I have finally got all my stuff what I packed up from my house into Gibbs house. Gibbs and I share his old bedroom, but I woke up at midnight because of a nightmare of Gibbs and I being murdered in our sleep by this particular gang, and I couldn't go back to bed. I got up and went downstairs to see what I can find to snack on, but I saw someone at the door, so I ran back upstairs to wake Gibbs up. Gibbs woke up and said, "What is wrong?"
I said, "There is someone at our front door with something in their hands." Gibbs grabbed his gun and we headed downstairs. Gibbs has his gun pointed at the door and he turned on the porch light. Gibbs said, "It is just Abby." I said, "It looked like a gang member who's after me." Gibbs unlocked the door and let Abby in. I said, "Sorry, Abby for running back upstairs. I got scared."
Abby said, "You should be because of what happened a few days ago. Have you heard from Jordan?" I said, "No. He won't talk to me because of me and Gibbs being engaged." Abby gave me a teddy bear what says Sorry for your loss. Gibbs is making coffee for all of us because no one on our team could sleep. Abby let everyone else in. Tony, Ziva, and Tali brought me 1 gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Delilah and McGee brought bourbon for Gibbs and I.
Jimmy, Breena, and Victoria brought me was a picture of me, my mom, my dad, Jordan and Ryan. Ducky brought me his famous cake. Ellie got me a photo of me, my mom, my dad, and Ryan on my college graduation. I said, "Thank you Guys for this stuff. Jimmy, Breena, and Victoria thank you for this beautiful photo of my family because it brings me happiness when I see all my family in one photo. I will put that right on the fire place mantle. How did you guys get those photos anyway? They were on my laptop." Abby said, "I got onto your computer and let them look at what photos they wanted."
I said, "Abby, you let them go through my personal photos without telling me." Abby said, "It was a surprise." I said, "Now I'm never trusting you with my laptop ever again." I put the photo of Gibbs and my dad up in the bedroom. Gibbs came up behind me with a cup of coffee with my favorite creamer and said, "Here you go my beautiful fianceé."
I kissed Gibbs on the cheek and he smiled. Gibbs put his arm around my back to have me closer because he just loves me to death. Gibbs kissed me on my cheek and Ellie got a photo of Gibbs kissing my cheek and sent it to me. I got a notification on my watch and saw it was from Ellie. I grabbed my phone and opened the message to see it was a photo of Gibbs kissing my cheek. I said, "Thank You Ellie."
I showed Gibbs the photo and he said, "I want that picture so I can put it as my lock screen." I sent it to Gibbs and I put it as his lock screen and I saw that his wallpaper was when I was sitting on his lap in Kelly's old room. I said, "Leroy Jethro Gibbs, how did I get so lucky with you?" Gibbs just smiled and everyone clapped. I said, "This is my family now. Even though I don't know if my brother Jordan will speak to me or not or even walk me down the aisle."
Tony and McGee said, "If he doesn't we will." I heard a knock on the door and said, "Gibbs someone is at the door." Gibbs went to the door and let Leon, Jackie, Jared and Kayla came in. Leon said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, Harley." I said, "Thanks Leon that means a lot to me." Kayla said, "Can I see your ring? I heard from Abby and Ellie that you got engaged." I said, "Yes I did. You actually know who I am engaged to look behind you."
Kayla saw Gibbs behind her and said, "Gibbs?" I said, "Yes." Leon went to Gibbs and said, "What about your Rule 12?" Gibbs said, "This is different, Leon." Leon said, "How is it different? Plus her mom just died days ago." Gibbs said, "Still I'm in love with her." Ducky said, "How has Harley been sleeping Jethro?" Gibbs said, "She has been waking up with nightmares off and on through the night, but I make sure she feels safe in our own home by telling her that it's just me and letting her feel my face to reassure her that it is just me."
Ducky said, "This can go on for months if she doesn't get help." Leon, Ducky, and Gibbs see how happy I am with my family. Delilah said, "Harley, how are you feeling?" I said, "I am still trying to process what happened, but I have Gibbs by my side that makes me feel more confident that I can get through with someone by my side." Delilah said, "If you ever need to talk just text me or call me."
