A Month Later

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      Gibbs is excited that the wedding date is closer, but I'm not fully excited because of what happened a month ago. Gibbs came up behind me and staring at us in the bathroom mirror because I'm wearing his favorite dress. I said, "Do you need something? I'm kind of busy trying to do my make up so we can go get the wedding cake design picked out." Gibbs said, "You do not need make up."
     I turned and said, "These pimples on my chin say otherwise." Gibbs took my make up from my hands and put it on me. I said, "You better not make me look horrible." Gibbs said, "Be quiet and stay still." I stayed still and Gibbs got done. Gibbs said, "Turn and look." I turned and looked. I said, "How do you know how to do this?" Gibbs said, "I used to do Shannon's make up when she needed help."
      I got up and kissed Gibbs, but he grabbed my face to keep me in the kiss for a longer period of time. I said, "We been get going because we supposed to be there at 3 and it takes 15 minutes to get there." Gibbs grabbed my hand and we went downstairs. Gibbs is all smiley and cheery because the day he marries me is only a month away. We got into the truck and headed to the bakery. Delilah is meeting us there because she has the photo of Gibbs and I what we want on the cake. It was the day of my mom's funeral of Gibbs and I walking down the aisle with Gibbs in his Marines uniform.
       Delilah texted me, "Where are you? I'm already at the bakery." I texted, "We are 2 blocks away." Gibbs said, "I'm guessing it is Delilah who messaged you." I said, "Yes. Wondering where we are." Gibbs pulled into a spot in front of the bakery. McGee is giving me a death stare and I said, "Oh god. Delilah made Tim mad by talking to much about the wedding." Gibbs said, "He will get over it like he always does."
      Gibbs got out and came around to open my door. Gibbs put his hand out and I grabbed it. I stepped out and Gibbs kissed the top of my head. Gibbs put my arm around his and we walked into the bakery. Delilah said, "There you guys are." I said, "Calm down Delilah. We got here 5 minutes till our appointment with the baker. I actually know the baker because he is my uncle. He is excited that I am getting married and willing to give us the cake for half price since I'm family."
       Delilah said, "Bob Miller is your uncle." I said, "Yes. He is my dad's older brother." Uncle Bob came out and said, "There is my beautiful bride to be." I ran up to uncle Bob and said quietly, "You still planning on coming to the wedding to walk me down the aisle right." Uncle Bob said, "Yes pumpkin." We headed back to the table and Delilah gave him that photo.
Uncle Bob said, "What kind of cake do you want? What type of frosting do you want?" Gibbs said, "Chocolate cake." I said, "Cream cheese icing."
      Aunt Ruthie came out because she heard my voice. Aunt Ruthie said, "My little angel is all grown up." I said, "Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bob meet my fianceé Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Gibbs these are my proud Aunt Ruth and Uncle Bob." Uncle Bob took Gibbs to the counter and said, "Harley has been through so many deaths in her life time. Are you retired from the Marines?"
     Gibbs said, "Yes Sir. I retired after I came out of a coma from Desert Storm. My wife and daughter were killed while I was over there and I knew Harley when she was little because she was best friends with my daughter." Uncle Bob punched Gibbs in the face. I got in between them two and I said, "McGee take Gibbs outside." McGee took Gibbs outside and Delilah went with them.
       I said, "I am taking my business elsewhere because I don't want any part of my family to be any part of my wedding." I grabbed the photo from the table and walked out. Gibbs opened the door to his truck for me. I got in and Gibbs shut the door. Gibbs got in and I said, "I told him off because no one punches my fianceé, but me." Gibbs kissed me before we left and uncle Bob saw and got really pissed.
       We started heading home, but I said, "How about we go to the diner?" Gibbs nodded yes and he put his hand on my thigh. I said, "Can I invite the team?" Gibbs said, "No. I just want a quiet dinner with my smokin hot fianceé." I kissed Gibbs cheek and he smiled. I said, "I love you goofball. You are all mine and no one elses." I grabbed Gibbs hand off my leg so I can put my hand in it. Gibbs kissed my hand and I am blushing.
      We got to the diner and headed in. The waitress already has our coffee in her hand and she already put liquid creamer in my coffee. I said, "Thank You." The waitress already has our order in. I got an omelet with sausage, bacon, onions, bell peppers and cheese. I also got white toast. Gibbs got a BLT sandwich and fries. I said, "We have different things we like to have for dinner." Gibbs said, "Yes we do, but that is not a problem."
      I said, "Look under the table." My hand is under the table with my underwear and Gibbs grabbed it to put in his pants pocket. Gibbs said, "You are acting wild here lately." I said, "I know because I just love you deeply." Gibbs said, "Once we get home we are going up to the bedroom." I said quietly, "I know because that is why I gave you my underwear." Gibbs smiled and the waitress who usually waits on Gibbs came over. The waitress said, "Gibbs, who is this?"
        Gibbs said, "Cheryl, I want you to met my gorgeous fianceé Harley. Harley, this is Cheryl normally who waits on me." Cheryl said with her hand out, "Nice to meet you." I said as I shook her hand, "You too." I went to the bathroom and grabbed my phone and wallet. Cheryl said, "Gibbs, you found yourself a keeper." Gibbs said, "Thank you. She is my whole world now. She brings out the laughter out of me. She is my everything like Shannon was."
