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The chilly air forced a shiver down her spine. No matter that wasn't officially fall yet, there was something in the air. She walked with her head held high, trying to blend in with the others also walking down the street. But there was never any point. He would find her if he was trying. He was always able to find her, no matter how hard she tried to hide. That's why she never stayed in one place too long. Why she always changed her appearance and never made any friends.

Glancing over her shoulder, she sensed that she was being followed. She still hadn't turned her head back around when she ran straight into someone else.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She immediately apologized, turning to face the person she ran into.

"It's really no problem," the woman smiled back.

"I should have been more careful."

"Really, you're good. I'm Mary. Mary Morstan."

"Uh, Y/N." She hesitantly greeted the other woman, purposefully leaving out her last name. She couldn't let it slip. One slip up and she'd be dead.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N. Where were you going in such a rush?"


Mary nodded. "Well, if you aren't too busy, would you care to join me for tea? I would sure enjoy the company."

Y/N thought for a moment. It would be nice to join someone else for tea. Maybe even seem normal and through him off her tail.

"I would love that."

And that was the beginning of her end.


Six months passed, with Y/N and Mary becoming close friends. Roommates even. During that time, Y/N had slowly let her guard down. She wasn't as cautious or careful. She allowed herself to make friends and stay in one place.

Also during those six months, Mary had met a man, Dr. John Watson, and planned on marrying him. Y/N had met the man a few times, each time being very impressed with him. John often spoke of his roommate, Sherlock Holmes. The unknown man intrigued both Y/N and Mary.

"I really don't want to intrude on your dinner."

"Oh, nonsense!" Mary swatted a hand at her friend. "John insists. His roommate will be there as well."

"He will?"

"Yes. John has talked about Sherlock before to you, hasn't he?"

"His name as come up a couple of times. He does sound to be an interesting man."

"Then you will come tonight?"

"Yes, I think I will."


John picked Mary and Y/N up at their place before escorting the two beautiful women to the Royal. When John told the host his name, the host told him that one of their party members had already arrived and was waiting for them. As the trio arrived at their table, Y/N took in the dark haired man already seated. His was dressed nicely. His black hair slicked back, out of his face, with a touch of scruff framing his jaw line and lips. The man's eyes were closed, like he was trying to focus on something.

"Holmes," John greeted.

"Hmm," Sherlock hummed, looking up at his old friend with a clear frown on his face.

"You're early."

Sherlock closed his pocket watch and forced a smile. "Fashionably."

"Miss Mary Morstan," John introduced.

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