growing up." I said, "Seriously. My dad never mentioned that my grandfather was in Washington. All I knew that my grandparents split when my dad was young." Grandpa James said, "His mom and I didn't split up." I said, "Okay Grandpa." I pointed to the kitchen and Gibbs went with his head down. I took Gibbs to the top of the basement steps.
I said, "You knew that my dad lied to me this whole time about my grandparents never splitting. I trusted you Jethro with my life and you couldn't even tell me a dead man secret about my own family. You wanted to protect my own father and not tell me that I had a grandfather this whole time I have known you." I turned to walk back into the living room, but Gibbs grabbed my arm. Gibbs said, "I did it because your dad promised me that if anything happened to him and your mom to marry you to keep you safe."
I said in a higher tone, "So our marriage is going to be out of my dead father's words. So our love for each other doesn't mean anything to you." I got my arm free from Gibbs hand and said, "Elizabeth met me outside." I went to the garage and grabbed my bat to hit the tree in the back yard. Elizabeth saw how angry I was at Gibbs for not telling me this stuff.
My grandfather James came out to me yelling and cussing my mouth off because it reminded him of my father, since I remind him so much of my father. Kyle got my grandfather back inside, so he wouldn't get hurt. Jared and Michaela showed up because they got called for a person in distress at my residence. They came back here and knew it was me in a pissed off mood at Gibbs. Mich said, "Harley, I need you to put down the bat." I dropped it and ran to Jared. Jared put his arms around me and I started crying.
Jared, Michaela, and I have been childhood best friends since age 2. I was the minister for Jared and Michaela's wedding 5 years back. I have the photo of us three on their wedding day. I was wearing a light purple short sleeveless dress with white high heels. The photo is my wallpaper of my laptop because it brings me joy that I got to marry my two best friends. Michaela joined the hug, so did Elizabeth. I stopped crying and started laughing. My grandfather came out again because it reminded him of my mother laugh.
I said, "Jared and Michaela meet my grandfather James Miller. The one who my dad kept from me." Jared said, "I know that is your grandfather because a few years back he asked me to find you." I said, "You never told me this." Jared said, "It was when your little brother passed away." I said, "You had the audacity to lie to me about it." I got my way out of the hug and started running in my boots. Michaela punch Jared for me and came after me, but I'm like a mile to 2 miles away from the house. I landed up in the park and I hid in the baseball diamond.
I turned my phone off so they wouldn't track me, but one of my foster kids found me. I said, "Hey kiddo. Where are your parents at?" Bre said, "Over at the swings with my baby brother." Bre came in and sat by me because she saw me running in boots. Mich finally caught up to me and got to the park. I saw Mich and I got behind the dug out, but she still found me. I said, "How the hell did you find me?" Mich said, "Bre told me." I said, "Damn it." Mich said, "Jared is an ass for doing that."
I said, "It is what it is." Mich saw my gun on my hip and said, "How long have you been carrying a gun?" I said, "For the last 10-15 years. I usually have it hidden, so I scare people. I know how to use it Mich. I just have it for protection." Mich said, "Oh okay." Everyone from my team came, but Gibbs because he stayed back with my grandfather. I came out from behind the dug out and said, "Great Jared is here." Mich said, "Jared must have looked on Life360." I said, "That is why I turned mine off."
Jared ran to me and said, "What the hell was that back at the house Harley?" I said in a higher tone, "You know Jared. You kept a secret from me for years. I get to be mad at you Jared because you kept my own grandfather from me for years." I walked away from them and saw Gibbs pull up to the park. I ran to a tree and climbed it. My grandfather is with Gibbs and he saw me do that.
My grandfather said, "She takes after her father alright. I can't believe I missed all of her life." Gibbs said, "Yes she is. She is feisty as well as her dad. She is very driven like him. She is stubborn like him. She is smart like her mom. Very time I look at her reminds me of the great time I knew him. She is my pride and joy after Shannon and Kelly died. She played basketball, softball, track, and gymnastics. She only joined NCIS almost a year ago, before her mom was brutally murdered in her own home." Zeke found me and climbed up the tree.
Zeke said, "What are you doing up here?" I said, "Hiding from reality." Zeke is my other best friend from birth. Zeke said, "I know it has to deal with your fianceé and Jared." I said, "They never once said my grandpa was looking for me. I guess my dad and my grandpa weren't that close. I guess my dad wanted to protect us from the heart ache." Zeke hugged me and said, "Screw them because you are brilliant. You are a freakin superhero to those foster kids and their foster parents. You work miracles for a living. We better want to get down now."
I said, "Ok mom." Zeke punched me for that comment and he knows he is the parent in the friendship because I always take risk everyday. Zeke said, "Harley and I are going somewhere alone because I haven't gave her my present yet." Zeke and my hand are in each other's. Gibbs gave me my glasses to put on and I put them on. Zeke and I headed to his motorcycle. Gibbs saw Zeke get on his motorcycle and then me without a helmet. I have been on Zeke's motorcycle because I had to help him with something a while back and after our high school graduation he drove me on it.
Jared has a motorcycle as well and on our high school graduation Jared and Michaela rode off with us because we headed down to the beach for a while to take a walk on the beach. Zeke and I headed to the beach where we walked on when we graduated. I said, "Why did we came back here Zeke?" Zeke said, "This is the only place where you felt happy." I said, "True." We walked to where the life guard thing. The beach is closed today since it's a Sunday.
We got to the life guard station and sat down on the steps. I have my boots and socks off while we walked on the beach. Zeke said, "It's a beautiful day to be out here." I took a photo of the sunset. Gibbs found me again and had McGee, Tony, Ziva, and Ellie cover him just in case I tried to run again. I took a photo of me and Zeke on the beach right now. Gibbs got to me and I got up.
I slapped Gibbs across the face and I felt much better. Gibbs put his arms around me and said, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about your grandpa." I said, "You knew this for all my life and didn't tell me." Gibbs said, "I know. I'm truly sorry for that. That is why I invited him to the wedding." I said, "I barely even know the man Jethro." Gibbs said, "Well he knows a lot of about you because over the years I have sent him photos of you growing up."
I grabbed my boots and socks to put back on. I got them back on and Gibbs carried me on his back to his truck. I kissed Gibbs cheek. We got back to Gibbs truck and he put me down. We got into the truck and headed home.

FantasiaNaval Criminal Investigative Service. Usually off duty. At the Gibbs residence mainly. Where a marine falls in love with his marine buddy's daughter.