        I came out and paid for our food. Gibbs is still talking to Cheryl and did not notice me paying for the food. I headed back to the table and Gibbs said, "What was taking you so long Honey?" I said, "I just paid for our food." Gibbs said, "You know I usually pay." I said, "Maybe you shouldn't be talking so long. Just leave a tip." Gibbs left a $5 for the waitress who served us. We headed out the truck and Gibbs opened my side of the truck.
       I grabbed Gibbs face and planted a kiss on his lips. Gibbs said, "This is why I am marrying you because you give me kisses out of the blue." I said, "There is more to that." I got in and Gibbs closed the door. Gibbs ran to the other side and got in. Gibbs started the truck and we headed home. Gibbs has his hand up my dress to put on my upper thigh.
        I said, "My love, we aren't home yet, so don't try anything silly." We got home and got out. We rushed inside and I locked the door behind us. Gibbs picked me up and carried me upstairs. I started kissing Gibbs neck and we got up to our bedroom. Gibbs shut and locked the door. I took off my flats and tossed them same with my dress and bra. Gibbs put me on the bed and took his clothes off. Gibbs walked to the bed and I am facing him so I can start giving him a blow job.
        Gibbs finally got to the end of the bed and I started giving him a blow job. Gibbs is moaning and I kept going. Gibbs said, "My turn to taste you." I flipped around and moved up on the bed so Gibbs could lay down to eat me, and then I spread my legs wide open. Gibbs wrapped his left arm around my left leg and started licking me. I squirm and moan, but Gibbs holds me down with his strong muscled arm.
     Someone unlocked the front door, but they heard us upstairs having sex. It was Tony, McGee, Abby, Jimmy, Ducky, Ziva, Delilah, Breena, Ellie, and Leon who came in, but walked right back out. Gibbs put his dick inside of me and went fast while he started kissing me deeply. Everyone just waited outside, and Leon sent us a message saying, "Hey guys, everyone is here at your house because we have ideas for the wedding."
     Gibbs finally cummed inside me while he was kissing my neck and he left 2 hickey's, but I left several on him. I grabbed my phone and said, "We both got a text from our boss saying that everyone has ideas for the wedding and they are here outside." We got our robes on so we can head to the bathroom. I got there first and used the toilet. Then I washed my hands while Gibbs used the toilet. I went back to the bedroom to get a bra, shirt, underwear and shorts.
     Gibbs grabbed his boxers, pants and a shirt to put on. I got my stuff on finally, but Gibbs had his stuff on faster than me. Gibbs came up to me and kissed me very deeply. I said, "We better go downstairs because our whole team is here even our boss." Gibbs grabbed my hand so he can lock his with mine. I kissed Gibbs hand and he smiled at me.
     We finally got downstairs and I opened the door. I said, "Anthony DiNozzo!" Everyone moved so Tony would be the only one in front of me. Tony said, "What did I do?" I said, "You used your key for not an emergency while we were having sex." Tony said, "Sorry." I said, "Next time I guess we will be having sex in the living room to make it more obvious for you." Tony said, "No thank you." Gibbs said, "Hey. You are making fun of Harley's body."
     Tony started running and he is lucky Gibbs did not have his gun on him. Everyone else came in and luckily I locked the door with our new lock what I had installed when I moved in to see if Tony can get in. The only people who has keys for the second lock is me, Gibbs, Ziva, Leon, Abby, McGee, Delilah, Jimmy, Breena, Ellie, and Ducky. Jackie is with Kayla and Jared at the Vance residence. Breena is at work.
      The reason most of the team has the key is because Gibbs wants everyone else to keep an eye on me while they are working through the night, and it would be Delilah, Jackie, or Breena who would be coming to see if I'm okay. Jimmy said, "I can bake your guys cake for free." Gibbs said, "Okay." Jimmy said, "What kind of cake do you want?" I said, "Gibbs wants a chocolate cake. I want cream cheese frosting on it." Jimmy wrote it down and it started pouring down rain and Tony is left outside in it.
      I said, "Pay back is a bitch." Ziva, McGee, and Ellie high fives me because they got pranked by Tony so many times. I said, "I better let Tony in before he gets sick." I got up off Gibbs lap and opened the door. I said, "Pay back is a bitch. Is that right Tony?" Tony said, "I will never criticize you ever again." I grabbed Tony a towel from the basket by the stairs and gave it to him. Tony dried off and I said, "You stand because I don't want water stains on the chairs or the couch."
       I went back to sit on Gibbs lap and Gibbs put his left arm around me.
McGee said, "Harley, do you want to see what your maid of honors flower bouquets?" I said, "Sure." McGee showed me and I said, "Who said turquoise roses?" Gibbs said, "I did. Is that fine?" I said, "Yes. You probably going to see me cry on our wedding day because those are my mom's favorite flowers."
    Gibbs said, "I know they were your mom's favorite that's why I told Tim to get them." I kissed Gibbs deeply and he smiled afterwards. Ducky said, "I can not wait for this wedding because it will be a truly happy day." I said, "I hope we can have the wedding outside if it does not plan on raining. I do not know who is going to do my make up or hair for the wedding." Brenna said, "I can do your hair."
    Delilah said, "I can do your make up." I said, "Now we just need a photographer. Does anyone know anyone what does it for cheap?" Abby said, "I do. One of our old college roommates. Her name was Elizabeth." I said, "The red head Elizabeth or the brown haired Elizabeth." Abby said, "Red head Elizabeth." I said, "That is my cousin from my mom's side. I will give her a call."