I said, "You guys know what I'm thankful for." They said, "What?" I said, "You guys and being here with me through this tragic event what happened. Me knowing that my mother was brutally murder in my own home. I just can't deal with anymore loss in my life. I don't know what I will do if one of you guys die especially Gibbs because he has been my rock for the last few days."
Tali came up to me because she wanted me to hold her. I said, "What is going on Tali?" Ziva nodded at Tali to ask me a question. Tali said, "Will you be my God Mother?" I said to Tony and Ziva, "Is she serious about this?" Tony and Ziva said, "This is our real gift to make you feel better. To have you look forward to if we die." I said, "I will be honored to be her God Mother."
Gibbs saw a big smile on my face, but that is about to change because he saw my brother and his friends outside.
Gibbs said, "Harley, your brother is here with his friends." I said, "Tony take Tali upstairs into Kelly's room because I have brought my little brothers toys with me since I didn't want to throw them away. Everyone else get upstairs, but Leon, McGee, and Gibbs because I might need help." Everyone else went up to Kelly's room, but Leon, McGee, Gibbs and I headed outside. I said, "What in Gods name do you show up here unannounced with your friends, Jordan?" Jordan said, "I do not want you to marry Gibbs."
I said, "That is not your choice, Jordan. It is my choice because I love him and he knows what kind of pain I have went through no one else would have experienced so many deaths close together. Gibbs has been there for me all my life because of Kelly and now she is watching over me and him same with his dead wife. Shannon would approve of this and same with Kelly." Jordan said, "I don't want to see you get hurt by someone."
I said, "That is to late Jordan because I got hurt when a gang shot and killed my baby brother Ryan. Then when dad got killed in a car wreck. Then when mom was brutally murdered in my own home by the same gang who shot and killed Ryan. You just avoid the pain Jordan by signing up for more with the Military. I have dealt with the grief so many times by myself and this time I wanted someone to help me through this last one because it hurt the most."
McGee said, "I am part of her work family and let's just say we have been there for her more than you ever have through the grief process. Let's just say I have saw her fall and get back so many times. That is why I am here tonight because I knew that she needed her family. I only met her 9 or 10 months ago and let's just say she is more like my sister than she ever was yours." Jordan said, "I do not care who you are because you are not her blood family."
I said, "You better stop there Jordan because McGee is more of my brother than you ever will be. He is happy that I am getting married and he agreed along with another coworker of mine to walk me down the aisle when it comes time because I know you won't do it since I am marrying the guy you do not approve of. Well who cares what you think. These people behind me are more my family than you ever be because you are just a guy who has the same blood as me."
Tony came out and stood behind me same with Ziva and Ellie, but Abby, Jimmy, Breena, Jackie and Ducky decided to stay with the kids up in Kelly's room. I said, "You are out number Jordan. I have more of my family standing behind me." Jordan and his friends left and Jordan said, "Then this is goodbye forever." I said, "Bye for good." Gibbs wrapped his arm around me neck and pulled me in to kiss my cheek because he liked me standing up for myself.
We all headed back inside and the kids fell asleep in Kelly's bedroom. Abby, Breena, Jimmy and Ducky came down. Jimmy said, "The kids fell asleep." I said, "What do you guys want to do now?" Tony gave me the paperwork to sign to be Tali's God Mother. I said, "Tony and Ziva why did you want me to be Tali's God mother other than my Mom's death?"
Tony said, "We trust you that you will make good decisions for Tali." I said, "Thank You Tony and Ziva." Gibbs is sitting on the couch, but he heard Tobias Fornell's voice walking through the door. Fornell said, "You son of a bitch. When were you going to tell me that you were engaged?" Gibbs said, "Never. Why you here anyways Tobias?" Fornell said, "Diane and Emily are out of town. I heard that you were having a party."
