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The ride back to Baker Street was again found in silence. Sherlock kept checking on Y/N, with his eyes. She was wringing her hands together, tremblingly slightly. He felt the urge to reach over and put a hand over hers but stopped himself because he knew she needed to process seeing her father.

Y/N was off the motor carriage before Sherlock even at it fully in park . She ran into the flat and up the stairs towards her room.

"Y/N!" Sherlock called, chasing after her. "Y/N!"

Y/N ignored his calls, slamming the door closed once she was in her bedroom. She reached into her wardrobe and pulled out one of her smaller travel bags. She quickly began grabbing pieces of clothing and stuffing them in her bag.

"What do you think you're doing?" Sherlock asked as he barged into her bedroom.

"Packing," Y/N answered curtly.

"And whatever for?"

"I have to leave." She kept stuffing clothes into the bag, unwilling to look up at Sherlock. "For everyone's safety."

His jaw clenched at the thought of Y/N leaving, of her safety not being under his watchful eye. "And where will you go?"

"I don't know. Maybe a country I haven't ran to before or... maybe... maybe I'll turn myself into him."

"No." Sherlock grabbed one of Y/N's wrists, trying to get her attention. "You will not do such a thing."

Tears glimmered in Y/N's eyes as she met Sherlock's. "I have to. For John and Mary's sake... For yours. By turning myself in, it will by you some time to figure out how to really stop him. You can put an end to this all without me."

"No!" Sherlock roughly grabbed Y/N's shoulders, turning her to face him directly. "You need to promise me that you won't turn yourself into Moriarty, ever."


"No! Nothing, Y/N, nothing is worth more than you gaining your freedom. Including my own life."

Y/N let the tears slip down her cheeks as she moved her hands up to cup Sherlock's face. "Sherlock..." Her thumbs rubbed against his cheekbones. "Your life is worth more to me than my freedom."

Sherlock didn't give a verbal response. Instead one hand went around to hold the back of Y/N's head and the other went to her waist. He pulled her into him and locked his lips with hers. It was clear that she was slightly taken by surprise, eyes wide at his action. He took that opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth. Y/N responded with closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around Sherlock's torso, holding herself closer to him. Sherlock pulled back slightly, taking Y/N's bottom lip with him.

Y/N moaned as she closed the gap once again. She pushed him onto the bed, keeping herself on top of him. His hands moved to her hips, gripping them with love and desire. Her hands moved through his black locks of hair, tugging ever so slightly, as her lips strayed away from his lips and onto his stubbled jaw.

"Y/N," Sherlock rasped.

"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, lips moving down his neck.

"Moriarty is going to try and kill John and Mary tonight, remember?" Y/N sighed, stopping her kisses and just resting her head in Sherlock's neck. "We need to go save them."


He guided her head to look up and him before pressing a loving kiss to her lips. "Promise not to run or turn yourself in."



She sighed and nodded, giving into it just to please Sherlock. Not because she actually meant it. "Promise."

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