    I am facetiming Elizabeth and she answered. Elizabeth said, "Hi Harley. What is new?" I said, "Didn't you get an invitation to my wedding." Elizabeth said, "Yes. I sent it back saying I was coming." I said, "Well I never got it." Gibbs grabbed a stack of mail and went through it and saw it. Gibbs said, "We do have it. It was just in a stack of mail."
       I said, "Can you please be the photographer for my wedding?" Elizabeth said, "I was planning to." I said, "You are a life saver, Elizabeth. See you in a month." Elizabeth hung up and I said, "That is covered. The flower girl is Victoria and Tali is the ring bare. Where are the girls?" Tony said, "Anthony Sr has Tali and Victoria for the afternoon." I said, "That is sweet of Tony Sr. Tony tell Sr that he is invited to the wedding, but he is getting chicken nuggets to eat because we spend most of my mom's saved money for my wedding on 5 packages of steaks."
      Tony texted Sr, "Hey Dad. You are invited to Gibbs and Harley's wedding." Tony Sr texted, "I will come." Tony said, "Sr said he will come." I said, "Okay." Gibbs put his head on my shoulder and Ellie took a photo of me sitting on Gibbs lap with his arm around me and his head on my shoulder. Everyone got Gibbs and I a big photo from my first day, and they all got individual gifts too.
        I said, "Leon, where are your kids at?" Leon said, "With Jackie." I said, "Is Jackie still coming to the wedding?" Leon said, "Yes." I said, "I can't wait until I marry this handsome man named Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Gibbs started blushing and I got off of Gibbs lap to get Gibbs a glass of bourbon what I just bought yesterday. Gibbs said, "That is for when I work on my boat."
       I said, "That one is still down there. This is the one I just bought yesterday for you to drink upstairs." I walked back into the living and handed it to him. Everyone is leaving because they have to get back to their families. I locked the door after everyone left. I ran upstairs because I'm overwhelmed with wedding stuff. Gibbs downed his glass and ran after me after he shut off the lights.
      I hid in Kelly's closet with a pillow and a blanket with the door shut. I am laying down and I fell asleep. Gibbs went to our bedroom and gave up on looking for me because he knows where I am since I always hid in Kelly's closet when things are tough. Gibbs passed out in his clothes on top of the covers because he was drunk to do anything since we had 3 and a half beers in our system before everyone got here and he had a glass of bourbon as well. I got Gibbs drunk so he wouldn't argue with me about my pre-wedding jitters.
      It is 5:30 in the morning and I woke up with back pain. I came out of the closet and headed downstairs after I grabbed Tylenol, but I took it in the bathroom. I headed downstairs with my gun in between my pants and back. I heard a movement downstairs and I grabbed my gun. I got down the steps and I said, "Freeze you dirt bag." Gibbs heard me yell that. Gibbs grabbed his gun from the night stand and ran downstairs.
      I ran after the person and saw that they were climbing over the fence I shot them in the back of the leg. They fell off the fence and I turned my phone's flash light on. I said, "Seriously Tobias." Gibbs got outside where Tobias is laying on the ground with a threw and threw bullet wound. Tobias said, "Gibbs, your fianceé is crazy." I said, "You shouldn't be snooping through my house at 5:50 in the morning."
       Tobias said, "Once you are out of the photo Harley, everything would have went back to normal." I said, "Do you want another gun shot in your heart or between your eyes?" Tobias shut up and Gibbs took my gun away. I went into the garage and grabbed my metal softball bat and started hitting things. Gibbs said, "You messed with the bear Tobias. Now I have to deal with her in a bad mood all day. Everything what you got me over the years is broken now because they were in the garage and she knows what stuff you got me to."
     I got done breaking everything Tobias got Gibbs. I came out after I dropped my bat in the garage. A cop car showed up and I told them, "I shot an intruder and they are in the backyard with a gunshot through and through. The intruder is my fiance friend. I thought it was a gang member who wanted revenge on me." Gibbs said, "Great the cops are here. Tobias, you better not press charges. If you do I will hurt you and your family. Do you understand me?"
     Tobias said, "Yes. I will keep my mouth shut." An ambulance arrived and went to the back. Gibbs came in and I grabbed a glass of wine. Gibbs grabbed the wine out of my hand and said, "It is to early to be drinking." I said, "I don't care." I grabbed it back and went back upstairs to Kelly's room. I grabbed my tablet out of our bedroom and went to Kelly's. I got on my tablet and saw the photo of the day Kelly and Shannon were buried.
     I said, "God damn it." I threw a softball really hard. I got off my tablet and slid it away from me. I chugged the rest of the wine what was in my glass. I got on my phone and I just stared at my lock screen for hours to make me feel better, but I am getting a facetime from Jordan. Jordan gave me a secret code with a wink and said, "Harley, I'm okay. I need you to come to the empty warehouse on 5th St come alone." The kidnapper said, "If you don't or your brother dies. My associate and I want 15 millon dollars. You have 24 hours."
     I ran down stairs and grabbed my gun from Gibbs. I grabbed the bullet proof vest out of the closet and put it on. I grabbed my coat to put on. I said, "Get everyone to NCIS now because I just got a call from my brother who is kidnapped and the kidnappers want me and $15 million in cash. Even the kids, Delilah, Jackie, and Breena. I am not taking any chances of my family getting hurt."