I said snappy, "You thought wrong. This is for my dead mother." I walked down to the basement and Fornell said, "Who is she?" Gibbs said, "She joined NCIS almost 10 months ago. Her mother was brutally murdered in her own home 3 days ago. Her name is Harley Miller. She is my fianceé." Fornell said, "The Harley Miller. She has put a lot of Drug Lord's away. You know that right. She helped us catch dozens of them. She is a Goddess at her job. The FBI offered her a job with 4 lab assistants at the FBI headquarters. Can't believe she chose you guys instead of us."
Delilah came down to the basement and said, "Don't listen to Fornell because he is just a jackass." I said, "I know who he is because he offered me a job before I took the job at NCIS since he wanted to take me before Gibbs did. I put away a lot of Drug lord's because of my testimonies. Let's just say all their drug dealers hate me for it." Delilah said, "I know because I followed those cases. The DOD has been following those drug rings for a long time and you helped put them away for good. You do matter in this WORLD Harley." I said, "God is punishing my family for it." Delilah said, "Harley, you are beautiful, brilliant at what you do, and a great fianceé because you make Gibbs happy. You are the first person in many years to make him smile and laugh."
I said, "What if I'm not good at the marriage part?" Gibbs is at the top of the stairs of the basement and came down to say, "You will be good at it honey." I said, "How do you know that?" Gibbs said, "I know in my gut." I kissed Gibbs when he dipped me. I said, "You are more of a goofball here lately." Gibbs said, "I guess you bring it out of me." Everyone else came down even Fornell.
I said, "What the hell are you still doing here Fornell?" Fornell said, "We got a call both FBI and NCIS."
I said, "Gibbs go with the team. I will stay here with Delilah, Breena, and Jackie to watch the kids." Everyone left, but me, Delilah, Jackie, and Breena. Before Gibbs left he handed me his ankle piece with me because he knows that I know how to shoot a gun because my father taught me when I was younger. I have my dad's pistol because he left it to me when he died, but it is in the safe in Gibbs and my closet.
I put the gun in the back of my jeans, so my shirt will cover it because I don't want the kids to see it. It is about 3 am, Delilah, Jackie, Breena and I headed upstairs. I made sure that everything was locked, so no one would get in. We headed up to Kelly's old bedroom to sit on the floor with the kids asleep. Tali woke up and came to me. Tali said, "Where is my mommy and daddy?" I said, "They got called into work, Tali." I rocked Tali back to sleep because it is only 4 o'clock in the morning.
Gibbs is facetiming me and I showed Delilah, Jackie, and Breena, and gave Tali to Breena to rock Tali back to sleep. I went into my bedroom and answered. Gibbs said, "How's everything going?" I said, "Tali woke up wondering where her parents were and I told her that they are at work. Jared, Kayla and Victoria are still asleep." Gibbs said, "I will try to hurry back okay." I said, "Take your time because Delilah, Jackie, Breena and I have everything under control."
Gibbs passed the phone to Leon and Leon said, "The kids nanny should be picking them up at 6 am because they have to get ready for school." I said, "I know Leon because their nanny texted Jackie." Leon passed the phone to Tony. Tony said, "When you come in for work bring Tali here because she doesn't have day care today."
I said, "Okay. Can I speak to my fianceé?" Tony passed it back to Gibbs and said, "I love you, but I have to get back to work." I said, "I love you too. I will stop by the diner and get up a few cups of coffee." Gibbs said, "Okay." I hung up and went back to the Kelly's old room. I heard a noise downstairs. I ran to Kelly's room and said, "We need to hide the kids in the closet with you three." I woke up the kids and said, "You guys need to get into the closet and be quiet because there is someone downstairs." They all got into the closet. I behind the door with the gun.
All the lights are off in the house so the person won't be able to see where we are at. They came up the stairs and headed towards Kelly's bedroom. They opened the door and I pointed the gun at them. Jimmy said, "It is just me, Jimmy." I said, "What the hell Jimmy? You need to call next time." It is almost time for the Vance kids to leave. I said, "Guys you can come out of the closet now." They came out and Jimmy said, "Why were they all in the closet?"
