" chrysoprase // love , healing , joy . "
trigger warnings : cursing
( got some books i've wanted for a while )
third person pov
Tommy stared at the ceiling, blanket kicked off and to his side due to how hot it was in the room. Y/n was asleep, face buried into a pillow with their leg propped up with another. He didn't know how to feel.
He didn't trust Dream or his friends yet, they were all too nice. They were helping too much, and he was scared they'd just be the same. Someone knocked on the locked room door, Tommy quietly sliding out of bed.
It was Sapnap, a proud smile on his face.
"what- it's nearly 3 am, what do you want?"
The blonde yawned, leaning in his doorway. Sapnap stepped aside, revealing Y/n's dog. Jesus fucking christ, they really went off and got the damn dog?
"..when did you-"
"Just last night, had to get all your guys's stuff too!"
George smiled and waved from behind Sapnap, bringing boxes in. Tommy was appalled.
"so when are you guys getting ranboo?"
Sapnap paused, hands on his hips as he pursed his lips. Apparently they hadn't thought of that yet. Tommy sighed, bringing the dog into the room as it went to Y/n's bed.
"look mate, we appreciate the help but we're worried shitless about him- can you just, bring him back?"
Tommy's voice cracked a bit, Sapnap nodding and walking off. He closed the door and locked it once more, sitting next to the large dog. It had it's head on Y/n's bed, letting out small whines. It knew they were hurt, too. The teen pet the dog, letting off a blank stare as his hands ran through it's fur. He genuinely did just want his friends back.
Birthday closed his eyes, nodding off as Tommy continued to pet him. He could feel his eyes begin to burn and his hands shake, sniffling into his sleeve as to not make noise. He wanted Tubbo. He wanted Y/n back, he wanted Ranboo and he wanted Wilbur to be normal again. He wanted his brother back and he wanted his dad back.
He cried into his sleeve, Y/n scooting towards him and wrapping an arm around him. They woke up when Sapnap finished talking to Tommy. He leaned into their hold, the young adult pulling them onto his bed as he curled up next to them.
"wanna talk about it?"
They rasped, Tommy shaking his head no into their shoulder. They simply nodded, hugging him until his crying ceased. Mostly because it tired him out so much he fell asleep. They didn't have the leg strength or energy to bring him to his own bed, sucking up and sleeping with Tommy holding onto them.
Dream later peeked into the room to check on the two, smiling at them together. The dog pushed it's head into his leg, Dream petting Birthday a few times before leaving the room. Might as well make breakfast.
Sapnap and George had brought back the teens things, although they kept Tubbo's pc in it's box. They felt bad. They found many, many polaroids of Y/n and Ranboo, or Ranboo and Tubbo. Sapnap had to hold himself together, putting the pictures in a book for them.
Dream was in the kitchen with Birthday next to him, his cat Patches not wanting to get near the large dog. She stayed on the kitchen counter, watching Dream make pancakes. Sure, he couldn't cook an entire meal but he could make basic things. George walked in behind him, grabbing a mug to make another cup of coffee.
"Make one for me too, im thirsty."
Dream chuckled, George jokingly groaning and snatching Dream's favorite mug to make him some too. Patches sat next to the coffee machine, earning pets from George's free hand as he got his coffee ready. Patches was smart. Birthday, on the other hand, was smart in a mischievous way.
The dog yoinked a pancake straight from Dream's spatula, the man not even able to chase after the large dog as it ran off to where Sapnap was. George laughed at him with a pitying face as Dream begrudgingly got to work on more pancakes.
"Well you're productive today."
"Im always productive!"
Dream retaliated, making George laugh harder as they both wheezed. Sapnap's screaming droned into the room as he ran down the hall, the large dog bounding after him making the men laugh even harder than before.
The two teens, however, stayed in their room, They were both awake, just talking to eachother and not moving from their sleeping position. Tommy didn't find it embarrassing or anything, he found it comforting. Y/n used to hold Ranboo the exact same way after his episodes.
And they just talked, ignoring the noise and laughter from their "saviors". They both didn't like the idea of being saved, even when they couldn't save themselves. Tommy was related to The Big Three, but not biologically.
Tommy had been adopted.
Y/n and Ranboo were both orphans, but refused to speak of what happened to their parents to others. Sometimes people would day "What would your mother think of you doing this?", and they'd just laugh, because they didn't know either.
Ranboo and Y/n didn't have a father, just two mom's. But that's all they said when people asked about their parents, and thats all. Tommy never met his parents, but never had a good impression of them due to the shit foster care system he was in. He had assumed Philza and his sons would be the same.
They were much worse.
Tommy used to have a therapist, they weren't that good but they were all he had. Then Philza "fired" them, but Tommy assumed the worst when he found out he wouldn't be seeing them anymore. At least he talked about his problems- Y/n only ever bottled it up and suffered in silence until they couldn't handle it.
God, they fucking missed Ranboo.
Tommy stared at the ceiling, then at Y/n.
"Would you rather be back at the apartment?"
They nodded, smiling fondly.
"if it meant never meeting you though, then no."
Tommy nodded. staring back up at the ceiling. Y/n didn't say anything when he started crying again, just holding him close. They didn't blame Tommy for any of the situation.
Well, the parts they remembered at least.
// 1074 words //

Fanfiction🗡️ " IM LEAVING, PHIL! IM LEAVING, NOW-" there are three rules in life : love your family love yourself run started :: 11 / 25 / 2021 finished :: ?? / ?? / ?? " IM GOING TO ESCAPE BUT YOU WONT KNOW HOW " -posted originally on wattpad. fuck you teen...