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 Sherlock's ears were ringing as he began to come to. Dark smoke filled the air all around. He barely noticed or could hear Clarky running toward him.

"Mr. Holmes," Clarky called, noticing Sherlock laying there clearly dazed. "Sir." He got down and grabbed Sherlock. Sherlock reached out and allowed Clarky to help him up. "Mr. Holmes." Clarky stood up him up and moved him against the wall. Sherlock's eyes were looking around for Irene, Y/N, and Watson. He couldn't see any of them. "Mr. Holmes, we have an order for your arrest, sir." By the way Holmes was looking at him, Clarky knew that he wasn't understanding. "Sir!" He shouted him, trying to keep him up on his two feet. "Lord Coward has issued a warrant for your arrest, sir."

Sherlock panicked, trying to move to get to where he last saw Y/N and Watson. "Y/N..." he mumbled.

Clarky stopped him. "She and Watson are alive. Just get out of here, sir." He shoved Sherlock away, who began running. "Go, sir, go."

Sherlock knew that the most important thing now was to check on his two friends. He had to see if they were both okay before he went after Blackwood for doing what he had done.


Irene kept looking over her shoulder as she was escorted to her train car. She needed to get out of here before the Professor got to her. It was a risky move, disappearing from both the Professor and Sherlock. But it had to be done. She tried to not appear too desperate, too scared. She was scratched up and bruised from the blast but there was no time to take care of her wounds.

"Will the train be departing on time?" She questioned the man escorting her.

"The train's been delayed, madam," he responded, opening her train car door. "Shouldn't be long now, though."

Irene entered the train car, glancing over her shoulder again. As she moved to her seat, she noted a person in the corner reading a newspaper. But it didn't set off any red flags. Irene looked out the window before looking down at her dress. She heard the rustle of the man's paper folding, but failed to notice that he was folding it so that he could look at her.

"The train will depart when I tell it to," the man said. Irene froze upon hearing his voice. She tried not to show how terrified she was as she slowly looked at him in the dark corner. "And you will leave my employment when I give you permission. I have already lost my very best employee, I cannot afford to lose another."

"I fulfilled my contract," Irene retorted. "I found Reordan. He's in Scotland Yard's mortuary. So that's me, finished."

"Your job was to manipulate Holmes' feelings for you, not succumb to them. You have fulfilled nothing." Irene could hear the faint sound of his gun cocking. "I want what Reordan was making for Blackwood. Finish the job or the next dead body, will be Sherlock Holmes." The man, still keeping his face covered, leaned forward. "And don't begin to think that I don't know about you knowing where Y/N is. That you used her to your own benefit. She and Holmes found Reordan for you. So, I need you to bring her in as well. It's time for her to come home."


Sherlock, disguised as a doctor, found his way to Y/N's shared with John in the hospital. It was a veterans hospital, but apparently Mary fought to keep Y/N with John so that she was able to keep an eye on both of them. The two were each in small twins on either side of the room. They were still unconscious, now mainly from the medication they had been given.

Sherlock went over to Y/N's bed first. He carefully sat down on the edge of it. With a trembling hand, he gently ran his fingers along the side of her face.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

Not really trusting the other doctors, he checked her over. Sherlock rewrapped many of the bandages on her, doing his best to not wake her. Once he was done, Sherlock held a kiss to her forehead and then moved on to John. He noticed some pieces of wood stuck in his neck and, using the correct tools, began taking them out himself.

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