Chapter 11: Another Year

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Another year means new opportunities for everyone, especially Autum. Her first year of highschool wasn't that bad. Her stigma that she carried with her was almost gone. Well almost.

"And they let you in if you paid for the V.I.P. ticket." The girls pulled away from their lockers, closing them.

"I would just get lost at a concert. I don't think I could see anything," Autum said leaning forward in her chair.

"But just think, you could meet one of the band," Cherry said with stars in her eyes. Autum tried to look for these stars but could not find them. Cherry's slim body made her stand out amongst most. Her brown hair came down in messy waves over her thin glasses. She always had her fingers in her mouth nervously biting her nails. Autum wheeled next to her as they walked and talked. As they turned a corner Autum pulled up on her wheels stopping herself from hitting someone.

"Oh my bad," Jeffrey said with a smile as he backed himself up. Autum was stuck in awe. Jeffrey was tall with short wavy blonde hair and a body that said he never missed a day at the gym. His orange tan made Autum's mind wander.

"Sorry Jeffrey," Cherry said, pulling Autum back a bit.

"Hey no worries." Jeffrey seemed to be trying to remember Autum's name. Autum knew this yet could say nothing. Cherry shook Autum only for a third party to break up the silence.

"Hey there you are," Tam said, throwing her arm around Jeffrey. Tam always looked like she was mad at someone. She had pretty blonde hair that came down in front of her right shoulder over her flower dress. Tam locked eyes with Autum as she was staring at Jeffrey.

"Yeah, I'm just chilling with." His speech dribbled off as the name was not coming to him.

"Autum," Cherry said shaking Autum by her shoulders. Jeffrey snaped and pointed at her as the name was said.

"Aren't you able to walk?" Tam asked, getting in her face. Autum was flustered and upset at this question.

"Aren't you able to be nice?" Cherry asked, pulling Autum away from her.

"Whatever," Tam said, smacking her lips together as she and Jeffrey walked away. Autum just sat frozen.

"Ignore her. I think Jeff was checking you out," Cherry said, wheeling Autum down the hall. Autum perked up a bit.

"Why does it matter? No one wants to date the girl that fakes a disability." Cherry turned her chair fast to face her.

"Don't listen to her. You are who you are. Now let's get to lunch so you can give me your pudding." These words did not cheer Autum up. Even if people didn't hate her they also didn't look her way either. The damage had been done.

Autum kept her head down as the lines moved. As her food was placed in her lap she turned hearing her name being called. Through all the chatter and people. Jeffrey was yelling to her. Autum was frozen until Cherry took her food from her.

"Go see what he wants." These words pushed her which was helped by Cherry actually pushing her. Autum grabbed her wheels and moved through the room. Jeffrey was sitting at a table in the corner with holes that would soon be filled with hungry people.

"Hey can we talk for a moment?" Autum just nodded yes. "I'm sorry for Tam that wasn't cool what she said, you know?" His words went in one ear and out the other as she admired him. She just kept nodding to whatever he was saying. Autum slowly let the world back in as she felt her wheels lock in place. Jeffrey stood fast wondering what was going on. Arms wrapped around Autum's as she was pulled from her chair.

"Look everyone, she can walk!" Tam yelled walking into frame. A couple guys were holding Autum up walking her like a doll. Autum tired to pull away and shake loose but she couldn't. Jeffrey was trying to stop them but Tam was pushing him back. All Autum could hear was the laughter even though there was none. Just empty faces watching "Come on, you can walk, can't you!" Tam shouted as the guys let go and Autum fell to the floor.

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