        I put my gun in my boot, so when the pat me down they won't feel it and they won't feel the bullet proof vest because I wearing a heavy coat. We got into the truck. I texted in the group chat, "Everyone needs to get all family members and themselves to NCIS now." Everyone started texting questions. I texted, "Just do it."
     Gibbs and I got to the squad room and waiting on everyone else. McGee, Delilah, Abby, Ducky, and Ellie got here a few minutes after Gibbs and I did. Then Leon, Jackie, Kayla, and Jared got here. Then Jimmy, Breena, and Victoria showed up. I texted Ziva, "Where are you?" Ziva texted, "In the lobby. Heading up now." Finally Ziva, Tony and Tali showed up. I said, "Jackie, Delilah and Breena take the kids up to Leon's office because I don't want the kids to worry about what I am about to say." Delilah took Tali from Tony's arms. Breena has Victoria in her arms. I said, "Everyone else to MTAC now."
    I am already in MTAC getting stuff pulled up. Luckily I screen recorded that FaceTime. I pulled that up on the screen and the photos of the kidnappers. The kidnappers are Claudia Felix and Frank Lucas. Everyone got settled into MTAC. I said, "I have screen recorded my facetime with my brother because he is being held hostage by these 2 new Drug Lords. I have put away both of their bosses and let's just say they want me dead."
      I put up the photos up on the screen after I showed the video. I said, "The one on the right is Claudia Felix. The one on the left is Frank Lucas. They are half siblings because they have the same mom, but different dads. They are after me because I put both of their fathers away for drug smuggling." Leon said, "How do you know it is them?" I said, "I remember their voices because they were at the trial when I testified against their dads. They shouted saying it wasn't their dads did not do drug smuggling."
     Leon said, "Okay. We can be on stand by if you need us on the outside of the warehouse. You will have an earwig in so you can hear us talking to you." I said, "We have 22 hours until I have to make the trade the money for my brother." Gibbs said, "The safe word is Kelly." I said, "Okay. Why Kelly?" Gibbs said, "She is your childhood best friend and it should be the safe word." Gibbs got up and hugged me so did everyone else. I started crying because my brother got kidnapped. They didn't let go, but Leon because he went to go get the kids and everyone else for the hug.
     Tali ran in along with Victoria and they ran up to me after the hug got done. I picked them both up and said, "You two make me really happy when this is going on." The girls smiled and Leon went to his office to sign out $15 million dollars out of a fund and put it in a duffle bag. Leon brought me the duffle bag of money and handed it to me.
    Flashforward 22 hours, it is game time. I am at the warehouse and I said, "Can you guys hear me loud and clear?" Gibbs said, "Yes. You got this sweetheart. I love you no matter what happens." I said, "I love you too." I walked into the warehouse and saw my brother tied up and beaten. I said, "Claudia and Frank let him go. You have me and the money. Let him live. He didn't do anything to you."
      Claudia untied Jordan and I said, "Jordan run outside now." Jordan ran to me and whispered, "I'm not leaving you." I scratched my ear and Jordan saw and got the hint that I had an earwig in. Jordan ran outside and got to where my team can grab him. It was Gibbs who grabbed Jordan. Jordan jumped and said, "What the hell Gibbs?!"
     Gibbs said, "Be Quiet because your sister has to pull this off, so we can arrested them for kidnapping." They patted me down and didn't feel my gun or the vest. I gave them the money and said, "Kelly." Everyone came running in and Gibbs yelled, "NCIS! Drop your weapons!" Claudia and Frank were looking around and I pulled my gun. I said, "You guys are done. You move I shoot. Claudia drop the money bag. Get your hands above your head because you are under arrest for kidnapping a federal agent forensic scientist sibling."
     Frank dropped to his knees with his hands over his head and Claudia moved and I shot her in the left leg in the knee cap. I said, "Don't move. Didn't I Claudia." Gibbs said, "Nice shot." I said, "I have been practicing at the Navy Yard Gun Range when I'm not busy at work. I do carry my firearms permit everywhere." Gibbs and Leon cuffed them. Tony, McGee, Ellie, and Ziva gave me high fives for shooting Claudia because she was a straight up bitch.
       Tony grabbed Claudia from Gibbs and Gibbs wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed the top of my head. Gibbs said, "Thank God you didn't die because I would be so lost without you since you are the last connection to Shannon and Kelly." I said, "I know dummy. I had a second gun hidden in the front of my jeans right. Just in case I need two guns." Gibbs dipped me and grabbed my leg to kiss me and Ellie took a photo because Gibbs wanted a photo of him doing that in a warehouse with me.
      Gibbs said, "Get on my back. I'm carrying you out of here." I grabbed the duffle bag and got on Gibbs back. I kissed Gibbs cheek and he smiled. I said, "I wasn't going to die. You know that right. I came prepared for this because I brought a grenade with me." Gibbs said, "How did you get a grenade on short notice?" I said, "I signed one out of one of my dad's military buddies military supplies. He knew I took one because of what happened with my brother because I sent him the video."
       Gibbs put me down because we got outside and Ellie gave Gibbs his phone back. I gave the bag of money back to Leon. McGee took Frank back to NCIS and Tony rode with Claudia in the ambulance. Ziva said, "Harley, you did amazing in there by yourself. How did you know how do to say those things?" I said, "I am just lucky. Plus Gibbs wrote it on my hand in expo markers." Ziva and Gibbs rode in the car I drove. Ellie and Leon rode in one car and I rode in the ambulance with my brother.
