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 It took a couple of days to get to Heilbronn. Sherlock and Y/N stayed close together, on and off the horse. The practically couldn't take their hands off of one other. They tried to keep it together as best they could with the group they were with. They knew though that one moment alone, both sets of clothes would be off.

They reached Heilbronn in the cloudy night. Simza and her group agreed to stay behind with the horses while Y/N, Sherlock, and John snuck in.

"We'll slip in through the loading bay," Y/N said, having been to this place before on an errand for Moriarty.

"We'll find out what he's doing and then we get out," John added.

"Getting out might be tricky," Sherlock expressed.

"We will get you out," Simza said. "If my brother's in there, get him out alive."

"Of course," Y/N responded.

Sherlock and John gave Simza a nod before the trio began heading towards the factory. Sherlock slipped his rough fingers through Y/N's, feeling the need to keep her close by. When they got closer to the factory, they noticed that there were many soldiers guarding the place. Sherlock kept his grip on Y/N's hand as they snuck around. They got pretty far into the property before they had to hide from a long train of soldiers. They waited with their guns ready until they soldiers disappeared.

"Are you happy?" Sherlock turned to John and asked.

"What?" John questioned. Y/N was confused as well.

"At this moment, are you as happy as you would be on your honeymoon in Brighton?"

"You can't be serious Sherlock," Y/N responded.

"I'm not going to grace that question with an answer," John replied.

"Are you happy?" Sherlock repeated.

"Are we here for another reason? I think we are."


"Shall we get on with—"

"It's a simple question."

"Are we gonna do something, or wait here for them to come back round?"

"What time is it?"

John checked his pocket watch. "3:15."

"Over there in the residential part of the complex should be a telegraph office. Send this to Mycroft." Sherlock handed John a note. "Be back here on the hour."

John swiftly took his leave. Sherlock hastily grabbed Y/N by the waist and kissed her. He kissed her hard and passionately until they were both completely out of breath. He pulled away and she held onto his shoulders to keep her knees from buckling.

"You need to stay here," Sherlock said. "Wait for John."

"No," she shook her head. "I'm coming with you. I know this complex. I've been here before. I—"

"I will not put you in more harms way than I already have."


"I will not. You must stay here, give this to Watson when he arrives back." He pulled out more folded up papers from his pocket and stuff them in Y/N's hand. "My dear..." His hands came up to hold her face, ever so gently for such roughness. "I... you... I feel... I cannot lose you."

"I cannot lose you either. Please let me come with you."

Sherlock shook his head. "No." He kissed her once more. "Stay here." He let go of her and backed away. "Please." Then he was gone.

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