I said, "What do you think, Jimmy? I thought someone was breaking in." Gibbs finally got home and ran up the stairs. Gibbs found us in Kelly's old room. Gibbs said, "Is everyone alright because Harley's Truck got vandalized?" I said, "Not my dad's truck. He gave that to me for my college graduation present." Gibbs said, "It is just your tires what got slashed." I said, "They don't really make those tires anymore since it is an old truck." Gibbs put his hands on my shoulders to calm me down, but it did not work. Gibbs hugged me instead and that calmed me down.
Flashforward 5 days, today is the day my mother gets buried. It is 9 o'clock in the morning and everyone from my shift and their families are here at the funeral home with me. Gibbs is wearing his Marines uniform because he wanted to look nice for my mom at her funeral. I'm wearing short black dress with black high heels. Gibbs is holding my hand because he knows this day is hard for me. Gibbs and I are sitting in the first row on the left. Everyone else is in the rows behind us, but Tony, McGee, Ziva, Jimmy, Ducky, and Ellie because they are sitting in the same row of Gibbs and I.
The priest said, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate a life in heaven of Sophia Marie Miller. She was a daughter, sister, friend, wife, and a mother. She was a mother to Jordan Tanner, Harley Jo, and Ryan Lee Miller. She was a widow to Connor Lee Miller. She has lost her baby son Ryan 4 years ago due to a gang shot out. Now it is time for her daughter to speak."
I went up there with tissues and I put my hand on her casket. I said, "My mother was the brightness to my darkness because when my best friend Kelly died and she was always there to make everything better. We used to do each other's makeup for holidays and each other's hair. My brother Jordan isn't here today mom because he does not like the person I'm marrying mom and I'm sorry for that. You will be so proud of me of being engaged to the person I love because you already know him. Let's just say mom I love you to the moon and back, and to infinity."
The priest said, "You may sit down. We are so lucky that we gained an angel in heaven because Harley you have 3 guardian Angels looking over you now. Amen." We all said, "Amen." Gibbs, Tony, McGee, Jimmy, Ducky, Leon, and my dad's military leader and friend Josh got up to carry my mom's casket. Then Delilah and Ellie took my arms to walk me down the aisle after the guys walked in front of us. Then everyone else would follow. I said, "Thank you Delilah and Ellie for walking me down because Gibbs and the guys wanted to carry my mom's casket."
They said, "No problem. We were happy to do it." We got outside of the church and the guys got my mom's casket in the back of the funeral car. Gibbs and I rode in his 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T. Luckily I have a pair of flats to change into in the car. Gibbs came and grabbed my arm by holding his out for me. I let go of Ellie's and Delilahs. I grabbed Gibbs and I said, "Meet you guys at the grave site. My mom is getting buried by my dad and brother."
We got to the car and Gibbs opened the door for me. I got in and said, "Thank You." Gibbs walked fastly to the other side and got in. Gibbs took off his Marines hat. We left the funeral home before anyone because Gibbs and I had to lead the way to where my dad and brother are buried. Gibbs has one hand on my thigh. We finally got there and everyone else did too. The grounds people already had the plot dug up for my mom. Gibbs has his Marines hat on. Gibbs and the guys got my mom's casket out and carrying it with pride.
I see my brother Jordan in the distance and I just ignored him because he doesn't deserve anything from me or to see our mother on her burial day. They got her on the thing what brings her to the ground and Gibbs comes to me and takes my hand. Everyone has turquoise roses because my mom loved them. My moms casket is in the ground, so Gibbs and I drop our roses down in there with her.
Then everyone else did the same. Once we had the flowers in there I shoveled a piece of dirt and put it down the hole saying, "Rest in Peace momma. Fly high like Ryan and Dad did." I started crying. Everyone else put dirt on her casket. I ran to the car, so no one would see my make up messed up. Gibbs ran after me and get caught up to me and grabbed my arm. Gibbs stopped me to wipe off the tears off my face.
Then Gibbs dipped me to kiss me deeply to be romantic. Then Gibbs spun me to make me feel even more better and then hugged me. We all went back to Gibbs house to have a get together to do happy things.

FantasyNaval Criminal Investigative Service. Usually off duty. At the Gibbs residence mainly. Where a marine falls in love with his marine buddy's daughter.