       Jordan said, "How did you know how to deal with that situation?" I said, "Easy because I am a federal agent of Forensic Science. Leon bumped me up to agent today for this assignment, but I will just be a federal forensic scientist for the rest of my days as I work." We got to the hospital, but Leon, Ziva, Tony, Gibbs and Ellie are still at the hospital waiting on us to arrive.
       We finally arrive at the hospital and I got out of the ambulance, so the EMTs can get Jordan out and into the hospital. Tony met me by the ambulance bay doors and said, "How is he doing?" I said, "He will live unless something happens throughout the night." EMTs took my brother to an ER room. Everyone came out, but I had to take a breather on the other side of the building. My watch is beeping because of my heart rate.
      Gibbs is hearing my watch beep and came over to see me sitting on the concrete. Gibbs sat down next to me and grabbed my left hand to say, "Everything is going to alright. I promise you that." I put my head on Gibbs shoulder and Leon came over to say, "Claudia Felix did make it, but she won't be able to walk right ever." I said, "Thank God she is alive." My heart rate is coming down slowly. Gibbs got up and grabbed my arm to help me up. Gibbs put his arm around my back. My heart rate is back to normal and Gibbs said, "How is your heart rate?"
      I said, "Normal." We got back to the cars and I got in the back to sleep. Gibbs got in the back with me and I put my head on Gibbs shoulder. Leon is driving us back to the Navy Yard to get the truck. I fell asleep on Gibbs shoulder and we got to the Navy Yard. Leon parked by our truck. Gibbs slid me to where he was and put me over his shoulder. Leon shut the door to the car.
       Gibbs put me in the truck gently and put my head on the head rest. Gibbs buckled me in and shut my door softly. Gibbs ran to the other side of the truck and got in. Gibbs softly shut his door and got buckled. Gibbs started driving us home. I woke up and said, "Why didn't you wake me?" Gibbs said, "You had a long 24 hours, so I decided to let you sleep." I said, "I could have walked myself to the truck at least." Gibbs said, "No. I wanted to carry you over my shoulder to practice for our wedding night."
        I said, "You already know how to carry me because you done it before when I was to drunk to walk up the stairs a few nights ago." We arrived home and I unbuckled and went in. Gibbs hit the steering wheel yelling, "God Damn It." I heard Gibbs yell that because that was our second fight ever in our relationship. I took off my coat and my NCIS bullet proof vest to put them back in the closet. Gibbs finally came in and saw me with a glass of wine what is half way full.
     Gibbs said, "You are going to get drunk aren't you." I said, "I was planning on it because my brother always take shit for granted even when we were little. He was mom's favorite, but luckily I was dad's favorite because I was his only little girl that he had." Gibbs grabbed a glass of bourbon after he locked the front door. Gibbs said, "You know if your brother doesn't make it then I will give you all the sex you want for a day."
        I said, "That is cruel, but okay." I chugged my glass of wine to forget what has happened today. Gibbs chugged his bourbon. I sat on Gibbs lap and started kissing him. I turned the lights off in the living room. I took off my shirt and Gibbs took my bra off. I took Gibbs shirt off and Gibbs put me on the couch laying down. Gibbs took his pants, shoes, socks and underwear off. I took the rest of my stuff off. Gibbs put himself inside me and started kissing my neck.
       I moan softly since we are downstairs. We switched spots and Gibbs loves it when I'm on top. Gibbs cummed inside and I let him fill me up. Gibbs moaned loudly, but I shut him up with my deep kissing. I grabbed the blanket off the chair to wrap around me so I can go to the bathroom downstairs. Gibbs grabbed the other blanket what was laying on the couch to cover up with. Tobias is knocking on the door. I snuck in the kitchen with the blanket on me to shut off the light.
       Tobias tried to open the front door, but it was locked. Tobias ran to the back door and it was locked. Tobias came back to the front door and yelled, "Gibbs, I know you are home. I see your truck and Harley's truck." I crawled on the floor to get to the couch and when Tobias looks through the window I cover myself all the way on the floor. I got to my shirt and underwear. I slowly put those on and Tobias sat on the front porch on the swing.
       I got to Gibbs and he is sound asleep. I said to myself, "You got to be kidding me." I grabbed a pillow off the other end of the couch. I put it on the floor and laid down. I covered myself up, so Tobias won't see me half naked in the morning. It is 3 o'clock in the morning and I heard Diane yelling at Tobias on the porch.
      I grabbed the blanket and went outside and yelled, "Go the hell home Tobias. I was trying to sleep when your pregnant wife showed up yelling at you." Diane grabbed Tobias by the ear and put him in his car and she got in hers. I'm wide awake now and I went back inside. I headed upstairs after I locked the front door. I got upstairs and into our bedroom. I got my laptop and got on it to go through my photos.
        I found a photo of Gibbs and I that we were outside of the Navy Yard. In the photo we were walking out to the Navy Yard and Gibbs had his arm around me and I had my arm around him. I sent the photos what I wanted to have at Gibbs and my wedding to Delilah to print out. It is a selection what I have picked out for the preview of Gibbs and my life before marriage and their will be add ons throughout the marriage. It is now 5:30 in the morning and Gibbs phone is going off. Gibbs answered, "What DiNozzo?"
