Chapter 5: Trapped Part 1

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Trapped Autum was like a caged rat. It felt never ending the pain that followed her. Autum tried to unlock the car doors with no luck as Beth was loading the car. Autum was being sent to a camp for special needs kids. It might only be about a week but she did not want to go. Her father thought that it was a good idea for her to get out of the house and make friends. Autum hated being away from what was familiar. She hated being away from Beth.

"We are ready to drive!" her father said, hopping into the car. He was ecstatic to give Autum a chance to branch out. He thought she would feel good being able to talk to people like her. Autum tapped her window to signal she wanted it rolled down. Autum glared out the window as Sunny was pulling weeds in the front yard.

"Goodbye Sunny!" Autum yelled leaning out as far as she could. Sunny perked up and cupped his dirty gloves around his mouth.

"Goodbye Autum! Have fun!" He shouted in her direction.

"I'll miss you!" Autum shouted as they were out of sight. Autum meant that for Beth but was kinda hoping Sunny heard and thought it was for him. Her father just kinda glared at her a bit.

"You are getting really close to Sunny," he said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"We are just friends." Those words were something Autum did not want to believe.

"He hasn't done anything inappropriate has he?" Autum blushed with anger.

"Daddy," she said, punching him.

"Alright I get it." He looked at her with her red face like she was lost in thought. "You don't want him to, right?" Autum's face became even more red with anger as she punched him again. He just smiled as they kept driving. The drive was a bit but it felt quick because Autum's father was playing car games. "Is it blue?"

"No," Autum said for the sixth time as she gazed out the window. She was wondering what Sunny was up to. She was wondering if he missed her too.

"We're here!" her father shouted as they pulled into a dirt trail that went into thick woods. Autum started to have hot flashes.

"Let's go back," Autum said panting. Her father stopped the car and hugged her tight.

"It's gonna be ok, this place is safe," he said quietly. What would make a random camp safer than Autum's own backyard she wondered. Autum's father helped her into her chair and grabbed all her stuff. "I'm gonna talk to the head around here. Seems like you get in line over there," her father said pointing before walking off. Autum rolled into a line of people waiting by the entrance. A girl with long dirty blonde hair turned around. She was wearing a brown hoodie and a long shirt. She just smiled at Autum.

"Hello," Autum said nervously. The girl said nothing and just smiled. Autum was quite confused until another chair hit her's.

"That's Alex, she's a mute. I'm Chris." The boy next to her was also in a wheelchair. He had short blonde hair and black glasses. Out of the corner of Autum's eyes she saw a girl hiding behind a tree. The girl had bangs like her's but they were parted. Her black hair came down over a blue long sleeve shirt. She was wearing a skirt just like Autum's.

"Come on now everyone line up please." Everyone turned as a young woman with short brown hair walked up in shorts and a tank top. Everyone straightened more into a line. "Ok I'm gonna go over everyone's names. Chris, Mory, Felix, Newp, Alex, Autum, Butch, Reggie, Melissa, Shary." As each name was called everyone raised their hands.

Autum looked back to see her dad waving goodbye as he went to the car. "Ok now girls in this cabin and boys over here." Everyone split up and went to their respective sides. Autum laid her stuff on a bottom bunk. Alex walked up and started signing really fast. Autum saw this as very confused.

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