// chapter nine : rhodonite //

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" rhodonite // purpose , generosity , contribution  . "

trigger warnings : cursing, injuries, mentions of memory loss, mentions of manipulation, scars, sedation/drugging, fighting

(the cover is a poster collage i made for my room haha)


third person pov

Tommy screamed as they entered his room, falling off of the bed.

"get up and start putting away your stuff, we're getting the fuck out of here."


They pulled him off of his feet, hands rough against his. They stared at eachother for a second or so, Tommy finally getting the message as he began to grab all of his things.

"do you know where they kept my phone?"

Tommy shook his head. Y/n groaned softly, leaving his room and quickly knocking on Techno's door. His phone was on speaker, Ranboo and Tubbo still screaming at him from the other side.

They had never heard Ranboo so angry.

Techno opened the door, free hand rubbing his temples as they continued to yell.

"d'you know where they kept my things?"

"On Phil's desk, just next door."

They nodded, running over and searching the man's things. They took back their knife and keys, but their phone was nowhere to be seen. They dug through his things, staring at his monitor.

About 10 live security camera screens were sprawled across the screen-

But it wasn't the fact that they were security cameras that scared Y/n, but the fact that they were in their apartment.

Three in both Ranboo and Y/n's rooms, different angles flickering on the screen. There was even one of them placed at their window. They walked around to the back of the computer, cutting the wires of the monitor and pc tower.

They even took the sim card for good measure. Creepy fucker wont get any of that footage back. They stared at the desk itself, some framed photos of him and his boys- Well, excluding Tommy.

The only picture of him was badly taken, taken from another window. He was on his computer in an unfamiliar room, smiling at his screen. Y/n frowned. He looked so happy, much happier than when they had seen him here. He also looked younger.

They searched through his drawers for their phone, even taking money from the man since they found it fair.

But their searching lead to nothing, the teen growing frustrated enough to almost kick the desk to the floor.


Tommy hollered from his room, Y/n running out of the office and to the blonde's room, knife in hand. They slid the cover off of it, shoving it in their pocket as the two nodded to eachother.