       McGee said, "It is McGee and we got a case." Gibbs put his clothes on along with his boots. Gibbs didn't see me downstairs, so he ran upstairs fast into our room to see me passed out asleep. Gibbs kissed my forehead softly and he left a note, and put it on my phone. Gibbs walked back downstairs and grabbed his truck keys. Gibbs left for work and stopped at the diner before work for his coffee. I woke up and saw a note on my phone. I read it and said, "That fucker didn't wake me for this case."
        I went downstairs and grabbed my bra, pants, socks and boots to put on. I got them on and I grabbed the keys to the Dodge Challenger because my truck has flat tires still since we are so busy with the wedding stuff and work, but we have the tires in the garage. I raced to the Navy Yard and I finally got there. I ran in after I parked by Gibbs truck and locked the Dodge Challenger. I got to the squad room and said, "Where is Gibbs?" Tony, McGee, Ziva, and Ellie said, "With the director." I said, "Gibbs left me a short note this morning and ran out because you called him McGee after he kissed my forehead. What was so important?"
      McGee said, "Pedro Hernandez is in MTAC." I said, "That son of a bitch wants to talk after 30 years of Shannon's and Kelly's death. Why didn't he tell me?" Leon came out of MTAC and said, "What is Harley doing here with this case going on?" I ran up the stairs and grabbed Leon to pull so no one could see us. I started yelling, "Why wasn't I told about this case, Leon?" Leon said, "You are to personal on this case same with Gibbs, but he has to run this case like any other case."
      I said, "Kelly and Shannon Gibbs deserve justice. Don't they after 30 years. I sit in Kelly's room with a photo of Gibbs, Shannon, Kelly and I on the last camping trip we went on, so I feel like they are still here with me." Leon said, "It's not my rule you have to follow." Gibbs came out and grabbed my arm to bring me into MTAC. Leon said, "Everyone go back to work." Gibbs and I are in front of the screen and I saw the monster who killed Kelly and Shannon.
       I said, "Why now you prick?" Pedro said, "To clean my conscience about what happened 30 years ago." I said, "That ship has already sailed 30 years ago when you killed my best friend and her mother." Pedro said, "That was not me. Someone was setting me up." I said, "Bull shit. I saw videos of you killing them because I was interviewed by NIS when it happened and they showed me the video of you killing them. I asked them to show me the video." Gibbs said, "You need to turn yourself in Pedro." Leon came back in MTAC with McGee because McGee has Pedro's location.
       McGee whispered to Gibbs and Leon told the technician to cut the call. Gibbs filled me in what the have that they have Pedro's location here in the United States in the Navy Yard. We all ran out and Gibbs said, "Gear up with bullet proof vest because Pedro Hernandez is inside the Navy Yard." Before anyone could do anything Pedro Hernandez walked in. Every agent has their gun pulled at Pedro. Gibbs got down the stairs before me to tackle the son of a bitch who killed his wife and daughter. I ran after Gibbs and pulled Gibbs off of Pedro.
       I said, "Ziva and Ellie take Gibbs outside away from Pedro. Tony and McGee take Mr.Hernandez to the interrogation room and I will be right there." Everyone went where there supposed to be. Leon said, "I can't allow you in the interrogation room with Mr.Hernandez." I said, "Watch me because I want answers Leon for what he did to my best friend and her mother who was like my second mother. You will have to fire me. I am not standing down."
       Leon said, "You can watch from the other side of the glass while McGee and DiNozzo interrogate him." I said, "Fine." Abby came running up to me and saying, "Did Shannon and Kelly's killer actually walk into the squad room?" I said, "Yes, but he is in an interrogation room with McGee and Tony." I walked to the other side of the interrogation room with the camera technician.
      McGee, Leon, and Tony walked into the interrogation room. Tony sucker punch Pedro Hernandez in the face for Gibbs and I. Then McGee took a swing at him and same with Leon. Ziva and Ellie came into the interrogation room to get there turns to punch Pedro Hernandez. Gibbs joined me in the other side and the camera was off because I told the camera technician to turn it off.
      Gibbs wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my forehead. Gibbs took my hand and we walked into the interrogation room. I said, "Rot in hell you prick. You took away the two important people in our lives. I hope they lock you in solidarity confinement at Gitmo in Cuba and you can meet some of your former associates in there who hates your guts." Pedro saw Gibbs and my hands together. Pedro said in Spanish, "Perras. Supongo que al final todo salió bien."
     I said fluently in Spanish, "Vete al infierno, hijo de puta. Espero que los presos a los que les dije en Gitmo que eres un asesino familiar de un agente federal de los Estados Unidos." I let Gibbs hand go and attacked Pedro until he got a head injury by hitting his head on the floor. Everyone who was in the interrogation room had to pull me off of Pedro Hernandez because I was beating the shit out of him for taking the people who I loved away from me to soon. Leon said, "Gibbs, Ziva, and Ellie get Harley off the Navy Yard effective immediately just for this case."
      Gibbs grabbed my arm and we got around the corner. Gibbs whispered to Ellie and Ziva, "Go down the hall and to the squad room. I have got this because I have to take her somewhere in the building." Gibbs took me to a part of the building what's under construction and we snuck into the empty office. Gibbs closed and locked the door. Gibbs pushed me up against the wall and kissing me deeply with his hands on my face. Gibbs took off my pants and underwear. I took off Gibbs pants and underwear.
     We started having sex and I'm kissing Gibbs so no one would hear us having sex because we both moan loud. I go up and down on Gibbs because he holding me since it is the easiest position to do in the office. I stayed down on his dick because Gibbs is about to cum, but he moved me up and down to thrust his cum inside of me, and while cumming he is moaning, and I kiss him to make him be quiet. There is a bathroom in this office what works and I used it so I won't get a UTI. Gibbs handed me my pants, underwear, and boots.
      I said, "I love you Jethro a lot because you have taught me how to be myself without anyone's approval. You take me on weird adventures and weird places to have sex in. We better sneak out the window because I hear other agents come looking for me." I got dressed and washed my hands. I got out the window, and Gibbs flushed the toilet for me. I ran to the Dodge Challenger and got in it. Gibbs unlocked the office door and got out the window in time and sprinted to his truck to get into it.
      I drove away first and Gibbs called me. I answered through my watch to put him on speaker faster that way. I said, "I can't believe we just did that." Gibbs said, "I can because you are the most important, wonderful, amazing, great, stunning, and my brilliant fianceé." I got pulled into the garage and Gibbs pulled in. I turned off the Dodge Challenger and shut the garage doors. I got out and ran inside to take off my boots and get comfortable on the couch before 4 agents come busting in the front door.
       Gibbs got out of his truck and ran in through the back door. Gibbs took his jacket off and hurried to come sit by me on the couch to make it look like we been here for 20 minutes. The 4 agents were Ziva, Tony, Ellie and McGee, but before they came in Tony felt Gibbs truck. Luckily it cooled down because it took them 30 minutes to get here since they had to transport Pedro Hernandez to the ER to get looked at.
      They went back to the office and Gibbs said, "I can't believe you actually beat the shit of Pedro Hernandez." I said, "He killed the people we loved Gibbs. Why wouldn't I? I protect the people I love." Gibbs put my head back down on his shoulder to watch TV. I have my back the blue hoodie on and Gibbs said, "When did you get this hoodie?" I said, "It was the last birthday gift my dad gave me. I just don't wear it much because it makes me feel sad since my dad gave it to me, but you were in the military and that is a purpose of it."
      I turned my head up towards Gibbs face and he put his hand on my face because he was about to kiss me deeply, but Tobias walked in and said, "Why in the hell is Pedro Hernandez is in a hospital bed here in the United States?" I said, "I put him there. Any other questions what you know the answer to?" Gibbs said, "Get out Tobias before I shoot you." Tobias started running out the front door and I got up and locked the door, but before I got far from the couch Gibbs slapped my ass.
       I picked up my boots and have them in my hand, then grabbed Gibbs hand and he got up after he shut off the tv and shut off all the lights. We headed upstairs with our hands locked. Gibbs is hurrying me upstairs because he wants to cuddle me. We got to the bedroom and I took off most of my clothes, but my underwear and shirt. I got into bed under the covers and Gibbs got down to his white shirt and underwear. Gibbs climbed into bed under the covers and scooted closer to me.
     Gibbs put his arm around me and kissed me. I flipped over and scooted my butt closer to Gibbs. Gibbs said, "Good night my gorgeous fianceé." I said, "Good night handsome." We over slept and didn't hear our alarms. Tony had Ziva unlock the door and Tony ran up the stairs with an air horn. I grabbed my gun off the night stand and pointed it at the door. Tony saw my gun pointed at the door and I said, "I dare you to blow the air horn and see how Gibbs will react. He is perfectly sound asleep on my chest and you don't want to wake him."
     Tony went back downstairs and I put my gun down. I slowly started moving Gibbs face off my arm because he slept on it all night. I kissed Gibbs cheek and he started moving. I said, "You are lucky I caught Tony before he blew an air horn to wake us up." Gibbs kissed me good morning with a deep kiss. I said, "I can't go into work until Pedro is out of NCIS building if I do step a foot in the building I would be fired. So I will be at the park for the rest of the day. My location will be on so you can see where I am at because we don't know if any of Pedro Hernandez associates are in the states."
       Gibbs said with his hand on my face, "Good girl." I said, "I know because you don't want anything to happen to me. I will have both of the guns. One in my boot and one at me side. Pocket knife is in my boot as well. My side arm will be covered so no one will see. I have self defense training to, remember because you made me take the class when many gangs were after me." Gibbs got dressed and put my guy military hoodie. I said, "What do you think your doing with my hoodie?"
       Gibbs said, "Thought it was mine because it was on my side of the dresser." I said, "No. That is my hoodie, but you can wear it because it looks sexy on you." Gibbs came back to kiss me deeply and he still has hickies on his neck from 2 days ago. I have more hickies below my neck. Gibbs assigned Ned a NCIS agent to watch me from a distance throughout the day and Ned has to take photos of what I do throughout the day too.
      I got up and dressed for the day and made sure the guns were loaded full. I grabbed my NCIS vest to put on then one of Gibbs old black jackets. I grabbed my NCIS badge to put in my jacket pocket. I grabbed my truck keys since I finally put the new tires on it. I have my wallet in my back pocket. I headed out the door and locked it. Ned said because he has an earwig in, "She is on the move Gibbs."   
     Ned took photos of me doing the stuff and sent them to Gibbs. Gibbs said, "Follow her. Don't lose her." I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the diner for breakfast, but I had a feeling that I was being followed, so I pulled into parking lot and ran into the store. I lost Ned in the store and ran out. Ned said, "I lost her Gibbs." I am driving to the diner and I saw one of Gibbs team cars there by 2 blocks away, so I turned and went to the close park to play Basketball with the foster kids I saved from horrible homes.
       These foster kids count on me every Saturday to play basketball with them. I parked in front of the basketball courts. I got out and locked up my truck, and I left my phone at home because Gibbs had me followed anyways. The 9 foster kids come running up to me wanting to hug me. I have known these kids since they were put into the foster system. All of their foster parents are happy I showed up because they know I make the kids happy. I have put away some of their fathers for doing horrible things, but they don't remember that because they were all babies when it happened.
      I placed each one of them into the right homes because the agency let me since I was left power of attorney for all of them. Ned found me again and I blended with the foster parents. I had Elizabeth switch me jackets and I put my hair down and cheering on the kids, and I put my hat on. June stepped in for my place in the game. Lisa gave me her sunglasses because they see Ned trying to find me. Ned took a photo and sent it to Gibbs. Gibbs said, "She isn't there." Ned said, "Her truck is here."
      Gibbs said, "What? I told her to not go to that park with the kids who she saved with Pedro Hernandez here in the states." Gibbs ran out of NCIS and got to his truck. I said, "I'm screwed now because the man who is taking photos of us works with my fiance. Right about now you will see another truck pull in by mine and that will be his." Gibbs pulled in by mine and got out. Elizabeth said, "How old is he?" I said, "He is 49. I'm 37. He is my dead best friends dad. What a coincidence? Oh wait I don't believe in them."
       Elizabeth, Lisa, Jake, and James hid me from my fianceé. Gibbs said, "You guys know where she is, so you better want to tell me." I came out and said, "What is your big deal with me coming here playing basketball with the kids I saved from bad homes. You had me followed for God sake that is why I left my phone at home since I knew that was going to happen." I gave Lisa back her sunglasses and switched back jackets with Elizabeth.
       I put my jacket back on and Gibbs grabbed my arm. The kids saw and I said, "Kids don't worry. I'm not in trouble. This is just my boss mad at me because he told me one thing and I didn't listen." The kids went back to the game and Gibbs put me in my truck to go home after he put a wrist monitor on me. I said, "Seriously. Is this necessary, Gibbs?"
      Gibbs said, "Yes it is. Go to the diner because I will meet you there so you can get something in you." I put my hair back into my ponytail and put my baseball ball hat back on. I backed out and headed towards the diner. Gibbs called off Ned. I got to the diner and Gibbs finally got here. I got out and locked up my truck. Gibbs locked his truck up. Gibbs grabbed my hand because he doesn't want me to go back to the park to put the foster kids in danger.
      We got into the diner and saw that something was going down. Gibbs announced, "NCIS. What is going on here?" The guy pointed the gun at me and said, "There's the lady I'm looking for because she is the one who beat the crap out of my boss." Gibbs pushed me behind him and said, "You are not getting her. I'm her boss and the victim because your boss killed my wife and daughter several years ago while I was away fighting a war. Your boss killed her best friend, so I understand why she beat the living crap out of him. I have fought your boss when he walked into my squad room."
       The person said, "Well my boss died in his hospital room because of her. He died from a brain bleed." I came out and said, "I did not hit your boss in the head. I only hit from the shoulders down, so he got the brain bleed at the hospital." The person said, "Liar!" The person shot at me and I fell to the floor with a bullet wound in my left shoulder.
      Gibbs took his belt off to stop the bleeding from my shoulder and then tackled the son of a bitch who shot me. Cheryl came behind me and raised my back off the floor. Cheryl got me up and off the floor. Cheryl said, "Give me your keys because you aren't driving yourself to the hospital." I gave Cheryl my truck keys and I said, "See you later, Gibbs. Cheryl is taking me to the hospital."
     Gibbs has the person who shot me in his hand cuffs and came to kiss me goodbye. Cheryl and I left the diner and got into my truck and headed to the hospital. We got to the hospital and we parked my truck. I put my guns in my glove box. We headed into the hospital together. The ER nurse saw a belt tied around my shoulder and got me a wheelchair. Gibbs came as fast as he could because he had to wait on back up from NCIS to get the person who shot me back to NCIS.
     The got a x-ray of my left shoulder and got put in an ER room. The nurse let Gibbs back to my room and the door came in and said, "Well Harley, you will need surgery on your left shoulder to get the bullet out." I said, "Okay." The doctor name is Atticus Lincoln. Link said, "We will get up to surgery once we get an OR open. The recovery time is 2 and a half weeks." I said, "Okay." Link left and Gibbs sat on my bed to hug me from the side.
      Gibbs kissed me deeply and they came into take me up to surgery. My clothes and boots are in my ER room with Gibbs. Gibbs grabbed my clothes bag and my boots because I left my vest in the truck and he has my truck keys since Cheryl gave them to him. Gibbs is in the waiting room on the surgical floor and the whole team and their families showed up on the surgical level waiting room area. Cheryl took a cab back to work. Link finally got the bullet out of my shoulder and stitched me back up.
      Link said, "Start lightening her sedation and move her to an ICU room. Someone let her fiance know." The nurses got me onto a bed for the ICU and transferred me onto it. They put the side up and took me to a room.
      Link went up to Gibbs and said, "She did perfect. I got all the bullet out of her shoulder. She will need to be in a sling for a while. She will need to go to physical therapy every day to get movement in her arm. That starts in 2 days. She will be able to go home in 3 to 4 days because I want to make sure she is stable to be sent home. Her heart rate did drop a lot in surgery that is why I want to keep her for a few days."

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